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Published byGeorgia Briggs Modified over 9 years ago
2 Feasibility Study for Development of Transport Pollution Control Plan for Karachi Metropolis (CDGK)
3 OBJECTIVES Identification of Transport Sector Issues and Creation of Environmental Baseline Data for 26 traffic intersections Assessment of Environmental impact of pollution generated by vehicular traffic Recommendation of remedial measures and course of action to control pollution
4 Establish baseline on quality of air, water, soil, groundwater in the city (26 traffic intersections). Assess the impact of pollution generated by operation of vehicular traffic on physical, living and Assess the impact of pollution generated by operation of vehicular traffic on physical, living and social environment Identification of the need to improve vehicle technology Devise a mechanism to monitor performance of vehicles, their repair and maintenance and inspection systems SCOPE OF STUDY
5 North Nazimabad Gulshan Chorangi Karimabad Liaqatabad #10 Nazimabad Drig Road Station Sohrab Goth Tin Hatti FTC Garden Road Guru Mandir Mazar-e-Quaid Old Numaish KPT Gul Bai Mauripur Road Tower Ziauddin Road Baloch colony By- Pass Tibbat Center Empress Market Maulvi Musafir Khana Teen Talwar Sunset Boulevard Korangi Road
6 DESIGNATED MONITORING SITES 1.Sohrab Goth 2.Karimabad 3.Liaqatabad #10 4.Tin Hatti 5.Guru Mandir 6.Old Numaish 7.Garden Road / M.A. Jinnah Road Intersection 8.Tibet Centre 9.Maulvi Musafir Khana 10.Merewether Tower 11.Ziauddin Road / Chundrigar Road Intersection 12.Burns Road 13.Garden Road / Preedy Street Intersection 14. Empress Market 15.Metropole Hotel 16.Finance & Trade Centre 17.Teen Talwar 18.Sunset Boulevard / Gizri Road Intersection 19.Korangi Road / Baloch Colony Bypass Intersection 20. Drigh Road Station 21.Karachi Port Trust (KPT) 22.Mauripur Road 23.Gulbai Intersection 24.Nazimabad 25.North Nazimabad 26.Gulshan Chowrangi 27.SUPARCO Headquarters (Ref. pt.) 28.Inside Maritime Museum Compound on Karsaz/Ibrahim Rahamtulla Road (ref. pt.)
7 Corridor 1. Corridor 1.Merewether Tower Mawlvi Musafir Khana Tibbet Center M.A. Jinnah Road/Garden Road Intersection Old Numaish Guru Mandir Tin Hatti Liaqatabad # 10 Karimabad Sohrab Goth Super Highway Corridor 2. Corridor 2.Merewether Tower Burns Road Garden Road/Preedy Street Intersection Empress Market Finance & Trade Center Sharae Faisal Drigh Road Malir Landhi National Highway Corridor 3. Corridor 3.Merewether Tower Ziauddin Road and Chundrigar Road Intersection Metropole Hotel Finance & Trade Center Sharae faisal Drigh Road Gulshan Chowrangi Sohrab Goth Corridor 4. Corridor 4.Merewether Tower Teen Talwar Sunset Boulevard Korangi/Baloch Colony Intersection Darul Uloom Road Korangi Industrial Area Landhi Industrial Area Port Qasim Steel Mills National Highway Toll Plaza (Malir River Crossing) Super Highway Corridor 5. Corridor 5.Merewether Tower Karachi Port Trust Mauripur Road Gul Bai Intersection Ghani Chowrangi Nazimabad North Nazimabad Sohrab Goth Corridors based on Traffic Flow
8 Corridors for Pollution Modeling
