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Alfonso Ortega Program Director Directorate for Engineering Division of Chemical and Transport Systems NSF Minority Faculty Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Alfonso Ortega Program Director Directorate for Engineering Division of Chemical and Transport Systems NSF Minority Faculty Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alfonso Ortega Program Director Directorate for Engineering Division of Chemical and Transport Systems NSF Minority Faculty Development Workshop Arlington, VA August 2006 UNDERSTANDING ENGINEERING at NSF


3 NSF’s  Mission  Structure  Funding Process  Priorities T o succeed in obtaining NSF support for your scholarly activities, you must understand

4 NSF’s Engineering Mission NSF supports fundamental research on engineering systems, devices and materials and their underpinning processes and methodologies  We are not a mission specific agency (such as NASA, DOE)  Integration of known technologies and knowledge into a system, however important, is not our mission

5 The Nature of Engineering Research All engineers work on the development of systems, in one way or another Fundamental engineering research is not system specific Applied engineering research is system specific Both are necessary for the development of useful systems

6 The Impact of Research Impact Degree of Risk Very Fundamental Very Applied Academic Research Product Insertion Technology Development Development

7 NSF’s Role in Engineering Research Impact Degree of Risk Very Fundamental Very Applied Academic Research Product Insertion Technology Development Development NSF Research

8 NSF’s Role in Engineering Research Enable Fundamental research That is INNOVATIVE That has IMPACT Impact on Engineering Science Impact on Technology and Society Impact on People

9 NSF Support for Engineering NSF is the principal source of federal funding for university based fundamental engineering research, providing over 42% of the total federal support in this area

10 Directorate for Engineering Current Structure Office of the Assistant Director Deputy Assistant Director Office of the Assistant Director Deputy Assistant Director Senior Advisor Nanotechnology Senior Advisor Nanotechnology Office of Industrial Innovation OII (SBIR/STTR) Office of Industrial Innovation OII (SBIR/STTR) Bioengineering and Environmental Systems BES Bioengineering and Environmental Systems BES Civil and Mechanical Systems CMS Civil and Mechanical Systems CMS Chemical and Transport Systems CTS Chemical and Transport Systems CTS Engineering Education and Centers EEC Engineering Education and Centers EEC Electrical and Communications Systems ECS Electrical and Communications Systems ECS Design and Manufacturing Innovation DMI Design and Manufacturing Innovation DMI

11 New Organizational Structure Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) Chemical, Bioengineering Environmental and Transport Systems (CBET) Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) Engineering Education and Centers (EEC) Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) Disciplinary ProgramsCrosscutting Programs Office of the Assistant Director Deputy Assistant Director (OAD)

12 Why should I care about the ORG chart ?  What Division / Program would be most interested in funding my proposal topic?  What Division / Program is issuing special solicitations in my general area of specialty?  What Program Officer should I speak to in order to determine the appropriateness of my proposal idea?

13 Bioengineering and Environmental Systems (BES)  Current Areas of Interest: –postgenomic engineering, metabolic engineering, and tissue engineering. –biomedical photonics and sensing, assistive technology, medical technology innovation –complex environmental systems, especially with respect to understanding the fate and transport of surface and groundwater pollutants; novel processes for waste treatment; industrial ecology; and technologies for avoiding pollution  BES supports the following programs and activities: –Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology –Biomedical Engineering and Research to Aid Persons with Disabilities –Environmental Engineering and Technology  Website for more information: –

14 Civil and Mechanical Systems (CMS)  CMS areas of interest: –Dynamics and control, mechanics and materials, nano and bio mechanics, sensing for civil and mechanical systems, simulation – based engineering science. –reduction of risks induced by earthquakes and other natural and technological hazards, critical infrastructure protection. –Infrastructure construction and management, geotechnology, structures  CMS Division supports the following 3 Clusters [with 12 programs]: –Engineered Materials and Mechanics –Intelligent Civil and Mechanical Systems –Infrastructure Systems and Hazard Mitigation  Website for more information: –

