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Warsaw University of Technology. Warsaw University of Technology Localization WARSAW Plock.

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Presentation on theme: "Warsaw University of Technology. Warsaw University of Technology Localization WARSAW Plock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warsaw University of Technology

2 Warsaw University of Technology Localization WARSAW Plock

3 Warsaw University of Technology Main Building 3

4 Warsaw University of Technology WUT – was founded on 4 January,1826 WUT – one of the largest universities of technology in Poland WUT is ranked No. ONE in Poland among 22 universities of technology Public State School with full academic autonomy According to the last survey of the largest enterprises in Poland, more than 10% of their CEO’s and Presidents are graduates of the Warsaw University of Technology! 4

5 Warsaw University of Technology Studies in English Studies in English are being currently offered at 9 Faculties:  Architecture – M.Sc.  Electronics and Information Technology – B.Sc. & M.Sc.  Electrical Engineering – B.Sc. & M.Sc.  Civil Engineering – B.Sc. & M.Sc.  Power and Aeronautical Engineering (three programs) – B.Sc. & M.Sc.  Mathematics and Information Science – B.Sc. & M.Sc.  Production Engineering – M.Sc. (in cooperation with Politecnico di Milano)  Environmental Engineering – B.Sc.  Mechatronics – B.Sc. & M.Sc.  Interfaculty program in Control and Robotics - M.Sc.  Interfaculty program CRES – Clean & Renewable Energy Sources – M.Sc. Four Faculties are conducting prestigeous Erasmus Mundus Courses (M.Sc.): (Mechatronics, Chemistry, Power & Aeronautical Engineering). 5

6 Warsaw University of Technology International Business School International Business School  The School’s Activities are based on co-operation between WUT and 3 leading European business schools: HEC – School of Management, Paris, France LBS – London Business School, UK NHH – Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway  Postgraduate Master’s programmes in Business Administration (appr. 250 students annually): International MBA Master en sciences de Gestion Approfondies HEC Executive MBA 6

7 Warsaw University of Technology Students 2008/2009 Total number of students– 36 156 Full time students– 24 608 Extramural students– 8 111 PhD students – 969 Students going abroad – 409 Foreign students – 612 Annual recruitment of students: 8 316 7

8 Warsaw University of Technology International activities Research projects based on bilateral and networking agreements European Research Framework programmes FP6 and FP7 and other co- financed by EU European Educational Programmes: * TEMPUS * LEONARDO DA VINCI * ATHENS * ERASMUS * ERASMUS MUNDUS * ERASMUS MUNDUS EXT. COOP. WINDOW International studies (in English) International Summer Schools Organization and participation in international conferences, seminars, etc. Membership in international organizations  EUA, CESAER, SEFI, EuroPACE, IIE, Magna Charta...  400+ individual memberships in international organizations 8

9 Warsaw University of Technology Cooperation agreements (key examples) 10 Central and East European Universities of Technology (Cooperation Platform), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Centro Ricerche FIAT SCPA (Italy), Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne (France), Ecole de Mines de Nantes (France), ParisTech (France), Technion, Israel Institute of Technology (Israel), Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), Kyungpook National University (Republic of Korea), National University of Singapore (Singapore), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan), University of Waterloo (Canada), University of Detroit Mercy (USA), North Caroline State University (USA), Maryland University (USA), Nagoya University (Japan), Shizuoka University (Japan). Altogether, 120+ active bilateral agreements on academic and scientific cooperation with universities, research institutions and high-tech industry worldwide. 9

10 Warsaw University of Technology Research Priorities Computer science, ICT, telecommunications Artificial Intelligence Biomedical engineering Microelectronics and nanotechnologies New material technologies Automatics and robotics Alternative and renewable energy sources Energy saving and storage Nuclear energy Environmental engineering Transport, aviation, space research Chemistry, chemical technology, functional materials New fields of science and technology 10

11 Warsaw University of Technology Participation in research experiments at CERN Dr Radomir Kupczak (electronics engineer, Faculty of Physics ) Michał Olędzki (student, Faculty of Physics ) Prof. Władysław Trzaska (physicist, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland) 11

12 Warsaw University of Technology Cooperation with industry (key examples) Siemens AG (Germany & Poland), PKN Orlen SA (Poland), BASF (Germany), General Electric (USA), Pratt&Whitney (USA), ABB Ltd (Switzerland), Carl Zeiss (Germany), Autodesk (USA), Cummins Filtration (USA), FIAT (Italy & Poland ), Telekomunikacja Polska S.A., (Poland) & France Telecom (France) LG Electronics (Korea & Poland) SAMSUNG (Korea & Poland) Zdjęcie za 12

13 Warsaw University of Technology 13

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