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Preparing for SACS: Focusing our Quality Enhancement Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for SACS: Focusing our Quality Enhancement Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for SACS: Focusing our Quality Enhancement Plan

2 Two Primary Components Quality Enhancement Plan to improve student learning Compliance Certification to describe and document the effectiveness of our programs and policies

3 Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) The QEP describes a carefully designed course of action that addresses a well-defined and focused topic or issue related to enhancing student learning and/or the environment supporting student learning and accomplishing the mission of the institution. Handbook for Institutions Seeking Reaffirmation SACS, August 2011 edition

4 We may choose the focus of our QEP. Institutional priority –Anchored in our strategic plan or assessment results –High level of interest and commitment from faculty and administration Feasible –Effective strategies, narrow focus –Affordable –Responsible offices have commitment and capacity –Sufficient faculty support for approval and implementation

5 SACS requirements –Designed to improve student learning in a well- defined manner –Institution-wide in scope and vision –Broad-based participation –Measureable impact on student learning Includes a well constructed assessment plan –Ready for implementation, but not yet implemented by spring 2014 Resources have been committed, a schedule has been approved, responsibility has been assigned

6 Four topics under consideration Critical and creative thinking Information literacy Global awareness Civic awareness

7 Campus input on choice of QEP topic SACS Leadership Team Faculty and staff discussion groups Deans Council Associate Deans for Academic Affairs Faculty Senate Student Affairs AVCs and Vice Provosts University Council Student Senate, UGSA Recommendation to Chancellor by SACS Leadership Team later this month, followed by appointment of QEP team

8 Critical and Creative Thinking Learning outcomes –“Designed thinking” –Analyzing and organizing information to solve problems –Synthesizing ideas, images, or expertise in original ways Possible Strategies –Freshman seminars and/or senior capstones –General education: interdisciplinary course –Supplemental instruction –Undergraduate research and learning communities Resources –Teaching positions –Release time and faculty development –Mentors and tutors

9 Information Literacy Learning Outcomes –“Evaluating the fire hose of information coming at us” –Organizing and communicating information –Effective and responsible use of information Possible Strategies –Freshman seminars, embed in existing courses –General education interdisciplinary course –Library-based instruction Resources –Teaching positions –Release time and faculty development –Mentors, tutors. librarians

10 Global Awareness Learning outcomes –Interact, communicate effectively with people from other cultures –Understand different world views –Global perspective Possible Strategies –Passport experiences, including study and service abroad –Minors, certificates, general education requirements –Learning communities, on-campus interactions Resources –Scholarships for international experiences –Academic advisors to facilitate degree planning –Programming staff

11 Civic Awareness Learning outcomes –Apply classroom knowledge and skills to community issues –“Real world” and broader geographic perspectives –Leadership and teamwork skills Possible Strategies –Service learning courses, experiential learning –Freshman seminars and/or senior capstones –Learning communities Resources –Release time and faculty development –Coordinators, supervisors for community service –Scholarships

12 What focus do you recommend for NC State’s QEP?

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