15 Chemical and Transport Systems (CTS)  Current Areas of Emphasis: –projects that develop and integrate new principles and knowledge underpinning use-inspired products and services based on chemical, fluid-thermal and biological transformations of energy and matter. –nanoscale science and engineering, safety and security, environmentally-friendly and energy-focused processes and products, and smart manufacturing and processing.  CTS supports four general thematic areas through the following programs: –Chemical Reaction Processes –Fluid and Particle Processes –Interfacial, Transport, and Separation Processes –Thermal Systems  Website for more information: –

16 Design, Manufacture, and Industrial Innovation (DMII)  Current Areas of Interest: –DMII supports fundamental academic research in design, manufacturing, and industrial engineering. DMII also manages crosscutting industrial innovation programs that encompass major components of NSF. –DMII-funded research includes an emphasis on environmentally benign manufacturing and a sustainable industrial economy, and seeks to address those fundamental issues that will deepen our understanding of the processes and systems that comprise modern design, manufacturing, and service enterprises and benefit society.  DMII supports the following clusters and programs: –Engineering Decision Systems –Manufacturing Process and Equipment Systems –Industrial Innovation Programs  Website for more information: –

17 Electrical and Communications Systems (ECS) Current Areas of Interest: –component and device technologies, computation, networking, controls and system principles at the nano, micro, and macro scales –Integration and networking of intelligent systems for use in sensing, imaging, telecommunications, wireless networks, disaster mitigation, homeland security, power systems, environment, transportation, healthcare, manufacturing, and system-related areas. ECS supports the following clusters and programs: –Electronics, Photonics and Device Technologies (EPDT) –Control, Networks and Computational Intelligence (CNCI) –Integrative, Hybrid and Complex Systems (IHCS) –Resources and Infrastructure Website for more information: –

18 Engineering Education and Centers (EEC) Current Areas of Interest: –centers that collaborate with industry to integrate research, education, and projects –centers promote partnerships among researchers in different disciplines and between industry and universities. –focused efforts that integrate research into new advances in engineering education and the development and implementation of large-scale models for engineering curriculum reform. ECS supports the following clusters and programs: –Engineering Research Centers (ERCs) –Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRCs) –Engineering Education Programs –Grants for Department-Level Reform of Engineering Education –Partnerships for Innovation –Research Experiences for Teachers and Research for Undergraduates Sites Website for more information: –

19 To Learn More about NSF and your Program  Study the NSF Engineering website  Use MY NSF  Note that each program lists recent awards  Know who your program manager is  Arrange a telephone conversation or one hour visit with your program manager  Volunteer to serve on a panel  Put your name on your program’s list of potential reviewers

20 Proposal Mechanisms to Engineering Directorate  Investigator Initiated Proposals submitted to a core program –Regular Proposals –Small Grants for Exploratory Research  Proposals submitted to “permanent” cross- cutting programs (CAREER, IGERT, MRI)  Proposals submitted to Special Solicitations –Some from Engineering only –Some NSF-wide

21 Investigator Initiated Proposals  Engineering has submission windows in fall and spring (not all Divisions have spring)  Check with multiple program officers if your work cuts across programs  Be aware of Collaborative grants

22 Small Grants for Exploratory Research (SGER)  Program Director discretionary grants to stimulate and accelerate exciting new ideas  Work should be highly exploratory –High Risk –High Reward  Contact your program officer, then send a brief white paper

23 NSF Cross-cutting Programs  CAREER—Early career development grants  IGERT—Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeships  MRI—Major Research Instrumentation Each Directorate has a Cognizant Program Officer

24 FY06 Engineering Solicitations 1. Active Nanostrucutures and Nanosystems (Roco) 2. ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academia 3. Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Summer Institutes (BBSI) 4. CAREER 5. CI for Environmental Observations (GEO lead) 6. Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems (CISE lead) 7. Engineering Health Care Delivery (NIBIB lead) 8. Engineering Research Centers

25 FY06 Engineering Solicitations 9. Future Technological Challenges in Integrative Hybrid Communications Systems (ECS/Lunardi) 10. GOALI 11. Graduate Research Supplements (ECS and BES) 12. Human and Social Dynamics 13. Interagency Biophotonics Partnership 14. Interagency Engineering Systems Biology 15. Interagency Metabolic Engineering (Heineken) 16. Industry University Cooperative Research Centers Supplements 17. Major Research Instrumentation (OIA) 18. Mathematical Sciences Priority Area (MPS)

