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1 Quiz Show Technology Terms. 2 Vocabulary Quiz Board AcronymsHardwareSoftwareAnythingPeople $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600$600$600 $600.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Quiz Show Technology Terms. 2 Vocabulary Quiz Board AcronymsHardwareSoftwareAnythingPeople $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600$600$600 $600."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Quiz Show Technology Terms

2 2 Vocabulary Quiz Board AcronymsHardwareSoftwareAnythingPeople $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600$600$600 $600

3 3 Acronyms - $100  PC  Link Link

4 4 Acronyms - $200  GUI  Link Link

5 5 Acronyms – 3  KB  Link Link

6 6 Acronyms - 4  WYSIWYG  Link Link

7 7 Acronyms - 5  CRT  Link Link

8 8 Acronyms $100  The Acronym for Personal Computer

9 9 Acronyms $200  The Acronym for Graphical User Interface  When users could point and click at graphical items rather than typing out all the commands. For example, –Copy a:/english/essay1.doc to c:/my documents/english/essa1.doc

10 10 Acronyms $300  The Acronym Kilobytes – 1000 bytes of Data

11 11 Acronyms $400  The Acronym for the phrase “What You See is What You Get”  What you see on your screen is what prints on the printer

12 12 Acronyms $500  Cathode Ray Tube – TV like monitor rather than flat panel monitors

13 13 Hardware for $100  What is the component that stores data permanently  Link Link

14 14 Hardware Answer $100  Hard drive also known as the C: Drive

15 15 Hardware for $200  What is the most important component that determines the speed of the computer  Link Link

16 16 Hardware Answer $200  CPU also known as  Central Processing Unit  Processor  Microprocessor  The Brain of the computer

17 17 Hardware for $300  The Processor of the computer provides a.Brain power b.Performs calculations c.Executes commands d.Provides temporary storage e.A, b, c f.B, c, d – Link Link

18 18 Hardware Answer for $300 – e CPU is described all these ways - brainpower, calculations, and commands

19 19 Hardware $400  What is the third most important component for the overall speed and performance of the computer and what does it do?  Link Link

20 20 Hardware Answer for $400  BUS – it is the communication pathway for data to flow to and from all components of the computer.

21 21 Hardware for $500  What unit of measure determines the speed of the CPU and RAM and what is the definition?  Link Link

22 22 Hardware Answer for $500  Hertz  One single oscillation of an electromagnetic wave.  Bonus Question Bonus Question Bonus Question

23 23 Software for $100  What type of software is your Windows XP considered –Operating System –Application –Data  Link Link

24 24 Software Answer for $100  Operating System  Example – Windows XP, Linux, Mac OS X Tiger

25 25 Software for $200  Data files are software and each file that is saved has a __________ at the end of the name – Please give one example.  Link Link

26 26 Software Answer for $200  Extension – that identifies the type of file it is  Examples  RTF – Rich Text Format  Doc – Word Document  WPS – Works  XLS – Excel spreadsheet  PPT – PowerPoint

27 27 Software for $300  Given this pathname identify the primary folder – A:\FallSem2004\English\Essay1.doc  Link Link

28 28 Software Answer for $300  FallSem2004

29 29 Software for $400  Software is/are a.The logical part of the computer b.The invisible part of the computer c.Things such as peripheral devices d.Files and applications e.A and b f.A b and d g.A c and d h.None of the above – Link Link

30 30 Software Answer for $400 – F. logical, invisible, files, applications

31 31 Software for $500  What is a Killer Application? a.A piece of software that corrupts your computer so nothing works b.A computer that is a lemon and you have to return on a warranty c.A program application so awesome that you have to buy a computer to run it. d.A new type of virus that your anti-virus software does not know how to fix. Link

32 32 Software Answer for $500  A program application so awesome that you have to buy a computer to run it  Bonus – What was the first killer application and what computer company benefited. For $200 $200

33 33 Software Bonus Answer $200  Visicalc – the electronic spreadsheet used on the Apple II Computer.

34 34 Anything for $100  A single spaced 1 page report takes up about ____ storage space.  Link Link

35 35 Anything Answer for $100  1 Kilobyte  Bonus for $100  3000 average length novels take up about _____ storage space  Link Link

36 36 Anything Bonus Answer for $100  1 Gigabyte (GB)  Quadruple bonus $400 – how many bytes is a gigabyte? Answer Answer

37 37 Anything for $200  The speed of the processor and RAM is measured by what unit.  Link Link

38 38 Anything Answer for $200  Hertz – electronic magnetic waves

39 39 Anything for $300  The science that designs products to increase people’s productivity and to reduce physical fatigue is called???  Link Link

40 40 Anything Answer for $300  Ergonomics

41 41 Anything for $400  The subfolder for the pathname A:/Homework/essay1.doc is?  Link Link

42 42 Anything Answer for $400  There is none only a primary folder  Try again  The subfolder for C:/fall2006/homework/essay1.doc  Link Link

43 43 Anything Try Again for $300  Homework is the subfolder and the primary folder is fall2006

44 44 Anything for $500  What type of computer would you want to purchase to track and do simulations of hurricanes?  Link Link

45 45 Anything Answer for $500  A supercomputer

46 Anything for $600  Where is Silicon Valley – the captital of a.Boston Massachusetts b.Atlanta Georgia c.San Jose/San Francisco area d.Los Angeles e.None of the above Link 46

47 Anything Answer for $600  C. San Jose/San Francisco area 47

48 48 Hardware – Bonus Question - $600  What component determines the number of applications that can be running at the same time.  Link Link

49 49 Hardware – Bonus Answer - $600  RAM – the larger the Random Access Memory the more applications (Internet, Word, PowerPoint) can be running at the same time.  RAM is also commonly referred to as just memory.

50 50 Gigabyte – Answer for $400  1 billion bytes  About 3000 average length novels or 1500 large color pictures.

51 People for $100  Who invented the first major selling personal computer – Apple II? a.Bill Gates and Paul Allen b.Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac c.Tim-Berners Lee d.Grace Hopper e.President Eisenhower  Link Link 51

52 Answer for People for $100  B. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak 52

53 People for $200  Who invented the first popular applications for the personal computers and eventually had the rights to the most popular operating system? a.Bill Gates and Paul Allen b.Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac c.Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn d.Grace Hopper e.President Eisenhower LINK 53

54 Answer for People $200  a. Bill Gates & Paul Allen of Microsoft 54

55 People for $300  Who is/are the fathers of the Internet and won the Medal of Freedom Award from the President for spreading democracy with the development of the Internet? a.Bill Gates and Paul Allen b.Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac c.Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn d.Grace Hopper e.President Eisenhower Link 55

56 Answer for People for $300  c. Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn 56

57 People for $400  Who wrote the first computer language (COBOL) that had English- like commands such as move, add, subtract? a.Bill Gates and Paul Allen b.Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac c.Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn d.Grace Hopper e.President Eisenhower LINK LINK 57

58 Answer for People for $400  D. Grace Hopper 58

59 People for $500  Who invented the World Wide Web by creating HTML, the language of web pages, and URL names so that each web page could have its own unique address. a.Bill Gates and Paul Allen b.Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac c.Tim-Berners Lee d.Grace Hopper e.President Eisenhower LINK LINK 59

60 Answer for People for $500  C. Tim Berners Lee 60

61 People for $600  Who was instrumental in starting the Advanced Research Projects Agency - ARPA that poured money into scientific research in technology. a.Bill Gates and Paul Allen b.Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac c.Tim-Berners Lee d.Grace Hopper e.President Eisenhower - LINK LINK 61

62 Answer People for $600  E - President Eisenhower 62

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