9 Level of Different Pollutants Along Each Corridor Maxima SO 2 (ppb) Nox (ppb) CO (ppm) CO 2 (ppm) PM 10 ( g/m 3 ) O 3 (ppb) Toluene (ppb) Noise dB(A) Cor-1 3923715616470477994 Cor-2 4023917595453446890 Cor-3 3924016611480445699 Cor-4 3923815615480445699 Cor-5 4024116550490445696 Minima Cor-1 10282162405967 Cor-2 112022154661368 Cor-3 122021784561265 Cor-4 2622149061265 Cor-5 2021604951258 Averages Cor-1211247349259183178 Cor-2231108368235187877 Cor-3231258340254203278 Cor-4221238340243187778 Cor-5241087297243183376
10 24 Hourly Average Levels of Pollutants at Corridor 5 USEPA WHO (2005) Averaging Time Standard Guideline Values SO 2 24ppb 24 Hrs Annual Mean 365µg/m 3 (140 ppb) 80µg/m3 (30 ppb) 24 Hrs Annual Mean 10 Min 125 µg/m3 (48 ppb) 50µg/m3 (20 ppb) 500µg/m3 (190 ppb) CO7ppm 8 Hrs 1 Hr 10 mg/m 3 (9 ppm) 40 mg/m 3 (35 ppm) 8 Hrs 1 Hr 10mg/m3 (9 ppm) 30 mg/m3 (25 ppm) NOx108ppb Annual Mean 100µg/m 3 (50 ppb) Annual Mean 1 Hr 40 µg/m3 (20 ppb) 200µg/m3 (105 ppb) O3O3O3O318ppb 1 Hr 8 Hrs 235µg/m3 (120 ppb) 160µg/m3 (80 ppb) 8 Hrs 100µg/m3 (50 ppb) PM 10 243 (µg/m 3 ) 24 Hrs Annual Mean 150µg/m350µg/m3 24 Hrs 20 µg/m3 50 µg/m3 TSP392 (µg/m 3 )24-Hrs 260 mg/m 3 24-Hrs 150-230 mg/m 3 Air Quality Level along Corridor-5
11 The weightage of the different pollutants increases in the following order Corridor 5. Merewether Tower Karachi Port Trust Mauripur Road Nazimabad North Nazimabad Sohrab Goth Corridor 4. Merewether Tower Teen Talwar Sunset Boulevard Korangi / Baloch Colony Intersection Corridor-2. Merewether Tower Burns Road Preedy Street Empress Market Old Numaish Corridor 1. Merewether Tower Tibbet Center Garden Road Intersection Old Numaish Tin Hatti Liaqatabad # 10 Karimabad Sohrab Goth Corridor 3. Merewether Tower Metropole Hotel Finance & Trade Center Drigh Road
12 SO 2 ppbNOx ppbCO ppmCO 2 ppm MaxMinAvgMaxMinAvgMaxMinAvgMaxMinAvg Maximum 4018252413515417410616254413 Minimum 19101619520791026356160225 Average 341522226281151438520215334 PM 10 g/m 3 O 3 ppb Toluene g/m 3 Noise dB(A) MaxMinAvgMaxMinAvgMaxMinAvgMaxMinAvg Maximum 490149309471022792947997582 Minimum 315401593051325914805874 Average 4309024237718501731876878 Ambient Air Quality Levels
13 24 Hourly Average Levels of Pollutants at Major Road Intersections in Karachi SO 2 ppb NOx ppb CO ppm CO 2 ppm PM 10 g/m 3 O 3 ppb Noise dB(A) 2211583342421878 WHO or World Bank Standards 53 (150 g/m 3 ) 73 (150 g/m 3 ) 9 -- 120 120 (USEPA) 70 85 (NEQS)
14 SITE Sampling (Hrs) Conc. of TSP (µg/m 3 ) Pb (µg/m 3 ) in TSP Pb in Soil. (mg/Kg) Cd (µg/m 3 ) in TSP Cd (µg/l) Drinking Water Cd (mg/kg) Soil Oil& Greace in Water (mg/l) Karimabad244653.998.43.592.890.1840.76 Liaquatabad # 10244584. Tin Hatti243823.507.43.12.480.351.47 Grumandir243742.656.42.41.920.330.97 Old Numaish243452.406.52.161.730.210.45 Garden Rd Intersection245003. Tibet Center244992.896. Moulvi Musafar Khana244693.205.32.882.30.220.97 Mereweather Tower244583.497.43.142.510.180.85 Ziauddin Rd and Chundrigar Rd Intersection244652.653.92.371.90.190.98 Burns Road244103.577.93.212.580.260.92 Trace & Toxic Metals in SPM, Soil & Water
