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EMTA Strategy & Working program Lyon meeting - 23-24 October2006.

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Presentation on theme: "EMTA Strategy & Working program Lyon meeting - 23-24 October2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMTA Strategy & Working program Lyon meeting - 23-24 October2006

2 Membership Development External relationships Political Agenda Working Program

3 EMTA members Current Members (26 cities):  Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Bilbao, Birmingham, Brussels, Cadiz, Dublin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Helsinki, London, Lyon, Madrid, Manchester, Milan, Oslo, Prague, Seville, Sheffield, Stuttgart, Stockholm, Torino, Valence, Vienna, Vilnius  + Lisbon as observer until the setting up of transport authority Former members (5 cities):  Warsaw, Athens, Zurich, Geneva, Rome Interested cities (4 cities):  Copenhagen, Glasgow, Thessaloniki, Rotterdam Potential members: capital cities or metropolitan area whose population is above 1 million inhabitants (18 cities)  Naples, Katowice, Budapest, Munich, Bucharest, Leeds, Liverpool, Mannheim, Marseilles, Porto, Sofia, Antwerp, Hanover, Riga, Tallinn, Zagreb, Bratislava, Lubjana Which development for EMTA member cities?

4 External relationships: institutions ECMT:  former cooperation on accessiblity issues  request for contribution to the ECMT reform on congestion issues UITP:  former cooperation on contracting issues: conferences in Rome (2000) and Vienna (2003)  on-going joint working group on quality management with Organising Authorities and Corporate Management Committees  proposal for common work with Transport and Urban Life Committee on social inclusion issues  Involvement in EURFORUM Consortium CEMR:  Contacts taken with EMTA EU Taskforce about EU PSO Regulation discussions

5 External relationships: other transport authorities Transport Authorities being or to be set up  Turkey: participation into a UITP Euroteam Seminar in June 2006  Eastern and Central Europe  Mediterranean countries Transport Authorities from other Continents  South America: contacts at EMTA members level (Madrid)  China: contacts at EMTA members level (Stockholm)  North America: formal request from Montreal Transport Authority (also APTA member)

6 Political agenda Regulation on public service obligations:  Second reading in EU Parliament and possibly conciliation procedure  Adoption, implementation and monitoring Green paper on urban transport expected in 2007: which topics to put forward? But also:  Passengers rights  Impact of third railway package on urban rail  future of European Transport Policy  Energy efficiency strategy  European Accessiblity Act Which topics to focus on? Strategy of EU Taskforce

7 Topics to include in EMTA working program Sustainable urban transport plans  cooperation project with academics (Politecnico de Madrid): current national legislative frameworks, examples and best practices, evaluation reports Transport policies and population trends  Survey proposal from Carmen Hass-Klau: impact of transport policies on sustainability of the cities and socio-economic evolution of the population Benchmarking of ticketing systems  Comparative documents of fares and ticketing systems to compare: level of fares, kind of tickets proposed, targeted population groups, geographical zoning, fare integration… Comparison of PT infrastructure and operations funding schemes  Update of the 2001 ATM-EMTA study, made by INECO on 10 European cities

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