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STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 20111 Beyond STEVIN (“STEVIN Voorbij!”) Introduction Developments at EU level Developments at NTU level Developments.

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Presentation on theme: "STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 20111 Beyond STEVIN (“STEVIN Voorbij!”) Introduction Developments at EU level Developments at NTU level Developments."— Presentation transcript:

1 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 20111 Beyond STEVIN (“STEVIN Voorbij!”) Introduction Developments at EU level Developments at NTU level Developments at NL level Developments at FL level Conclusions

2 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 20112 Introduction It is unlikely there will be a STEVIN II, –I.e. a similar programme, funded in the same way However, many opportunities for other forms of funded R&D for LST seem to appear soon

3 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 20113 Developments EU (1) DG-INFSO –Objective: increase the budget for LST significantly in the next years of FP7 and FP8 Driving force: Roberto Cencioni –Uses FLaReNet, META-NET (esp. META- VISION) and the “META-babies” as vehicles to achieve this –Increase of the budget in the last two years is already noticeable –Explicitly includes SMEs!

4 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 20114 Developments EU (2) FLaReNet http://www.flarenet.eu –Fostering LAnguage Resources NETwork –Netwerk 2008-2011 –Makes recommendations to the EU for LST (esp. LR) policy issues Based on input from the field –Coordinator: Pisa (Nicoletta Calzolari) –NL representative: UU

5 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 20115 Developments EU (3) FLaReNet http://www.flarenet.eu –Current Status: Project just finished Preliminary Recommendations available on the web Finalized ones will be published soon Makes recommendations on what to finance, and partially which instruments to use  may lead to opportunities for NL/FL researchers

6 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 20116 Developments EU (4) META-NET http://www.metanet.eu –Multilingual Europe Technology Alliance –Network of Excellence –Focus op multilinguality / translation –2010-2013 –3 Pillars Building bridges to neighbouring technology fields (META- RESEARCH) Building an Open Resource Sharing Facility (META-SHARE) Building a Community with a shared Vision and strategic research agenda (o.a. Vision Groups (META-VISION)) –Coordinator: DFKI (Hans Uszkoreit) –NL repr.: UU –Large Overlap with FLaReNet participants

7 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 20117 Developments EU (5) META-NET Current Status –META-VISION has developed vision papers Is developing a Strategic Research Agenda supported by the whole LST community Goal: increase the opportunities for obtaining larger budgets –META-NET is forging META the Multilingual Europe Technology Alliance  Contribute and help ensure large budgets for focused LST programmes on topics you think are important

8 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 20118 Developments EU (6) META-NET Current Status –META-NET Language White Papers for 32 languages describing properties of the language and the state of LST for that language Preliminary versions are available since June 2011. Final versions expected Jan 2012 Argue for the consolidation of each language in the modern communication and information society (  a kind of STEVIN at a European level)

9 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 20119 Developments EU (7) META-NET `babies’ –EU projects working on related topics –META-NET4U, CESAR, METANORD,META-NET4UCESARMETANORD

10 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 201110 Developments EU (7) CLARIN EU http://www.clarin.eu –Preparatory Project –2008- mid 2011 –Will result in an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) in Jan 2012 –Consisting of national governments that have to make financial commitments Currently 7 countries have signed up More are to follow soon

11 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 201111 Developments NTU Reports from the NTU –Focused on applications in areas relevant for the NTU (Dutch language) –LST & Care (communicative handicaps) –LST & Education

12 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 201112 Developments NTU Report Boves `Enterprise Language Processing’ –Contours for a STEVIN successor programme Focuses on Research (knowledge) in close collaboration with companies (data) Proposes 9 concrete recommendations –Approach fits in well with current research and societal needs (analysis of huge amounts of data) –Fits in well with current NL government policy

13 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 201113 Developments NTU Top Sector “Creative Industries” –AvdB, LvbB & JO visited Valerie Frissen of the top team “Creative Industries” –Also tomorrow’s keynote speker Yuri van Geest –2xA4 Leaflet “LST: Top Technology for Top Sectors” written by AvdB, CC, JO, LvdBST: Top Technology for Top Sectors –Is taken into account in further development of Creative Industries plans

14 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 201114 Developments NL CLARIN-NL –Use LST in a research infrastructure –For humanities researchers –2009-2015 –9.01M euro –In part Cooperation with Flanders (based on STEVIN projects D-COI / SONAR / LASSY / SPRAAK / DPC)

15 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 201115 Developments NL Netherlands e-Science Centre –For all areas (α/β/γ) –Incl. SARA & NWO-CF Research part with –General and Discipline-transcending Themes Deal with Uncertainty, Pattern recognition, Decision Support, Multiscale modeling –for computational Just started (but is the research component still included?)

16 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 201116 Developments FL Funded FL part of cooperation with CLARIN- NL furthering STEVIN created data and tools (2010) Funded a few small research projects on LST (2010) Flanders will be involved with CLARIN ERIC via Dutch Language Union participation

17 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 201117 Developments FL Proposal for `innovative tender’ on (semi-) automatic subtitling with extended functionality Is being evaluated by IWT Might lead to the set up of platform of the statkeholders, which Might lead to a consortium and for building a product  for VRT (Flemish Television)

18 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 201118 Developments FL Evaluation of LST sector is planned (though delayed) Main goal: to assess the real “value” and importance of this somewhat “hidden”

19 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 201119 Developments FL STEVIN-roadmap workshop held Report will be produiced with policy recommendations as input for –the Flemish government –The EU (directly and via META-NET) Taking into account independent initiatives: –HLT-Compass –META-net SRA –CLARIN roadmap

20 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 201120 Developments FL “Digitalisation" and "creative media" are active topics –LST can play a significant role here –Contacts are in an initial stage –Potential outcome unclear Regular project financing –FWO, IWT, IBBT

21 STEVIN Final Event, Rotterdam, 28 Nov 201121 Conclusions A new LST-specific programme is unlikely No concrete opportunities for a programme in which LST can play an important role yet, but Some concrete cases with money (CLARIN TTNWW) Many opportunities –At the EU level –At the NL level –At the FL level But mainly for individual projects, not for programmes Synchronization/coordination NL/FL is not obvious

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