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NOISE POLLUTION environmental health. SOUND Sound we hear is produced in sound waves Sound Waves: are vibrations or movements of air Different types of.

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Presentation on theme: "NOISE POLLUTION environmental health. SOUND Sound we hear is produced in sound waves Sound Waves: are vibrations or movements of air Different types of."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOISE POLLUTION environmental health

2 SOUND Sound we hear is produced in sound waves Sound Waves: are vibrations or movements of air Different types of sound waves produces sounds at different pitches Pitch: is the highness or lowness of sound

3 SOUND – cont. Some sounds have a high pitch: wistle Some sounds have a low pitch: car Sounds have different Amplitudes Amplitudes: is the loudness of a sound Decible (dB): is the unit of measurement for sound 70 dB’s pollutes the environment

4 Noise Pollution Noise Pollution: is the loud or constant noise that causes hearing loss, stress, fatigue, irritability and tension. – Adds to stress – Body responds as a threat – Prolonged exposure causes ulcers, headaches, and high blood pressure – Sleeplessness – Increased irritability – Violent reactions

5 Noise Pollution Can also cause accidents due to the inability to hear a warning OSHA claims that daily exposure for 8hrs or more to noise levels of 85 dBs will result in hearing loss. Below 85 dB can cause damage, but just takes a little bit longer

6 Noise Pollution - Injuries TTS (Temporary Threshold Shift): Temporary hearing loss of certain frequencies Noise-Induced Permanent Threshold Shift: A permanent loss of the ability to ehar certain frequencies Tinnitus: Is a ringing, buzzing, or hissing sensations that can reach levels of 70 dBs

7 Noise Pollution SOUNDdBsSOUNDdBs Vacuum85Jackhammer120 Power Lawnmower85Earphones on loud125 Motorcycle90Music130 Chain Saw100Rivet Gun130 Garbage Truck100Jet Engine135 Car Stereo115Gun Shot140 Noise that can cause permanent hearing loss after 8 hours Noise that can cause immediate and permanent hearing loss

8 When its too loud!!!! If you have to raise your voice You cannot hear someone 2 ft away You experience pain or ringing in ears You feel unsteady, dizzy or nauseated Sounds are muffled when sound stops Other people can hear your headset

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