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Sixth Framework Programme 2002-2006 Priority 5 “Food Quality and Safety” Callum Searle Research Directorate-General Directorate E Biotechnology Agriculture.

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Presentation on theme: "Sixth Framework Programme 2002-2006 Priority 5 “Food Quality and Safety” Callum Searle Research Directorate-General Directorate E Biotechnology Agriculture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sixth Framework Programme 2002-2006 Priority 5 “Food Quality and Safety” Callum Searle Research Directorate-General Directorate E Biotechnology Agriculture and food research, Unit E2

2 K ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RISKS includes: a) Risks linked to the food chain (chemical, biological and physical) b) Combined exposures (impacts of local disasters/ pollution; emphasis on cumulative risks; transmission routes; long-term low dose; prevention strategies; sensitive groups, particularly children)

3 Identification of detrimental environmental factors Understanding the mechanisms involved Determination of how to prevent or minimise these effects and risks K ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RISKS

4 - health outcomes where food is an exposure route but environmental factors are also important (e.g. allergy, cancer, neurotoxicity, uro-genital malformations, etc) - exposure to substances (e.g. chemical mixtures, pharmaceutical residues, pathogens in water… ), low dose and long-term * will include interaction with genetic factors (sensitive groups...) and ‘lifestyle factors’ (obesity, exercise, smoking…)

5 K ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RISKS Expression of Interest Outcome: * Environmental causes and mechanisms responsible for the increase in allergies * Exposure to environmental chemical residues * Endocrine disrupters * Environmental Cancer risks * Pathogens and toxins in food and water

6 K ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RISKS Challenges: * publicizing the sub-area * multidisciplinary - linking environment and health with food * involving SMEs ( public good = non-traditional area) * ensuring application to risk assessment / prevention strategies

7 ANTICIPATING THE EU’S SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL NEEDS - “PRIORITY 8” K Policy Oriented Research The impact of environmental issues on health - no overlap with Priority 5 - priorities derived from policy DGs in support of environment, health and safety, public health - example topics might be: EMF; noise; air pollution * will utilize traditional instruments only

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