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MTT Competency 7 Bullets 10-18 Sheri Higgs. Bullets 10 - 18 10.Demonstrates knowledge of effective methods for incorporating technology into various instructional.

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Presentation on theme: "MTT Competency 7 Bullets 10-18 Sheri Higgs. Bullets 10 - 18 10.Demonstrates knowledge of effective methods for incorporating technology into various instructional."— Presentation transcript:

1 MTT Competency 7 Bullets 10-18 Sheri Higgs

2 Bullets 10 - 18 10.Demonstrates knowledge of effective methods for incorporating technology into various instructional strategies (e.g., direct instruction, cooperative, project- based) to maximize student learning and teacher effectiveness. 11.Demonstrates knowledge of theories and factors that affect learning in technology enhanced environments (e.g., students’ developmental stages and characteristics).

3 Bullets 10 - 18 12.Demonstrates knowledge of current research on and strategies for planning and designing classroom learning environments that effectively integrate technology, including available assistive technologies and accessible design concepts for electronic media development. 13.Identifies and critically reviews sources of information about convergent research on integrating technology into the curriculum. 14.Knows how to facilitate the use of integrated technologies in foundation and enrichment curricular content environments.

4 Bullets 10 - 18 15.Knows how to facilitate the preproduction, production, distribution, and use of student and educator products. 16.Knows how to analyze and apply current convergent research on teaching and learning with technology to plan and design developmentally appropriate learning experiences that use technology-enhanced instructional strategies. 17.Knows how to use technology to develop student collaboration skills to propose, assess, implement, and communicate solutions to real-world problems. 18.Knows and applies effective classroom-management strategies in technology enhanced environments.

5 Instructional Strategies Direct Instruction the explicit teaching of a skill-set using lectures or demonstrations of the material Cooperative Learning students interact in purposely structured heterogeneous groups to support the learning of all in the group Project-based Learning an approach for classroom activity that emphasizes learning activities that are long-term, interdisciplinary and student-centered Wikipedia

6 Technology for Direct Instruction Smart Boards Smart Slates Projectors Video (streaming, DVD, VCR, etc.) Drill and practice software

7 Technology for Cooperative Learning Blogs Data Collection probes and software Wiki Digital Cameras Online collaborative groups

8 Technology for Project-Based Learning Real world use of technology For example: data collection and analysis, communication of results or sharing of artifact via internet, etc. Wiki Digital Cameras Various softwares for monitoring and documenting progress

9 Student Factors Age/Academic Range Gender distribution Socioeconomic factors Educational level Special needs Developmentally Appropriate Educational Technology

10 Student Factors Prior knowledge and experience Prerequisite knowledge Related experience Perception of role as student Motivation for learning Attitude toward learning Educational Technology

11 Teacher Factors Budget available Technology available Time Knowledge and experience with technology (training) Attitude toward technology Educational Technology

12 Implementation Factors Class size Length of class period Location (classroom, computer lab, etc) Seating arrangement Environment (noise, temperature, etc.) Technology support Educational Technology

13 Planning and Designing Learning Environment Set learning goals –instructional strategies to be utilized –roles of teacher and MTT in lesson Decide on target technologies Examples: –Computer lab –Projectors –software needed –internet access –probeware Educational Technology

14 Planning and Designing Learning Environment Identify constraints which might limit or restrict use of target technologies Examples: –Limited equipment –availability of computer lab –TAKS testing –student and/or teacher learning curve –student special needs Educational Technology

15 Planning and Designing Learning Environment Determine solutions to constraints Examples: –scheduling –assistive technologies needed –prior training for students/teacher –installation of software –backup equipment Educational Technology

16 A VERY Short List of Reputable Resources Regional Service Centers

17 Sharing Student Products Wiki’s Brochures Video Audio files PowerPoint

18 Sharing Student Products Web based iPod Animation files Spreadsheets Charts, tables and Graphs

19 Sharing Student Products File FormatRecommended Distribution Flash (MPEG-4) (AVC) (SWF) Web playback in multiple browsers Flash (FLV)Web playback when Flash video player accepts the FLV format and does not accept MPEG-4 AVC Windows Media Player (WMV) Windows Media Player Web QuickTime movie (MOV)Cross-platform playback (Mac or Windows) QuickTime Movie Player Camtasia Studio® Help – Produce a Video: Produce Using Custom Production

20 Sharing Student Products File FormatRecommended Distribution Audio Video Interleave (AVI)CD DVD Hard drive iPod, iPhone, iTunes (M4V) Video capable iPod iPod Touch iPhone iTunes Audio only (MP3)Audio playback RealMedia (RM)RealMedia Player Camtasia Studio® Help – Produce a Video: Produce Using Custom Production

21 Sharing Student Products File FormatRecommended Distribution Camtasia for RealPlayer (CAMV) Camtasia for RealPlayer Playback on a viewer’s hard drive, from a network, or over the Web. Animation File (GIF)Web Email Documents Additional Outputs MP3Audio playback M4VVideo capable iPod iTunes PPTMicrosoft PowerPoint® Camtasia Studio® Help – Produce a Video: Produce Using Custom Production

22 Classroom Management Proximity Filters on Internet Access Specific authentic tasks Provide Rubric to allow students to know goals and expectations Remote computer monitoring software Heterogenous appropriate group selection Age/education appropriate lessons Class and technology use rules posted Technology use contracts

23 References Camtasia Studio® Help – Produce a Video: Produce Using Custom Production Educational Technology Edutopia: What Works in Public Education Wikipedia

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