26 FY06 Engineering Solicitations 19. MUSES (Durham) 20. Nano Environmental Health and Safety RFA (EPA Lead) 21. Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE/Poats) 22. NEES Research 23. NSF-CONACyT 24. NSF-DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering 25. NSF-FDA Scholar-in-Residence at FDA 26. NSF-NIH Joint Solicitation on Bioengineering Approaches to Energy Balance and Obesity (Ortega) 27. NSF-NIST Interaction in Chemistry, Materials Research, Molecular Biosciences, Bioengineering, and Chemical Engineering

27 FY06 Engineering Solicitations 28. NSF/Sandia - Engineering Sciences for Modeling and Simulation Based Life-Cycle Engineering and Manufacturing 29. Opportunities for Collaboration Between NSF and NIST 30. Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes Program (PASI) 31. Partnerships for Innovation 32. Research Experiences for Teachers Sites (RET Sites) 33. Research Experiences for Undergraduates Sites (REU Sites)

28 FY06 Engineering Solicitations 34. Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) 35. SBIR/STTR – Theme 1 36. SBIR/STTR – Theme 2 37. Science of Learning Centers (SLC)

29 Engineering Themes  Complex Engineered and Natural Systems  Energy and Environment  Innovation  Manufacturing Frontiers  Nanotechnology

30 Engineering Priority Areas

31 ENG Frontier Research Areas 1. Biology in Engineering: Gene therapy, neural implant acceptance, nanobioelectronics, energy and the environment, etc. Photoactivated Coupling of Nanoparticle Multilayers and Nerve Cells Nanoscale composites are a tremendously abundant resource for new functionalities in biomaterials. A team of material chemists and physicists at Oklahoma State University and neurophysiologists and bioengineers at the University of Texas Medical Branch successfully interfaced neurons and nanoparticle film and observed ion/electron communication between them. This research will play a key role in the successful application of neuro-prosthetic devices. Credit Bruce Logan, Pennsylvania State University

32 ENG Frontier Research Areas 2.Complexity in Engineered and Natural Systems: neurons in the human brain, economic markets, power grid, etc. Fire Phenomena An advanced simulation is now better able to predict the complex interactions of how water mists and sprays suppress large- scale fires. This work will point the way to better fire suppression techniques to protect both our natural resources and infrastructure. Credit: Paul DesJardin SUNY at Buffalo

33 ENG Frontier Research Areas 3. Critical Infrastructure Systems: Agriculture and food, water, public health, emergency services, etc. NEES: George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation The NEES infrastructure (experimental facilities and cyberinfrastructure) will facilitate a variety of innovative experimental approaches that will lead to a better understanding of how the built environment. NEES can also enrich lessons for K-12 students and teachers by making them “virtual partners” in the process of experimental discovery and analysis.

34 ENG Frontier Research Areas 4. Manufacturing Frontiers: New materials and zero waste use, nano and nano-bio manufacturing, convergence of bio-engineered discoveries and manufacturing innovations, etc. Rapid Prototyping for Semiconductor Manufacturing Process Simulation A new process developed at the University of Maryland uses complicated nonlinear models to predict poorly understood reactions. New methods predict the process parameters in Semiconductor Manufacturing, which will yield an order-of-magnitude improvement in computational efficiency in process manufacturing. Credit: Raymond Adomaitis Univ. of Maryland

35 ENG Frontier Research Areas 5. New Frontiers in Nanotechnology: Nano and Nano-bio manufacturing, nanoelectronics, etc. Researchers Carve with Electricity at the Nanometer Scale Researchers from the University of Arkansans, by applying electric current through a thin film of oil molecules, have developed a new method to precisely carve arrays of tiny holes only 10 nanometers wide into sheets of gold. The new system, called Electric Pen Lithography (EPL), uses a scanning-tunneling microscope, fitted with a tip sharpened to the size of a single atom, to deliver the charge through the dielectric oil to the target surface. Ajay Malshe (Principal Investigator) University of Arkansas

36 Research Grant Funding Rate Proposals Submitted Funding Rate Percent

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