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FI$Cal Change Discussion Guide Asset Management Guide March 2015.

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1 FI$Cal Change Discussion Guide Asset Management Guide March 2015

2 FI$Cal Solution Legend Pre-Wave Wave 1 Wave 2 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.2 March 2015

3 Process OverviewKey Impacts The Manage Assets process covers all activities related to maintaining assets within FI$Cal This includes the following sub- processes:  Acquire Asset  Maintain Asset  Retire Asset  Depreciate Asset  Month-End Processing Assets are created using physical information from receipt and financial information from voucher Assets may be directly added in Asset Management (donated assets, corrections, etc.) Detailed asset information can be entered, updated, and maintained in FI$Cal once asset is received Asset information is searchable and reportable Acquisition details provide traceability back to purchase order, receipt, and voucher Asset Management FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.3 March 2015 Manage Assets

4 Key Impacts Once approved by the Department of General Services (DGS) outside the System, asset disposals are performed in FI$Cal If proceeds are received for an asset, the asset should remain in FI$Cal until proceed amount is determined An asset can be reinstated to the point in time in which it was disposed FI$Cal calculates depreciation on an asset-by-asset basis using standardized useful life, depreciation method, and depreciation convention Departments validate depreciation calculations in preparation for sending to the General Ledger at month end FI$Cal creates the accounting entries to be sent to the General Ledger for asset additions, adjustments, depreciation, and retirements Journal entries will be sent to General Ledger for reporting purposes Asset Management FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.4 March 2015 Manage Assets

5 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.5 March 2015 Department-Specific Impacts and Notes Asset Management As we transition to FI$Cal roles and responsibilities will change as follows:  [ROLE] – [CHANGE IN ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES] Department business processes around Manage Assets will change as follows:  [ENTER CHANGE IN BUSINESS PROCESS] Increased communication and integration between the following business areas will be needed:  [ENTER AREA 1 & AREA 2] – [ENTER ACTIVITIY THAT MUST BE COMPLETED TOGETHER] Manage Assets

6 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.6 March 2015 FI$Cal End-User Roles Asset Management FI$Cal End-User RoleDescription Department Asset Processor The department end user who processes assets originating from Purchasing, Accounts Payable, and/or Project Costing, as well as enters assets directly in the Asset Management module. Department Asset Manager The department end user who enters additions/ adjustments to an asset, performs IntraUnit/InterUnit transfers for an asset, and processes retirements/reinstatements for an asset. Department Asset Maintainer The department end user who manages the physical information associated with assets under their control (Locations, Tag Numbers, Custodians, etc.). This user is not responsible for the recording of any financial information (change in funding). Manage Assets

7 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.7 March 2015 FI$Cal End-User Roles Asset Management FI$Cal End-User RoleDescription Confidential Asset Maintainer The central and department end user who enters and updates confidential information associated with assets, such as vehicle identification number (VIN) and Asset Class. Department Asset Depreciation Processor The department end user who reviews and validates the depreciation calculations for their department, including changing the depreciation attributes, as needed, and running depreciation on an ad hoc basis. Department Asset Month-End Processor The department end user who executes and validates month-end processes for Asset Management. Manage Assets

8 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.8 March 2015 FI$Cal End-User Roles Asset Management FI$Cal End-User RoleDescription Asset ViewerThe central and department end user who can view both financial and physical asset information. Department end users will only view assets within their business unit. Department Asset Configuration Maintainer The department end user who updates and maintains configuration values that are designated as being maintained by departments. Department Asset Confidential Reporter The department end user who can view the confidential asset information on the AM confidential report. Department end users will only be able to run the report within their business unit. Manage Assets

9 Process OverviewKey Impacts The Leased Assets process covers the lease lifecycle for operating and capital leases as determined by FASB 13 and GASB 13 This includes the following sub- processes:  Add Leased Asset  Maintain Leased Asset  Set Payment Schedule  Process Payment Any lease with cost index based payment schedules will be managed in FI$Cal as procurement contracts Lease Payment Schedules will be voucher release schedules on the contract Assets may be added manually if the lease needs to be amortized FI$Cal creates the accounting entries to be sent to the General Ledger for Leased Asset transactions and payments Payments run through interest and obligation clearing accounts with AM and AP Asset Management FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.9 March 2015 Leased Assets

