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The “3 P’s” of Senate Bill 75 Prosecution Prevention Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "The “3 P’s” of Senate Bill 75 Prosecution Prevention Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 The “3 P’s” of Senate Bill 75 Prosecution Prevention Protection

2 Prosecution Felony of the first degree if person subjects an individual to involuntary servitude, such as: Causing or threatening serious harm Physically restraining or threatening to physically restrain Kidnapping or attempting to kidnap Taking/retaining personal or real property as means of coercion Extortion, blackmail, deception or fraud Felony of the second degree if person engages in sexual conduct with individual knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that the person is a human trafficking victim Felony of the third degree if the person knowingly destroys, conceals, removes, confiscates or possesses an actual or purported passport or other immigration document or government identification document in order to maintain the involuntary servitude of the individual Criminal penalties for: Nonpayment of wages for services rendered Obstructing justice to prevent enforcement of this chapter Violations by business entities that aid or participate in any violation of this chapter

3 Prevention Establishes the PA Council for Prevention of Human Trafficking in the PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency. Purpose: to develop and assist the Commission in implementing state plan.

4 Protection During prosecution, nondisclosure of victim’s name Restitution to human trafficking victim Forfeiture of all assets of individual/organization used in violation. In event of seizure of property, proceeds may be used to reimburse law enforcement agencies, with remaining amounts distributed as follows:  30% to District Attorney to be used to investigate human trafficking cases  35% to PA Council for Prevention of Human Trafficking  35% to Office of Victims’ Services in PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency

5 Act Now. End Human Trafficking. Contact your legislators to support passage of Senate Bill 75.

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