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By Gracie Plikuhn. About the author  Elizabeth Winthrop has written over 60 books  She writes books for all ages  Elizabeth writes lots of genres including.

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Presentation on theme: "By Gracie Plikuhn. About the author  Elizabeth Winthrop has written over 60 books  She writes books for all ages  Elizabeth writes lots of genres including."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Gracie Plikuhn

2 About the author  Elizabeth Winthrop has written over 60 books  She writes books for all ages  Elizabeth writes lots of genres including fiction

3 Main Character William is a normal kid. Mrs. Phillips is his nanny. She is going to England not for a vacation but for good, she’s moving in with her brother, and that makes William sad. To make William happier Mrs. Phillips gives him a going away present……

4 The Castle The present for Mrs. Phillips really surprises William, it made him happy again. She told him,“I owned this castle when I was your age, it meant a lot to me. Wait till you discover the Silver Knight. You should find him on your own. You deserve it.”

5 Crazy Things When William again picked up the knight it talked! He had so much questions to ask put William only asked a few. “How did you come alive”? he asked the Silver Knight. The knight had a lot of things to tell him.

6 The Silver Knight William remembered something about a knight Mrs. Phillips mentioned. When it was time for bed he snuck into the attic and explored the castle by himself. He found a box with a token and tiny knight covered in lead. Of course, he picked up the knight and it became alive right when he picked it up! William told Mrs. Phillips what happened with the knight. She said, “ when I had him he was always stiff, but he was supposed to come alive again.

7 Silver Knights Story “ I have a lot to tell you. I’m Sir Simon some people call me the Silver Knight. I’m under a spell by Alastor the evil wizard. I am a only child, my fathers name is Lord Aquila who was at the end of his life, a very sick man. At that time there was a very powerful wizard named Alastor. Some months my father grew very ill, the man arrived at the castle one morning, seeking employment, and my father took pity on him. Alastor seemed perfectly harmless at first. The more I saw of him the less I knew him. Around his neck, Alastor wore a length of woven ribbon from which dangled three medals. Hanging from the ribbon, on either side of the disk, were two halves of one medal showed the two faces of Janus. Janus guards the gates of heaven and looks both ways in time. It had an evil, magical power. One half of the token made things small, and the other restored them to their normal size. Meanwhile, my father got steadily worse. Alastor sat by my fathers bed, asking about symptoms and made a list. The next day the he.made a potion he gave to my father. He got better except Alastor poisoning him at the same time. The wizard took over and ruled the kingdom”.

8 The Plan Sir Simon came up with a plan to defeat the wizard. Him and William were going to the kingdom to set off for an adventure. The knight hadn’t been there in a long time. They went to bed and knew they were leaving the next morning.

9 Read the book to find out what happens next

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