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1 Presented by Peter Meijers UNESCO-IHE Water-market April 10 th 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Presented by Peter Meijers UNESCO-IHE Water-market April 10 th 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Presented by Peter Meijers UNESCO-IHE Water-market April 10 th 2014

2 2 Technical Solutions for sustainability and effective low cost Operation & Maintenance of open drains The Dutch way. Conver and Herder

3 3 Maintenance is important to maintain a sustainable system for rural water quality and water quantity to create a safe environment with a reliable drainage system and reduced risk of flooding to assure water for irrigation, boost agriculture and increase yields

4 4 No sustainable system without maintenance

5 5 No Maintenance => Damage

6 6 Landslides and Erosion

7 7 Why Herder and Conver ?

8 8 Experience since 1947 Specialised in the supply of special equipment for canal maintenance. Reliability Quality from The Netherlands Professionalism Flexibility Dedication

9 9 Creating a sustainable system through regular maintenance

10 10 calculated capacity original design of a canal

11 Chemicals are no option ! 11

12 12 Often used Draglines DAMAGED CANALS

13 13 low capacity with neglected open drains Destruction of cross section Expensive rehabilitation necessary

14 14 Creating a sustainable system through regular maintenance

15 15 Equipment for Maintenance

16 16 Equipment for Maintenance

17 17 Equipment for Maintenance

18 18 Using the right equipment at the right moment is essential. Water Management Training Allocating yearly budgets for maintenance Training of involved people Introduction of a regular maintenance schedule Acquiring the right equipment for maintenance Spending the budgets on maintenance to create a sustainable drainage and irrigation system and prevent large scale rehabilitation projects.

19 19 Time to wake up!

20 20 Both Herder and Conver can be of assistance providing equipment and/or knowledge! Thank you for your attention And good luck in your future

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