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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Audio EditingShooting Format Terms Equipment.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Audio EditingShooting Format Terms Equipment

2 What piece of equipment transforms sound waves into an electrical signal?

3 A microphone Two types of microphones (by conversion technology) are… Two pickup patterns are…

4 When using Avid, if you want to hear 2 audio sources at the same time in your sequence (e.g. music and V.O.), you have to do two things:

5 1. Create multiple audio tracks 2. Patch the additional audio onto the new tracks. 2. Mix the audio using audio keyframes You do these things by…

6 What are some ways you can pick up better, clearer sound when shooting a scene or interview?

7 Use a microphone properly directed at the subject, shoot in the most quiet area possible, move the on camera mic closer to the subject.

8 When using Avid, what do you have to first do to be able to use audio keyframes?

9 1. Activate “Audio Auto Gain on the track. 2. Activate keyframes

10 What set of keyboard keys do you use to play clips and sequences at various speeds and directions?

11 J-K-L Other important keyboard shortcuts are: I: mark in point O: mark out point V: splice in B: overwrite X: extract Z: lift cmd + Z: undo hold cmd + click: snap to edit points

12 What can you do if you make a mistake when working in Avid?

13 -press Cmd/Z -use your mouse to click Edit & Undo -extract the piece you mistakenly put in -lift the piece you mistakenly put in and replace it -use segment mode to move footage -Duplicate your sequence and re-edit

14 What is the difference between splice and overwrite?

15 Splice inserts selected material, moving all material after it down, and the sequence becomes longer. Overwrite puts selected material over existing material, and the sequence length remains the same.

16 If you want a graphic to be layered over other video in your timeline, what must you do before editing the title in?

17 1. Create another video track. 2. patch your video source track to the new timeline track 3. Splice/overwrite your graphic onto the new video track You do these things by…

18 What 2 things must you do before you can begin editing footage you’ve shot in Avid (assuming all necessary equipment is on and you’ve opened up Avid)?

19 1. Create a new project 2. Import your footage 3. Create/open a bin

20 What is a gradual transition from video footage to black called?

21 FADE A gradual transition from 2 different pieces of video footage is a DISSOLVE. An instant transition between 2 different video sources is a CUT. Cutting between two shots where field of view and angle are very similar is called a JUMP CUT

22 What type of angle is being shot when a camera is slightly below the subject?

23 Low angle Other camera angles are...

24 When zooming in or zooming out, you are changing the ________ of the lens.

25 Focal length Zooming in = longer focal length = more magnified = narrower field of view. If the focal length is long, distances between objects are flattened Zooming out = shorter focal length = less magnified = wider field of view If the focal length is short, distances between objects are exaggerated, and there may be wide angel distortion.

26 When videotaping a person in motion, what is the space that should be left in front of him called?

27 Lead room: There should be more space in front of than behind a person in motion. Other types of space around a subject are...

28 Moving the camera and its support from left to right or right to left is what type of camera movement?

29 a truck other camera movements are...

30 Using the correct term for field of view, what is one example of an establishing shot when shooting a story about the construction of the new high school?

31 -an extreme wide shot/extreme long shot (EWS/ELS) of the new site. -a close up (CU) of a construction hard hat with the MTHS logo on it The above are 2 examples. Establishing shots simply establish information about the setting and topic of a story for the audience.

32 Name 3 video components commonly used in television news and news packages.

33 -b-roll -soundbite -reporter standup -lower third graphic -full page graphic

34 Name a step of persuasion as used in commercials and PSAs

35 1. get the audience’s attention 2. hold its interest 3. create the impression of a problem or issue of interest 4. provide a course of action to be taken to address that problem or issue 5. make a strong appeal to your audience to take the intended course of action

36 Name an audio component of a news story or news package.

37 -nat sound -voiceover -soundbite -reporter standup

38 Any visual element in television is called…

39 Video. Any sound elements is called audio. Text or other digital artwork seen on screen are called graphics.

40 What type of question can you ask in an interview to get a detailed and conversational answer?

41 an open-ended question

42 What piece of equipment does the Technical Director operate?

43 the switcher Some other studio jobs and pieces of equipment are...

44 Name an example of a camera support and describe its function?

45 Tripod, monopod, studio pedestal, etc. Camera supports allow for steadier shots and smoother camera movements.

46 What is the small part of a tripod that can screw into the bottom of a camera and lock in place on the tripod?

47 The PLATE is what you use to properly mount a camera onto a tripod. What are some other parts of a tripod?

48 How many frames of video equal 1 (one) second?

49 30 (thirty) frames (CAUTION: This has nothing to do with SHUTTER SPEED, the amount of time light is allowed to enter the camera lens. Fast shutter speed = motions will be captured crisply, but image may be darker. Slow shutter speed = motions may get blurry, but image will be brighter.

50 You are shooting something under studio lights, but the colors look off: Everything looks too red. The camcorder setting that needs to be adjusted is…

51 White Balance. Tungsten (artificial light) has a lower color temperature and is more red in color. Daylight has a higher color temperature and is more blue in color.

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