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Bangkok, July 26 th 2011. Outline Present Condition ProblemsMeasurementsConclusions.

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Presentation on theme: "Bangkok, July 26 th 2011. Outline Present Condition ProblemsMeasurementsConclusions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bangkok, July 26 th 2011

2 Outline Present Condition ProblemsMeasurementsConclusions

3 Irrigation & Population Conditions

4 Water Potency

5 Water Problems Population Food Water Land Use Climate Change Problems

6 Irrigation Problems Land acquisition Land use change from irrigation to residential area (around 35.000 Ha/year) Farmers’ preferrences to plant palm tree than paddy Operation and maintenance (fund, man power, discipline, etc.) Natural disaster (i.e. Eruption of Merapi Mountain which destroyed + 10,000 Ha Catchment area degradation

7 Mind Map Water/ Irrigation Problems Water/ Irrigation Problems Demand Mgt Supply Infrastructu res Institutions Spatial Plan River Basin Plans Decentralization Participatory Regulations Measurements conventional approach complementary approach

8 Spatial Plan Boundary : administrative region Legalization by government head Land use zoning Accommodating all sectors: defense, security, agriculture, forestry, industry, transportation, health, energy, mining, education, water, housing, etc.

9 River Basin Plans Boundary : river basin Consist physical and non-physical efforts Pillars of water management : water conservation, water utilization, control of water destructive potential, public participation information system Arranged with coordination of government in all level, water users (agriculture, industry, commercial), universities, NGOs  cosensus

10 Decentralization There are 33 provinces and 495 regencies/municipalities Local governments budget comes from national transfer and local income (taxes, retribution, etc.) National Transfer -DAU -DAK -Infrastructure Fund

11 Irrigation Mgt & Development

12 Irrigation Mgt & Development (2) PISP Target : six highest paddy producer provinces Activities: irrigation institution (at local government) empowerment water user association empowerment and rehabilitation of around 457 thousand hectares irrigation farm PIRIMP Target:nine provinces (North Sumatera, West Sumatera, Jambi, South Sumatera, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, and South Kalimantan) Activities : total 59 thousand national irrigation area rehabilitation and construction

13 Irrigation Mgt & Development (2) DISIMP Target: nine provinces in eastern Indonesia Activities: empowerment if irrigation institution in local government rehabilitation of local irrigation areas (around 84 thousand hectares)

14 System of Rice Intensification Method : intermitten irrigation 1 seed per hole organic fertilizer without insecticide SRIConventional/Non-SRI

15 System of Rice Intensification Province Productivity (ton/Ha) Non SRISRI Lampung12.0013.50 Banten10.0016.90 West Java6.046.59 Central Java8.279.27 East Java7.008.00 Bali7.8011.18 NTB4.318.06 NTT3.466.50 South Sulawesi4.547.39 Southeast Sulawesi3.585.36 Central Sulawesi3.697.00 North Sulawesi7.4915.03 Gorontalo4.827.51

16 Lessons Learnt Conclusions Pressures in irrigation come from population growth, water availability, land availability, etc. Comprehensive approach is needed to solve the problems, including demand management Measures in Demand Management can be form of introducing a new plantation method i.e. SRI, applying clusters plantation, empowering water user association/farmers, etc. It is necessary to control population growth since population affect the most to water sector and irrigation.

17 Thank You

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