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The Fabulous Fifties Postwar Period. The Mixed Emotions of the 50’s  Postwar period was a period of optimism and uncertainty  Realities of Cold War.

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Presentation on theme: "The Fabulous Fifties Postwar Period. The Mixed Emotions of the 50’s  Postwar period was a period of optimism and uncertainty  Realities of Cold War."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fabulous Fifties Postwar Period

2 The Mixed Emotions of the 50’s  Postwar period was a period of optimism and uncertainty  Realities of Cold War made many Canadian’s fear another war  But, economic prosperity made Canadian’s more confident about their future

3 Veterans Return Home  Postwar period saw the return of normal family life for Canadians  Veterans came back to their families  Some created new families  Some brought home war brides and their children who were born during the war War Bride : a term used to describe marriages between soldiers and foreigners during the war

4 The Baby Boom  Most Canadian’s were now starting or adding to their families  The birth rate during the postwar period went up dramatically  Known as the “baby boom”  Children born during this time have become a socially influential group

5 The Baby Boom: A 20 Year Period From postwar (1950) to the mid 1960’s Canada saw a rise in the number of babies being born. Birth’s during this period more than doubled from the war period.

6 The Result?  A young-centered society  Production of material goods & toys increased rapidly (big demand!)  Schools were built to accommodate new students  Job creation (teachers needed!)  The age of Consumerism

7 Social and Economic Change  As baby boomers grew up, demands in different areas changed  For example: Once this generation was University bound, Universities prepared for higher enrolment  For example: The housing market became more competitive and houses became more expensive as demand increased– construction and jobs boomed  For example: Once this generation became retirement age, focus was on development of pension plans and health care for seniors!

8 Consumer Society  Transformation from production of military equipment to consumer goods  People lined up to buy new products  Nylon stockings, wash and wear clothing, disposable tissues, hair spray, cake mix, lawnmowers, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines  Demand for these products made manufacturers hire new employees!  Canadians found steady jobs = confidence in spending

9 Television Comes to Canada  TV comes to Canada in 50’s  Baby boomers glued to TV & commercial messages  Powerful cultural driving force  Many Canadians received American broadcasting (I Love Lucy, Howdy Doody)

10 Television Takes Over!  Canadians were captivated by the TV  Creation of TV trays & TV dinners allowed for uninterrupted TV watching!  No one wanted to miss a show!

11 TV and Gender Roles  The shows that were airing during this time had very distinct representations of gender roles  As we watch the following clips of shows from the 50’s, 60’s and modern day television, fill in your charts with your observations!

12 1950’s Television: I love lucy & leave it to beaver

13 1960’s Television: My 3 sons

14 Today’s television: modern family

15 Gender role Observations What changes do you notice from the 1950’s to modern day?

16 The Feminine Mystique  Women’s role is solely about  Maintaining a home  Pleasing their husbands  Raising their children  By the early 1960’s women realized they were not happy with this limited role  Sparked a wave in feminism  Demanded more equality  In the workforce, women questioned why they were paid less than men & why they weren’t considered for promotions  Brought attention to the gender bias during that time

17 The Teenager  Times were changing  People no longer rushed into work and marriage  Kids were taking their time to go to University  “Teenagers” became a distinct group in the 1950’s  Ages 13-19  Had both leisure time and spending money

18 The Teenage Culture  Strict rules were imposed on this group  Wearing blue jeans to school = suspension  This group of teens began rebelling against this formal society  Developed a culture with its own language, music and fashions What does this remind you of??

19 Rock n’ Roll  Was an important element to the emergence of this new teenage culture  This music was an instant hit with the teenagers, however, parents did not like it  Felt it was too energetic and rebellious  Criticized for promoting immorality and delinquency  Describe as: crude, revolting and vulgar  Said to have a corrupting influence on youth  The more parents protested, the more teenagers bought and listened to it!!

20 1950’s Slang: Guess the Meaning  Ankle Biter  Big Tickle  Bread  Circled  Cranked  Cut the Gas  Dolly

21 1950’s Slang: Answers  Ankle Biter – small child  Big Tickle – really funny  Bread – money  Circled – married  Cranked – excited  Cut the gas – be quiet!  Dolly – cute girl

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