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+ History of Computers By: Evan Alderman + What will we be talking about today? Slide 3 & 4: Early computers Slide 5: ARPA Slide 6 & 7: ARPANET & the.

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Presentation on theme: "+ History of Computers By: Evan Alderman + What will we be talking about today? Slide 3 & 4: Early computers Slide 5: ARPA Slide 6 & 7: ARPANET & the."— Presentation transcript:


2 + History of Computers By: Evan Alderman

3 + What will we be talking about today? Slide 3 & 4: Early computers Slide 5: ARPA Slide 6 & 7: ARPANET & the Internet Slide 8: Packets & Convergence Slide 9: The “Killer App” (E-mail) Slide 10: The World Wide Web Slide 11: Today’s computing

4 + Early Computers: The Abacus Even though the Internet was invented more then 60 years ago, computers were developed long before the 1950’s. - For instance, the abacus is still know commonly as a computer to date. - Its use dates back as far as 5000 years ago. That’s roughly 4500 years before Christopher Columbus ventured off into sea.

5 + The Difference Engine Made by Charles Babbage Another early computing device is the difference engine, made by Charles Babbage. -The difference engine was made long after the creation of the abacus, in 1821. -Can you believe how far computer technology has come? From the abacus, to the difference engine, and now were making products like Dell and Apple laptops and desktops.

6 + ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was formed in 1958. The president of this company, Dwight D. Eisenhower created this product for the purpose of forming and developing research. It could also surpass immediate military requirements with ease. Currently, ARPA (know known as DARPA) is generating an annual budget of 2.8 billion dollars.

7 + The Arpanet & the Internet The ARPANET - The ARPANET was the acorn that would grow to become the mighty internet. It was going to be based on special purpose mini computers. - It was created by a group originally called ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency). The ARPANET wasn’t allowed to everyday citizens. It was only used in military fields/ reasons. By the time it was 1990, the ARPANET was defunct, superseded by NSFNET. The Internet - The Internet uses a standard Internet Protocol Suite, (TCP/IP). - The Internet is important because it’s the defining technology of our time. - A historic revolution in communication for the human race that is changing the world. Some of the components of the Internet include E-mail, News groups, Chat rooms, and Social Networking sites. - The Internet is currently stronger then ever, with over 2,405,518,376 users, as of October 13 th, 2013.

8 + The connection between the Internet, and the ARPANET The Internet was invented in the United States during the late 1950s to the 1970s by a group of researchers and scientists at the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). On the October 29, 1969, computers at Stanford and UCLA connected for the first time using the network then called ARPANET.

9 + Packets & Convergence Packet gets sent, and gets “chopped” into sections Your computer Packet is halfway through its venture Traveling Packet gets received, and is reformed into one Recipients computer Convergence: technology that bundles voice, audio, & video into single devices. (example: Smartphone, laptop, desktop.) A smartphone can understand your voice, play you videos, send messages, and much, much more! Packets: are like a postcard with a to and from address. was inspired from a mouse in a maze. The information flows along in each of these packets, so it makes it necessary to find its way through the network. Large network packets are broken into small pieces called flits (flow control digits ) and sets up the routing behavior for all subsequent flits associated with the packet.

10 + The “Killer App” (E-mail) This killer app was, and still is E-mail, (Electronic mail). - You could now send packets/ messages from computer to computer. Also, you could communicate from one-another, from one computer, to another computer. - Today, we can use many different devices to connect and communicate over E-mail. For instance, you could be in Sydney, Australia and send an E-mail from you iPad to your best friend. This friend can receive this message, view, and re-send messages on her Smartphone. - This “killer app” has over 2.2 billion users as of 2012. E-mail is an essential feature that many need to communicate with one-another. An example of E-mail is Outlook, made by Microsoft.

11 + The World Wide Web One day Tim Berens-Lee had finalized an invention that would change the world forever. - He called his invention the World Wide Web. He developed the software to more easily follow threads of knowledge within the information shared through- out the Internet. What Tim didn't know at the time was that he created arguably the best product in the 1900’s. - By the 1990’s the World Wide Web was It was “a way to get out of the house without leaving it, it let you connect with the world”.

12 + Today’s Computing Computers to date have come a tremendous way. At first, all you could do was send text from one-another. To date there are literally millions of options on a computer. With millions of websites, games, E-mail, and Social Media sites you are sure to have a great time on a modern day computer. But what comes with good things, also come bad things. Unlike older computers, newer ones have a lot of spam, viruses, pharming, phishing, and other severe issues that can take your personal information and possibly money from you. The Internet and World Wide Web are growing at an unimaginable rate, and with just over 30% of people using the Internet in the world, it’s easier then ever to connect with others.

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