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Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator July 2013 ReCAP Columbia University.

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1 Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator July 2013 ReCAP Columbia University

2  Four basic categories of data ◦ Accessions ◦ Requests ◦ Delivery ◦ Circulation  Detailed information can be found at the ReCAP Data Center website ReCAP Data Center website  Website now includes introductory presentations for all basic categories AND analysis ReCAP Columbia University

3  TOTAL : 203,916 / 21,282 (Request Rate 2.14%)  off,hsl : 68,647 / 3,531 (2.05%)  off,hsr : 120,096 / 17,448 (2.45%)  off,hssc : 15,173 / 303 (0.13%) ReCAP Columbia University

4  Chart of Health Sciences Library accessions by fiscal year  Transfer began several years after ReCAP  Large load-out began in FY08 to clear stacks  Ongoing transfers from Brewster to ReCAP  Detailed information on project may be found on HSL/ReCAP websiteHSL/ReCAP website ReCAP Columbia University

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8 ReCAP Columbia University  Requests begin immediately after transfer  Monthly request volumes in phase with academic calendar  50% more requests in Fall and Spring than Summer system-wide

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12 ReCAP Columbia University  HSL has received deliveries of ReCAP collections since the facility opened in 2002  Books from other department libraries are deliverable to HSL  Top Collections ◦ HSL: 63.3% ◦ Butler: 13.9% ◦ Other Science Libraries: 8.8%

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15 ReCAP Columbia University

16 ReCAP Columbia University  Large increase in EDD requests in FY09, decline began in FY11  EDDs for HSL ILL are now physically delivered to HSL for on-campus scanning because quality is inconsistent and often poor  Staff in interested in breakdown between EDDs requested by patrons and those sent via DOCLINE

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19 ReCAP Columbia University  In FY13 54.0% of all EDD requests are from HSL Collections  Most ILLs (DOCLINE) requests are now physically delivered for in-house scanning  Quality is inconsistent and often poorly performed at ReCAP  Need for consistent success with good quality

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24 ReCAP Columbia University  Request rate is a measure of collection usage  It is the percentage of ReCAP collections requested during a twelve-month period  Provides staff one way to gauge overall use of offsite collections  Request rate is one factor used to structure ReCAP facility staffing model  Patron access to offsite collections is excellent: dynamic with few failures  Measured two ways: ◦ Annual ◦ Lifespan

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26 ReCAP Columbia University

27  More information and data can be found on the HSL/ReCAP websiteHSL/ReCAP website  ReCAP Data Center includes more information about system-wide data and special projects ReCAP Data Center  Tailored data sets and analysis will be provided to staff via the ReCAP Coordinator  Please see the main ReCAP website for general information about CUL procedures and systemsReCAP website ReCAP Columbia University

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