15 Vehicle InfoEmission Data Vehicle NameFuelConditio n O 2 %CO 2 %CO ppmNOx ppm SO 2 ppm FT o C M/Cycle50PetrolTuned18.91.554590.0126 73 M/Cycle50PetrolUn tuned15.893.63976100.2284.53 129 Rickshaw50PetrolTuned201.2268.54833.5 65 Rickshaw50PetrolUn tuned16.153.3538.6183.36110.85 127 Car/Hi-Roof/Jeep50 PetrolTuned18.28649189.218.966 Car/Hi-Roof/Jeep50 PetrolUn tuned15.18.51140281.8139.5 100 Car/Hi-Roof/Jeep50 CNGTuned13.437.9729.331207.67 65 Car/Hi-Roof/Jeep50 CNGUn tuned4.99.6338.2248.420.2 92 Car (Taxi)50L.P.GUn tuned13.955.4818.5380.13209.75 88 Car (Taxi)50DieselUn tuned12.96.141214476 123 Suzuki Pickup50PetrolUn tuned16.2315.08329.5115.13356.5 104 Hi-Ace50DieselTuned17.73.09361.9130.431.43 97 Pickup/Van50DieselUn tuned16.16.6501.6156.1450.2 110 Mini Bus50DieselTuned18.781.6290.5172.0329.5 80 Mini Bus 50 DieselUn tuned15.727.22348223.8568.8 129 Bus50DieselTuned18.6711177.5127.3912 101 Bus50DieselUn tuned15.0914.6 267.8 211.2334.37 125 Truck50DieselTuned17.93.820912817.3 82 Truck 50 DieselUn tuned16.616.87225227630 98 Emissions from Different Traffic Modes
17 Different Fuel Share in Karachi
19 Hemoglobin Red Cell Count PCVMCVMCHMCHC Platelet Count Normal Range 13-18 13-18(g/d1) 4.5 - 6.5 x10^12/l 36 – 54 % 76 – 96 fl 28 – 32 pg 30-35 (g/dl) 150-400 x10^9/l Max18.409.1056.70111.3034.8035.40449 Min9.103.7015.4021.602.7221.507.4 Avg14.995.4047.3486.3427.8331.51255.9 Total Laucocytes count Neutrophils Lympho- cytes EosinophilsMonocytesBasophils Blood Lead Level Normal Range 4.0 - 10.0 x10^9 40-75 % 20 – 45 % 1.0 – 6.0 % 2.0 –10.0 % 0 - 1.0 % 150-400 x10^9/l Max17.4086.0076.0014.0023.002.0026.50 Min2.6038. Avg8.8458.4934.523.524.111.047.29 Average Blood Picture of Karachiites
20 Average Health Status 30% people working or making their living near traffic congestion points have alteration in blood hemoglobin 45% people working or making living around traffic congestion points have impaired hearing 60% people working or making living around traffic congestion pointssuffer from nasal allergy 60% people working or making living around traffic congestion points suffer from nasal allergy
21 Degradation of the environment affects the health of at least 30 percent or 300,000 persons, besides causing damages to buildings, structures and vegetation on the corridor of Impact (COI) Air pollution at rate of $30 per person costs $9 million or Rs.540 million per year for the COI which is equivalent to over Rs.13.8 billion in terms of overall cost of air pollution which has been escalating by at least 10% each year during the past 10 years Estimates indicate that remedial measures are urgently needed to arrest the losses, which now amount to about Rs.1.38 billion each year 5% reduction in the combustion efficiency of the untuned engines consume additional fuel of 660 tons costing Rs.26 million per day Social pollutionin smuggling of petroleum products as well as making substandard lubricant oil causes degradation of the environment in terms of inappropriate fuel admixtures Social pollution in smuggling of petroleum products as well as making substandard lubricant oil causes degradation of the environment in terms of inappropriate fuel admixtures Cost of degradation of the road environment
22 Lack of infrastructure facilities, Majority of vehicles being not road-worthy, Large sections of the roads being not vehicle worthy, Standard of vehicle maintenance is poor, Use of fuel-efficient technologies is limited Existing government policies do not address efficient mass transit system or fuel efficiency and emissions issues. There is urgent need to Improve fuel efficiency of the road transport vehicles Perform emission related testing/tuning of vehicle operating road Introduce a well managed Transportation Plan Introduce new vehicles only if they are fuel efficient. Set up Workshops for emission related tuning of all vehicles CONCLUSION
