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Shintoism, and the philosophy of Confucianism.

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1 Shintoism, and the philosophy of Confucianism.
Religions of Southern and Eastern Asia: Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism and Confucianism SS7G12 The student will analyze the diverse cultures of the people who live in Southern and Eastern Asia. b. Compare and contrast the prominent religions in Southern and Eastern Asia: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Shintoism, and the philosophy of Confucianism. .

2 Religious Group: Choose to be in. Believe in the same religious beliefs.
Ethnic Group: Share language, race, customs and traditions, common ancestors.

3 Confucianism Not considered a religion, but a way of life which is based on the teachings of its founder Founded in China Created by Chinese Philosopher Confucius Believed he could bring peace to ancient China His teachings stressed Family Importance Children should respect their parents Subjects should respect their ruler Rulers should treat their subjects fairly

4 Confucianism Each person has a place in society and they must accept their positions so that society can function well In his 50s, Confucius wandered from state to state giving unsolicited advice to rulers on how to improve their governing

5 Buddhism Religion founded in India, based on the teachings of its founder Founded by Siddhartha Gautama (a Hindu) who was searching for enlightenment Became enlightened while sitting under a Bo or Bodhi tree Named Buddha (means enlightened one)

6 Buddhism Followers do not believe in a god, but rather the teachings of Buddha Four Noble Truths and Eight Fold Path Tripitaka (holy book) Ultimate goal is to reach Nirvana (Perfect Peace) Reincarnation- a cycle of birth and rebirth Behavior in present life determines what you will be in next life Worship in Temples called Pagodas.

7 Buddhism: Noble Truths
There is suffering in the world. To live is to suffer. The cause of suffering is self-centered desire and attachments. The solution is to eliminate desire and attachments. To reach nirvana, one must follow the Eightfold Path.

8 BUDDHISM VOCABULARY Siddhartha Gautama- founder of Buddhism  became known as the Buddha Buddha- Enlightened One Four Noble Truths- basic teachings of Buddhism Nirvana- a state of happiness and peace Eightfold Path- set of guidelines for right living in Buddhism

9 Hinduism One of the oldest religions in the world.
over 80% of Indians are Hindu Do not following teachings of a man. Believe in many gods who are all images from a single god Brahma Not Polytheistic

10 Hinduism Followers of the Hindu religion believe..
Karma : a positive and negative force caused by a persons actions; determines ones position in life. Reincarnation- Ultimate goal is to reach moksha (freedom from reincarnation) No one sacred text. Rather, there are many texts like the Vedas that teach Hindus behavior

11 Hinduism Hindus also believe in the Caste System Brahmans (priests)
Kashatriyas (soldiers) Vaishyas (merchants) Shudras (laborers)

12 Shintoism Earliest known religion of Japan Centers around Kami
The spirit of a god Unlike Islam, Buddhism, or Hinduism Shintoism has not spread to other parts of the world. No rules for moral living No concepts of a single god

13 Shintoism Shintoists….
Reverent to nature, life, birth, and fertility Physical purity more important than moral purity Worship their ancestors in Shrines Believe ancestors become Kami Many people who practice Shintoism also practice another religion. Shamans are Shinto Priests who communicate with the spirits A Tori is the gate to all Shinto Shrines


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