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Called to be A People of Hope Being Stewards of Creation.

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Presentation on theme: "Called to be A People of Hope Being Stewards of Creation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Called to be A People of Hope Being Stewards of Creation

2 Learning from Scripture In the beginning ?

3 Remember: When people wrote the first story of creation they were not trying to tell you how the world or the universe was scientifically created. They wrote a poem to express their feelings about creation They also wanted to share what they believed to be true about the world

4 These are some of the things they wanted to share Everyone, no matter who, is created in the image of God and loved by God

5 To be created in God’s image doesn’t mean we physically look like God but that we have a responsibility to love and care for the world

6 We are stewards of Creation. What do you think a steward is?

7 Pope Francis has written a new letter to the World called ‘Laudato Si’ Can you find out what this means? This letter is about creation. Why is the title a really good one? (Hint: think about who he is quoting and what that person did) On the next few slides are some quotes from the letter. Try to say what you think each quote means.


9 Because of us, thousands of species will no longer give glory to God by their very existence, nor convey their message to us. We have no such right



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