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DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Overview of DVB related projects in IST E 3 « Interfaces » Leon van Noorden

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Presentation on theme: "DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Overview of DVB related projects in IST E 3 « Interfaces » Leon van Noorden"— Presentation transcript:

1 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Overview of DVB related projects in IST E 3 « Interfaces » Leon van Noorden

2 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 business models NEXTV user interface MPEG4 SAMBITS MPEG7 OCCAMM MPEG21 Avatars SONG MPEG4 and IP IP and MPEG4, QoS OPENISE DVB DVB- MHP+IP +MPEG4 +MPEG7 +MPEG21 UpTV MyTV MPEG 7 service provider end-user

3 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 NexTV New media consumption in Extended interactive TeleVision environment IST-1999-11288 Maddy Janse Project leader

4 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 NexTV Objective Demonstrate the viability of combining emerging Internet and broadcast technologies to develop attractive consumer applications in the broadcast domain to develop a suitable business framework.


6 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 SAMBITS: Stands for Systems for Advanced Multimedia Broadcast and IT Services Project Partners IRT Germany EBU (assoc.d to IRT) BBC UK Bayerischer Rundfunk, Germany Brunel University, UK Queen Mary & Westfield College, UK Heinrich-Hertz-Institut GmbH, Germany GMD-FI GmbH, Germany KPN Research, Netherlands Telenor AS, Norway Laboratoires d’ Electronique Philips, France Siemens AG, Germany

7 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 SAMBITS: The Reference Chain Broadcast Service Broadcast Service Internet Service Internet Service Broadcast Channel DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T Broadcast Channel DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T Internet Channel PSTN/ISDN, Cable (Coax & Fiber) Satellite Internet Channel PSTN/ISDN, Cable (Coax & Fiber) Satellite SAMBITS Integrated Receiver Decoder SAMBITS Integrated Receiver Decoder Broadcast Network Adapter Internet Network Adapter Internet Interface Module Broadcast Interface Module Forward Interaction path Return Interaction path SAMBITS User Terminal (STB)

8 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Main Directions of the ProjectMain Directions of the Project –developing of multimedia studio system (example implementation) for real-time and offline content manipulation, annotation/event characterisation and insertion/integration –interactive multimedia services based on MPEG-4 and MPEG-7 including synchronising broadcast and Internet content –demonstrate integrated (DVB/Internet) services using a consumer type terminal Eurovision Song Contest Interactive Travel Program Scientific program in future TV: Story of “DNA” –Project duration: 1 January 2000 – 31 December 2001

9 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Broadcasting & Internet: Convergence or divergence of media? DeliveryMedium ServiceProvider ReceivingEquipment Broadcast Delivery Internet BroadcasterInternet Host DVB-MUX

10 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Project IST 11443 Open Components for Controlled Access to Multimedia Material

11 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Who we are  Telecom  Multimedia  Universities  Electronics industry  SMEs  Content providers

12 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 SDMI OPIMA MPEG Encryption Watermarking Certification Authors Users Producers ISPs E-commerce Infrastructures Authorities Network Operators OCCAMM rationale Authors Users E-commerce Infrastructures Authorities Producers Network Operators ISPs OCCAMM Open Secure Platform Security Providers

13 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 OCCAMM specific objectives  Identify interesting business models and applications in the field of controlled on-line trade of multimedia  Specify, design and build a prototypical reference platform, based on open architectures and able to support the selected applications  Develop standard-compliant enabling tools and components for IPR protection and management  Validate the identified business models, architectures and technologies in user trials  Provide evaluation results, feedback on relevant standards and hints for commercial exploitation

14 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 The OCCAMM terminal concept Local Render Media Dec. Compose Media Access OS & HW Media Dec. IPMPS Plug-in (tools) LCM PD & PM UI SDMI App. LCM App. API IPMPS Plug-in (control) OVM App. Serv. APIIPMP Serv. APIApp. Serv. API MPEG-4 Player Media APIIPMP APIAccess API

15 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 SoNG portalS of Next Generation Olivier Avaro (France Telecom R&D) project leader

16 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Project Overview (1) Partners : –Co-ordinator: FT R&D; –Contractors: Blaxxun Interactive; CSELT; T-Nova; GET; EPFL; GMD; Imperial College; INRIA; Telenor; University of Geneva; Universität Stuttgart; Siemens. Domain : –Virtual worlds, multi-user environments, intelligent agents, simulation and data visualisation, e- commerce applications. Key data : –duration of 24 months with a budget of 632 mm.