10 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.10 March 2015 Department-Specific Impacts and Notes Asset Management As we transition to FI$Cal roles and responsibilities will change as follows:  [ROLE] – [CHANGE IN ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES] Department business processes around Leased Assets will change as follows:  [ENTER CHANGE IN BUSINESS PROCESS] Increased communication and integration between the following business areas will be needed:  [ENTER AREA 1 & AREA 2] – [ENTER ACTIVITIY THAT MUST BE COMPLETED TOGETHER] Leased Assets

11 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.11 March 2015 FI$Cal End-User Roles Asset Management FI$Cal End-User RoleDescription Department AM Lease Processor Department user that processes leased assets. Leased Assets

12 Process OverviewKey Impacts The Physical Inventory process covers activities related to barcode scanning or manually conducting a physical inventory of assets This includes the following sub- processes:  Perform Physical Count  Upload Result  Reconcile Inventory Overs and Unders Report will display exceptions Physical Inventory History record is entered in the system for all found assets Integrated scanning solution Asset Advantage is available Departments with existing technology (scanners) may choose to develop their own process for integrating with FI$Cal Asset Management FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.12 March 2015 Physical Inventory

13 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.13 March 2015 Department-Specific Impacts and Notes Asset Management As we transition to FI$Cal roles and responsibilities will change as follows:  [ROLE] – [CHANGE IN ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES] Department business processes around Physical Inventory will change as follows:  [ENTER CHANGE IN BUSINESS PROCESS] Increased communication and integration between the following business areas will be needed:  [ENTER AREA 1 & AREA 2] – [ENTER ACTIVITIY THAT MUST BE COMPLETED TOGETHER] Physical Inventory

14 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.14 March 2015 FI$Cal End-User Roles Asset Management FI$Cal End-User RoleDescription Department AM Physical Inventory Processor Department user that processes physical inventory. Physical Inventory

15 Process OverviewKey Impacts The Transfer Assets process covers all activities related to managing the transfer of assets after it has been placed in service This includes the following sub- processes:  Inter-Unit Transfer (between Business Units)  Intra-Unit Transfer (within a Business Unit)  Cost Adjustment  Re-categorize Asset Once approved by DGS through online STD Form 158, asset transfers are performed in FI$Cal InterUnit transfers create a new asset for the receiving department, using the current cost and accumulated depreciation  All asset information will be transferred with the asset Intra-Unit transfers are performed in FI$Cal  Transfer between funds will initiate funds balancing entries  Workflow will remain outside of FI$Cal Asset Management FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.15 March 2015 Transfer Assets

16 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.16 March 2015 Department-Specific Impacts and Notes Asset Management As we transition to FI$Cal roles and responsibilities will change as follows:  [ROLE] – [CHANGE IN ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES] Department business processes around Transfer Assets will change as follows:  [ENTER CHANGE IN BUSINESS PROCESS] Increased communication and integration between the following business areas will be needed:  [ENTER AREA 1 & AREA 2] – [ENTER ACTIVITIY THAT MUST BE COMPLETED TOGETHER] Transfer Assets

17 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.17 March 2015 FI$Cal End-User Roles Asset Management FI$Cal End-User RoleDescription Department AM Approver 1 Department user that approves Inter-Unit transfer requests. This is a workflow only role. Department AM Approver 2 The department end user who performs a second- level review/approval for Inter-Unit transfer requests. This is a workflow only role. DGS Asset ProcessorDGS user that approves and processes Inter-Unit Transfers. DGS AM Approver DGS user that approves Inter-Unit transfer requests. This is a workflow only role. Receiving Department Transfer Approver The department end user that approves the receipt of the Inter-Unit transfer. Transfer Assets

18 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.18 March 2015 FI$Cal End-User Training Asset Management Course IDCourse NameDurationDelivery FS101*Introduction to FI$Cal 4 hours WBT FS102*FI$Cal Navigation 4 hours WBT AM101Introduction to FI$Cal Asset Management 4 hours ILT AM112Entering and Maintaining Assets 4 hours ILT AM122Adjusting, Transferring, and Retiring Assets 4 hours WBT AM132Processing Depreciation and Month-End Processing 4 hours WBT *FS101 and FS102 are mandatory for all FI$Cal end users

19 FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.19 March 2015 For additional information on end-user training, visit the Training page of the FI$Cal Project website at : FI$Cal End-User Training

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