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Pop Culture Popular Culture – consists of activities, products and services that are assumed to appeal primarily to members of the middle and working classes.

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Presentation on theme: "Pop Culture Popular Culture – consists of activities, products and services that are assumed to appeal primarily to members of the middle and working classes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pop Culture Popular Culture – consists of activities, products and services that are assumed to appeal primarily to members of the middle and working classes. ‘High culture’ – consists of classical music, opera, ballet, live theatre and other activities usually patronized by elite audiences, composed primarily of members of the upper middle and upper classes (who have the time, money and knowledge assumed to be necessary for its appreciation) Common sources of popular culture include advertising, consumer product packaging, celebrities and television.

2 Pop Culture Fad – a temporary but widely copied activity followed enthusiastically by large numbers of people Object fad – items that people purchase despite the fact that they have little use or value (e.g. Beanie babies, Pokemon, etc.) Activity fad – things we do (e.g.. Body piercing, raves, Facebook, etc.)

3 Pop Culture Idea fad – New Age ideologies (e.g.. Feng Shui, The Da Vinci Code, The Secret, etc.) Personality fad – celebrities, icons (e.g. Britney Spears, Beyonce, Tiger Woods, etc.) Fashion – currently valued style of behaviour, thinking or appearance that is longer lasting than a fad (e.g.. baggy jeans, thin figure, etc.)

4 Pop Culture Your homework: 1)Do you note any difference between American and Canadian popular culture? Answer with examples. 2)Over the next 24 hours, you are to take note of your encounters with popular culture and list them. You should be able to come up with at least 25 pop culture fads or fashions. Be sure to identify the type of fad, if applicable.

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