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Presented by Vishy Grandhi.  Lesson 1: Role based security  Lesson 2: Setup new user  Recipes.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Vishy Grandhi.  Lesson 1: Role based security  Lesson 2: Setup new user  Recipes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Vishy Grandhi

2  Lesson 1: Role based security  Lesson 2: Setup new user  Recipes

3  At the end of this lesson you will have an understanding about ◦ Role based security ◦ Roles assignment to users



6  Entry Points  Permissions  Privileges  Duties  Roles

7  Menu items  Web content items  Service operations  SSRS reports

8  Process cycles are used in rich client to make it easier for a system administrator to view and find related duties when setting up security. ◦ Conversion cycle ◦ Cost accounting cycle ◦ Expenditure cycle ◦ Human capital management cycle ◦ Information Technology cycle ◦ Revenue cycle

9  At the end of this lesson you would have a good understanding of the following ◦ Setup a new user ◦ Assign the user appropriate role ◦ Modify roles, duties and privileges

10  The following recipes are included in this presentation 4a. Create a new privilege and duty for your form 4b. Assign your duty to a process cycle and role 4c. Create a new user 4d. Assign role to a user

11 1. Start 2. Let’s assume you created a new form called SpeciesForm and a new display menu item called SpeciesMenuItem 3. Open Microsoft Dynamics AX development workspace (Ctrl + Shift + W) 4. Right-Click on AOT->Security- >Privileges and select New Privilege menu 5. Rename your privilege SpeciesPrivilege 6. Right-click the node Menu Items- >Display->SpeciesMenuItem and select Open New Window 7. Drag the menu item SpeciesMenuItem to the Entry Point node under your privilege SpeciesPrivilege 8. You should have an entry under the Entry Point node called SpeciesPrivilege. Select this node and check properties (F4) 9. In the Properties Window select the property AccessLevel and change the value to Delete 10. Right-Click on AOT->Security->Duties and select New Duty 11. Rename your duty to SpeciesMaintain 12. Drag your privilege SpeciesPrivilege to the Privileges node under your duty SpeciesMaintain 13. Finish

12 1. Start 2. Let’s assume you created a new duty SpeciesMaintain 3. Open Microsoft Dynamics AX development workspace (Ctrl + Shift + W) 4. Right-Click on AOT->Security->Duties- >SpeciesMaintain duty and select Open New Window 5. Expand the Process Cycles node (Under AOT->Security) and select the process cycle to which you want to add your duty. 6. Drag the duty SpeciesMaintain to the Duties node under your process cycle 7. Expand the Rolesnode (Under AOT- >Security) and select the Role to which you want to add your duty. 8. Drag the duty SpeciesMaintain to the Duties node under your role 9. Finish

13 1. Start 2. Open the Microsoft Dynamics AX client. 3. Open the Users form. System Administration > Common > Users > Users. 4. Click New > Import in the Action Pane. 5. Click Next. 6. Select the domain name 7. Enter Vishy for the first name. 8. Click Next. 9. Click Select all. 10. Click Next. 11. Click Next. 12. Select only System User and Employee roles. 13. Click Next. 14. Select Accounts receivable administrator profile in Same profile in all companies. This defines Vishy's role center. 15. Click Next. 16. Click Finish

14 1. Open the Microsoft Dynamics AX client. 2. Go to System Administration > Common > Users > Users. 3. Double-click Vishy Grandhi in the grid to edit his record. 4. Click Assign roles in the User's role section of the form. 5. Select Accounts receivable manager and click OK. 6. Finish.

15  We have looked at Role based security in AX  We explored the different security elements  Finally we created a new user and assigned him/her roles

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