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Drug and alcohol assessment MRCPsych addiction psychiatry seminar series Dr Stuart McLaren 2 nd March 2012.

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1 Drug and alcohol assessment MRCPsych addiction psychiatry seminar series Dr Stuart McLaren 2 nd March 2012

2 Engagement – the first step What is engagement? Building a working relationship – Showing that you care – Working towards mutually acceptible goals – Building rapport – Building trust – Analysing any ‘counter-transference’ that may occur

3 Engagement Explain and provide confidentiality Interview individually Appropriate setting Flexible approach Be non-confrontational Be non-judgemental Be yourself

4 Overview of assessment Aim of assessment is: To obtain a drug and alcohol history Perform MSE and physical examination Establish a SUD Estimate patient’s readiness to change

5 History taking Tailor to circumstances: – Comprehensive assessment is not always necessary or helpful on first encounter – Can be done over several sessions – What do I need to know in this case at this time? All patients should have: – Quantified alcohol history – Quantified smoking history

6 History taking Maintain a high index of suspicion for other substances: – Ask more detailed questions where indicated Where a positive history exists: – Obtain a comprehensive drug and alcohol history – Assess whether daily intake is increasing or decreasing

7 Recommended testing for alcohol use disorders Liver function tests (incl. ALT, AST and GGT) Full blood count (incl. MCV) Serum B-12 and folate (or red cell folate) Breath alcohol test Use of investigations in the diagnosis and management of alcohol use disorders (1999) by Drummond C & Ghodse H, Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 5, 366-375.

8 Laboratory investigations of drug use Current:Under development: UrineBreath BloodSweat Hair Saliva Specific laboratory investigations for assessment and management of drug of drug problems (1999) by Wolff K et al., Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 5, 180-191.

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