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Presentation on theme: "GUIDED BY: MS. SHIKHA BHARDWAJ LECTURER,ECE BY: VISHWAS MEHTA VIII SEM,ECE-B"— Presentation transcript:


2 Technological Standard Created for Control and Sensor Networks Based on the IEEE 802.15.4 Standard Created by the ZigBee Alliance

3 Large networks (large number of devices and large coverage area) that can form autonomously and that will operate very reliably for years without any operator intervention Very long battery life (years off of a AA cell), very low infrastructure cost (low device & setup costs) and very low complexity and small size Device data rate and QoS needs are low Standardized protocols are necessary to allow multiple vendors to interoperate 3

4 Reliable Mesh networking Low data-rate applications Very long battery life Secure Scalable Low cost Global applicability 4

5 Engineers feel Wi-Fi and Bluetooth may be unsuitable. This spawned the idea of digital radio networks via direct-sequence spread spectrum coding. ZigBee-compliant radios may operate on one of three different radio bands: the 800 MHz, 900 MHz, or 2.4 GHz frequencies. Follows the internationally recognized radio standard for the MAC and PHY Layer.

6 Low Data Rate Radio Devices  TV  VCR  DVD  CD  Remote  Mouse  Keyboard  Joystic k  Gamepad  Security  HVAC  Lighting  Closure s  PETs  Gameboy s  Educationa l  Monitors  Diagnostic s  Sensor s Industrial & Commercial Consumer Electronics Personal Healthcare  Monitors  Sensor s  Automatio n  Control Toys & Games Home Automation PC Peripherals

7 PC And Peripherals Desktop PCs and Home Entertainment Systems (Home Theatre TV) o Computer peripherals; o HID devices Video conference equipment o Remote control Video gaming equipment o Multi-player PC & video games o Remote controls for audio and video equipment 7 7

8 Human Input Devices (HID) Keyboard Mouse / Pointing Device Remote Controls (controls for audio & video equipment) Gaming device Double Joystick 8 8

9 May allow more patient freedom o Monitors vital statistics and sends via internet  Patient can remain in their own home  Lowers cost and improves comfort o Can be used in hospice care  Patients are allowed greater movement  Reduced staff to patient ratio  Light way to bathroom when they get out of bed  Reduces patient confusion graphic 10

10 Wireless Lighting Control o Dimmable ballasts o Light switches anywhere o Customizable lighting schemes o Energy Saving on bright days 12



13 ZigBee o Smaller packets over large network o Mostly Static networks with many, infrequently used devices o Home automation, toys, remote controls, etc. Bluetooth o Larger packets over small network o Ad-hoc networks o File transfer o Screen graphics, pictures, hands- free audio, Mobile phones, headsets, PDAs, etc. Optimized for different applications 17


15 Bluetooth is a cable replacement for items like Phones, Laptop Computers, Headsets Bluetooth expects regular charging o Target is to use <10% of host power Address Different Needs 19

16 ZigBee is better for devices Where the battery is ‘rarely’ replaced o Targets are :  Tiny fraction of host power  New opportunities where wireless not yet used Address Different Needs 20

17 ZigBee targets applications not addressable by Bluetooth or any other wireless standard ZigBee and Bluetooth complement for a broader solution ZigBee and Bluetooth 21

18 Allows users to balance system cost, reliability & battery life PAN coordinator Full Function Device Reduced Function Device Star Mesh Hybrid (Cluster Tree) Simplicity Low Cost Long Battery Life Single Point of Failure Reliability Extended Range No Battery Life Routing Complexity Flexibility Reliability/Range of Mesh Battery Life of Star Design Complexity 24

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24 IEEE 802.15.4 is a standard defined by IEEE for low rate, wireless personal area network. The standard defines the Physical layer and Medium Access Layer 30

25 PHY- It defines low power spread spectrum radio operating at 2.4 GHz with a basic data rate of 250 kbps MAC -defines how multiple 802.15.4 radios operating in the same area will share the airwaves. The MAC supports several architectures, including a star topology, tree topologies and mesh topologies 31

26 IEEE 802.15.4 PHY IEEE 802.15.4 MAC ZigBee NWK MAC 802.2 LLC IP APIUDP ZA1ZA2…ZAnIA1IAn Transmission & reception on the physical radio channel Channel access, PAN maintenance, reliable data transport Topology management, MAC management, routing, discovery protocol, security management Application interface designed using general profile End developer applications, designed using application profiles 32

27 Beacon Enabled Mode Non-Beacon Enabled Mode Coordinator to DeviceDevice to Coordinator 33

28 Data Rate (Mbps) Ra ng e ZigBee 802.15.4 802.15.3 802.15.3a 802.15.3c WPAN WLAN WMAN WWAN WiFi 802.11 0.010.11101001000 Bluetoot h 802.15.1 IEEE 802.22 WiMax IEEE 802.16 IEEE 802.20

29 Pros good extension of existing standards supported by many companies low power consumption low cost easy implemented (Designer concentrates on end application) flexible network structure Cons Not many end devices available yet Single point of failure (centralized architecture)

30 CompXs

31 and many more....

32 “Just as the personal computer was a symbol of the '80s, and the symbol of the '90s is the World Wide Web, the next nonlinear shift, is going to be the advent of cheap sensors.” -Paul Saffo Institute for the Future Parting Thought


34 Thank you for your attention! 41


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