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Spring Elementary Science Preview 5 th Grade. Save the date… (and sign up in Eduphoria) 2 nd Semester January 5, 2015 (District PD Day) K-5 Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring Elementary Science Preview 5 th Grade. Save the date… (and sign up in Eduphoria) 2 nd Semester January 5, 2015 (District PD Day) K-5 Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring Elementary Science Preview 5 th Grade


3 Save the date… (and sign up in Eduphoria) 2 nd Semester January 5, 2015 (District PD Day) K-5 Science Curriculum Preview (will preview curriculum from Jan. 5 through March 4) February 3, 2015Kindergarten PLC February 4, 20151 st Grade PLC February 10, 20155 th Grade PLC February 11, 20154 th Grade PLC February 17, 20153 rd Grade PLC February 18, 20152 nd Grade PLC March 4, 2015 K-5 Science Curriculum Preview Meeting (will preview curriculum from March 4 through EOY) Location TBA

4 Save the date… Night of No Limits – May 28, 2015 This is an evening where your students bring projects and present them in a classroom or in a gallery. The projects should be based on your grade level TEKS and should reflect the student’s inquiry into something that they design. Although all academic subjects will be expected to participate, science lends itself easily to the inquiry process. More information about the Night of No Limits will be provided at your grade level PLC mentioned in the previous slide.

5 Project Overview: Northwest ISD is using an abundant amount of non-renewable resources to power its schools. To conserve resources, Dr. Thornell has asked fifth grade students to research and create an interactive website that he can share with the board on alternative energy resources. Upcoming Curriculum Alternative Energy PBL (All information is on Netschool)

6 Order Eco-Column Materials ( We will have vouchers again this year. Tammy has them ordered and they should be arriving soon. Make sure you are prepared for the arrival of fish and snails. Make sure the office knows when you expect delivery. Tammy can help you with ordering these if you are new to 5 th ) Food Webs Environmental Changes Adaptations (Both Plant and Animal) Inherited Traits and Learned Behaviors Interdependency (ECO-COLUMNS ARE HERE) See Netschool for further curriculum topics Upcoming Curriculum on Netschool: Unit 6: Life Systems (Feb. 2-March 20, 2015 )

7 5 th Grade District Assessments Earth/Space CBA The assessment calendar calls it Product/Earth/Space only the multiple choice assessment is put into AWARE. This is a VERY long test (36 multiple choice questions) but it is a solid assessment that will help build stamina. Window: January 28-30, 2015 Scanning due: February 4, 2015

8 5 th Grade District Assessments Benchmark Students will take the released 2014 STAAR test. Bubble sheets are ready in AWARE and your CITs/APs have been sent the test (English and Spanish). Window: February 17-20, 2015 Scanning due: February 25, 2015

9 5 th Grade District Assessments Life Science CBA 13 multiple choice and 2 essay questions Window: March 23-25, 2015 Scanning due: March 30, 2015

10 5 th Grade STAAR April 22, 2015 43 Multiple Choice + 1 griddable + approximately 10 field test questions

11 Curriculum Station Demonstrations

12 Digital Resource Exploration Want to make accessing resources in HMH easier? Some resources have a web address that can be copied for easy access during your lesson. Watch as your presenter clicks below to see how these links take you right to a leveled reader and a digital lesson. http://www- 780544115347_/book91/index.html http://www- sons/tx/G3_EC_10008/index.html?type=teacher&grade=3

13 5 th Grade STAAR Prep

14 Digital Resource Exploration Want to make accessing resources in HMH easier? Some resources have a web address that can be copied for easy access during your lesson. Turn and Talk: In what way can this “trick” make your academic life easier???

15 Digital Resource Exploration This only works if the resource has a web address. Just log in as a teacher, find the resource and see if it has a web address. Cut and paste that into something that is easy for you to access. You won’t even have to log in to show the resource when you access the link. It might be an accident that this works but let’s take advantage of it as long as it does work.

16 Happy New year… Take out your “Fortune Fish” and lay it flat on your hand. Observe to see your special New Year Fortune.

17 What questions do you have about this “toy”? Did everyone’s fish act the same way? What do you think caused it to move the way it did? What kind of fair test could you design to test your hypothesis?

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