17 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Project Overview (2) Goal –Investigate, develop and standardise the building blocks for the next generation of portals and demonstrate in a real-time e- commerce application how they allow a more natural access to services. Building blocks –(1) Shared, dynamic and real-time virtual spaces; (2) Animation of realistic synthetic faces and bodies; (3) Software agents capturing human characteristics and learning user profiles; (4) Intuitive interfaces for navigation and interaction in information spaces; (5) Delivery of information with QoS monitoring. Application –E-commerce application allowing navigation in synthetic real sites populated with shops. The user can inspect goods, communicate with virtual or real humans, and make transactions.

18 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Open Platform for ENhanced Interactive SErvices Open Platform for ENhanced Interactive SErvices

19 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Project coordinator The OPENISE Consortium Consortium set-up criteria: all the value chain components represented!

20 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 The OPENISE Activity Areas Integration Interactive TV Complex MPEG4 Scenes IP QOS MPEG4 Videoconferencing Virtual Guided Tour Virtual Conferencing 2D and 3D audio IP Multicasting Radio PMP ADSL ADSL.Lite Encoding/ Streaming Server MPEG4 Player APPLICATIONS CONTENT NETWORKING TERMINAL/ SERVER 2D Video Graphics

21 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Ubiquitious Personalized Multimedia TV Systems and Services UP-TV IST-1999-20751

22 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Partners of UP-TV Axcent Media AG Main contractor, technology for TV Anytime systems UPB / PC2Technology Partner, research on selection and placement MUSIC/TUC Technology Partner, research on mobility and content mngt. Infonova Technology Partner, Content management, DVB expert IntracomTechnology Partner, User profiling, E-Commerce Integration Pixelpark Technology Partner, TV portals GrundigCE/Hotel TV systems, Int. of TVA services for hotel TV TVL Broadcaster, Trial implementation BertelsmannBroadcaster, Business scenarios and view of broadcasters ERTBroadcaster, Trial implementation, Business scenarios PPS Service Provider, Metadata

23 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Objectives of UP-TV TV-Anytime systems and services: –Will be available as consumer devices (single user systems) –Will be integrated in video server systems for in-house and last mile applicatons UP-TV Scenario:

24 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 myTV TV-Anytime for DVB Ronald Tol Philips Research

25 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 myTV project participants ParticipantsCountry Philips Electronics Nederland BVNL Philips S.p.A. I Philips Electronics UK LtdUK RAI – Radiotelevisione Italiana S.p.A.I British Broadcasting CorporationUK Nokia CorporationFIN Nokia Multimedia Terminals OYFIN Nederlands Omroepproduktie BedrijfNL University of LjubljanaSI NDSUK

26 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 TV-Anytime functionality “Watch what you want, when you want” Simpler ways for the consumer to acquire TV content on local storage –click on EPG, trailer, website groups > programmes > segments –series, related material –news items, parts of programmes Personalisation and automatic recording

27 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 TV-Anytime Forum Formally founded September 1999 Currently over 140 members including Sony, Samsung, Microsoft, Disney, Canal+, TiVo Open specifications for –content referencing & location resolution July 2000 –metadataDec 2000 –rights management & protectionFeb 2001 ‘Agnostic’ about the means for content delivery

28 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 What is myTV? 2-years (~60 my) project in the IST programme Started 1 January 2000 Aims to provide an interoperable TV-Anytime solution for DVB Partners –CE equipment manufacturers: Philips, Nokia –broadcasters: BBC, RAI, NOB –third party service provider: UoL –active co-operation with NDS

29 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 DVB broadcaster End-to-end architecture Internet DVB myTV box Display Smart card Internet TVA service provider WAP gateway WAP phone

30 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 My TV Objectives Specify and implement a consumer platform with built-in local storage Develop TV-Anytime services exploiting this platform Provide true interoperability, both across different service providers and across different box manufacturers

31 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 MyTV Milestones

32 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 Up-coming projects from 4th IST call: CISMUNDUS (DVB-T & UMTS) SOQUET (~ MOSQUITO) ICE-CREAM (~NexTV) some proposals received for 5th call, also on in home networks Next: 7th call, october 2001

33 DVB-TM 41 17/01/01 dissemination Media Futures, May 8-10, Florence IBC2001: big common demo

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