23 Formulation of Road & Vehicle Policies Formulation of Traffic Management Plan Design Monitoring Program to Oversee the Performance after Implementation of the Transportation Plan Formulate a plan for establishment of Academy for training of Traffic Police Officials, Road Engineers, Transport Operators, Drivers and Mechanics Formulate a plan for establishing a model workshop for vehicles tuning, emissions monitoring, fuel and lube oil testing facilities Course of Action to Control Pollution
24 Thank You
25 Formulate a Proposal for Establishment of Academy for training of Drivers and Mechanics, Road Engineers and Traffic Police on environmental health and safety issues Incorporate environment related issues in control of vehicular emissions and propose a working mechanism for testing the fitness of vehicles against emission related standards Design and identify technically best equipment and accessories necessary for Model Workshop to Check the Performance of Engines and Vehicles on Road and on Vehicular Emissions Implement Proposed Action Plan for Control of Traffic Related Pollutionto be undertaken through a separate study which may form the Second Phase of the Project. Implement Proposed Action Plan for Control of Traffic Related Pollution to be undertaken through a separate study which may form the Second Phase of the Project. SHORT TERM ACTION PLAN
26 LONG-TERM ACTION PLAN Environmental Management Program for Control of Traffic Related Pollution in Karachi Development of GIS for coherent traffic management plan Generate Inventory of vehicular emissions of various modes Emission Modeling for estimation of traffic load and emergence of congestion points Monitoring of the excessive surface ozone, Hydrocarbon from un-burnt fuel, black carbon, TSP specially the suspension of particles due to wear and tear of tyres etc. A correlation of vehicular density, vehicular emissions and fuel consumption for various mode of vehicles operating on traffic corridors Formulate a plan for vehicle counting at identified stations one for each corridor for collecting continuous vehicular traffic information
27 S I T E S SO 2 ppb NOx ppb CO ppm CO 2 ppm PM 10 g/m 3 O 3 ppb Toluene g/m 3 Noise dB(A) Sohrab Goth 3923713443460354885 Karimabad 3919513502435356394 Liaqatabad # 10 2621513514428373281 Tin Hatti 1921414615352473283 Grumandir 3421413512429374181 Old Numaish 3119612604315312580 Garden 2723514511470395582 Tibet Center 2619614615469347986 Moulvi Masfirkhana 311971260348039 99 Merewether Tower 3923515550428445381 Shaheen Complex 3423410527415354985 Burns Road 4023916565405414790 Preedy Street 4022616585453396888 Ambient Air Quality Data (Maximum Values)
28 S I T E S SO 2 ppb NOx ppb CO ppm CO 2 ppm PM 10 g/m 3 O 3 ppb Toluene g/m 3 Noise dB(A) Empress Market3623217595426364185 Metropole Hotel3423310528326383991 FTC3824016611465435689 Teen Talwar3021414509475365082 Sunset Boulevard2723514545415354985 Gizri Rd & Baloch Colony Intersection 3623815615480395699 Drigh Road3622214450469334490 KPT3424113465441335286 Mauripur Road3223012374451395696 Gul Bai Intersection3424213464460355485 North Nazimabad3523712360490355089 Nazimabad4023116356375305188 Gulshan Chorangi3919513500436355294 Ambient Air Quality Data (Maximum Values)
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