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I wandered lonely as a cloud, That floats on high o'er vales and hills….

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Presentation on theme: "I wandered lonely as a cloud, That floats on high o'er vales and hills…."— Presentation transcript:

1 I wandered lonely as a cloud, That floats on high o'er vales and hills….


3 Thin wispy high clouds

4 High, small, puffy and patchy

5 Tall, fluffy angry looking grey clouds

6 Medium height, small puffy clouds, patchy lines

7 Thin and uniform

8 Low, puffy and piled up

9 Uniform, thin to think layered clouds, ill-defined

10 Broad and flat on the bottom, puffy on top

11 Cirro- given to high altitude clouds- means wisp of hair. Alto- given to mid- altitude clouds- means high. Nimbo (prefix) or nimbus (suffix)- is used for clouds that bring rain. Cumulo- means heap and refer to piles of clouds. Stratus- means layer and refers to flat wide layered clouds.

12 Flickr userimage Patrick Smith PhotographFront images pyles94Cirrus Man in a bowler hatCirrocumulus A guy with a cameraCumulonimbus Andreas ChristenAltocumulus Nicholas TAltostratus Nicholas TCumulus Imprint PhortographyStratus clouds Nicholas TStratocumulus s/10%20Major%20Cloud%20Types.htm Cloud diagram All images are Creative Commons- with except of the cloud diagram- source unknown.

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