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Aromatic (adj) Fragrant The candles gave Destiny’s new apartment an aromatic smell.

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Presentation on theme: "Aromatic (adj) Fragrant The candles gave Destiny’s new apartment an aromatic smell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aromatic (adj) Fragrant The candles gave Destiny’s new apartment an aromatic smell.

2 Bland (adj) Tasteless Although porridge is a bland food, it is very nutritious.

3 Brawl (n) Noisy Fight The sport of hockey is well- known for brawls among the players.

4 Celebrity (n) Famous person Caleb’s dream was to become a television celebrity.

5 Cringe (v) Draw back The thought of eating a frog made Stephen Silver cringe, and put a grimace on his face.

6 Edible (adj) Can be eaten Madison refused to believe that snails are edible.

7 Envious (adj) Jealous Melisa was envious of her brother’s good grades, good looks, and new car.

8 Jaunt (n) Short trip (for pleasure) Darby and her friends made a canoeing jaunt down a local river.

9 Lurk (v) Sneak around Although they were thirsty, the animals sensed the alligator lurking near the shore.

10 Nurture (v) Nourish Penguins are known for their ability to nurture their babies in harsh conditions.

11 Secular ( adj) worldly, not religious The music we heard was secular, not spiritual.

12 Quirky (adj) eccentric (unusual) Kelly saw the most quirky “hat” at the fashion show!

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