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The passport is an A5 personalised transition ‘booklet’ consisting of 8 sides covering all daily routines that require support. The small easy read document.

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Presentation on theme: "The passport is an A5 personalised transition ‘booklet’ consisting of 8 sides covering all daily routines that require support. The small easy read document."— Presentation transcript:

1 The passport is an A5 personalised transition ‘booklet’ consisting of 8 sides covering all daily routines that require support. The small easy read document is written as if by the student themselves and offers the following information; Daily Transition Passport

2 Morning transition arrangements if I am going home at 3pm Morning transition arrangements if I am going to after school club at 3pm Morning transition arrangements if I am accessing short breaks at 3pm General activities between room/activity Lunchtime transition arrangements Personal care Going off-site transition arrangements Home time transition arrangements if I’m going home/after school club/short breaks Equipment checklist Therapy (OT/physio/SALT) Communication Things you should know (VI, HI, ASD, behaviour, medical) My interests/likes/dislikes How I make choices Daily Transition Passport

3 Each small daily transition determines the success of the activity that follows, think of the micro transitions as the ‘glue’ that keeps everything together. Our Daily Transition Passports ensure smooth transitions throughout the day using a consistent approach tailored to individuals needs. Why?

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