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UCD Registry Administrative Services Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland Clárlann UCD Seirbhísí Riaracháin An Coláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath Belfield, Baile.

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1 UCD Registry Administrative Services Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland Clárlann UCD Seirbhísí Riaracháin An Coláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath Belfield, Baile Átha Cliath 4, Éire Compliance Implementation at University College Dublin Caroline Barrett UCD Registry - Administrative Services

2 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 1 Topics  Background/Context  Issues and Solutions  Setting Up Compliance  Running Batch Compliance  Running Individual Compliance  Viewing Compliance Results  Linking Compliance and GPA  Manual Processing & Supporting Reports  The Future…

3 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 2 Background/Context

4 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 3 Background/Context  Glossary of Terms:  Major/Minor– An area of study that forms part/all of a degree.  Level – This is an indication of the difficulty of a module. Levels range from ‘0’ denoting a Foundation level module up to ‘5’ which denotes a Doctoral level module.  Stage – A section of a qualification normally totalling 60 credits. A standard stage will normally take one academic year to complete.  Area – UCD uses Banner Baseline Areas to record the Core modules and Option rules and modules for a given major and stage.

5 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 4 Background/Context  From 2005 UCD made a phased transition from a traditional to a modular, semesterised system entailing the following changes:  Flexible option and elective choices  Self-Service online registration  Progression to a subsequent stage carrying outstanding modules  Substitution of failed modules  Joint Major and Major with Minor qualifications  Registration to modules associated with a subsequent stage

6 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 5 Background/Context  In 2008, we completed our first full cycle of modularised undergraduate programmes, requiring the implementation of a final modularised business process:  Traditional approach (students pass all courses so eligible to complete) is no longer feasible because:  More flexible Major structures  Students responsible for own registration  Progression carrying failed modules  Need for reliable, automated system which would assess students for eligibility for degree award and link with our local Degree GPA calculation tables.

7 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 6 Background/Context Eligibility assessed across three strata: 1.Academic Requirements: (Compliance)  Core Modules  Option Modules 2.Credit Accumulation: (Local Reporting)  Total Credits per Programme (eg 180 or 240) 3.General Regulations: (Local Reporting)  Required number of credits at each level (difficulty)/ eg <10 credits at foundation level.

8 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 7 Background/Context  Figures:  Total students: 22,500  Compliance required for all Final-stage undergraduate students – 2,350 students on 33 Programmes.  Need to include penultimate stage structures. Total of 257 Areas

9 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 8 Issues/Solutions

10 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 9 Issues/Solutions Issue 1: Dynamic vs. Captive Compliance.  Captive: Students are only complied against areas explicitly attached to the Programme  Dynamic: Students are complied against any area for which they fulfill the Area qualifier (in UCD’s case, only Major is used for this purpose) Solution 1: Captive Compliance Found Unsuitable  Some advantages to Captive  BUT incompatible with UCD structures where modules are shared across Areas within 80% of Programmes  Modules complied across multiple Areas so student is found fully compliant for none  So, need to use Dynamic processing

11 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 10 Issues/Solutions Issue 2: Highly Variable Area Structures  UCD uses Area to hold Core Modules and Option Rules for each Major and Stage  Up to 70% of Area structures may change from year to year  Compliance refers to effective term of Area that matches student Catalog term  Catalog term updated yearly  Requirement to comply students against both final and penultimate stages  Students no longer compliant against penultimate area where structures have changed

12 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 11 Issues/Solutions Issue 2: Highly Variable Area Structures (Cont) Catalog Term: 2006 2007 Student: Stage 2 2006 Structures Stage 3 2007 Structures Stage 2 2007 Structures 2006: Student completes Stage 2 under 2006 structures 2007: Student completes Stage 3 under 2007 structures Student has completed all requirementsBUT, since student has 2007 Catalog when compliance is run student is assessed against 2007 structures for stage 2 Student Entitled to Comply? YES Student Compliant? NO

13 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 12 Issues/Solutions Solution: Duplicate 2006 Penultimate structures with Effective Term of 2007 1.Save Compliance Area code and title in SMAALIB using consistent unique coding convention 2.‘Default All Detail from Another Area’ (under Options menu) in SMAAREA 3.Copy 2006 structures (including Area Qualifiers) under new code with effective term of 2007 4.Remove dynamic flag in SMAALIB for genuine 2007 penultimate areas to exclude from Compliance processing Employing this process, we duplicated 128 Areas in 1.5 days.

14 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 13 Running Compliance

15 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 14 Setting Up Compliance SMAPROG Minimum Compliant Grade must be Entered

16 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 15 Setting Up Compliance SMADFLT Types of courses for inclusion Min/Max terms for inclusion Order in which courses are assessed

17 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 16 Setting Up Compliance SMAALIB Insert Duplicated Compliance AreasUnflag non-Compliance Areas for Dynamic

18 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 17 Setting Up Compliance SMAAREA Insert Duplicated Compliance Area Code‘Default All Detail from Another Area’

19 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 18 Running Batch Compliance Define Population Selection in GLRSLCT Term, Program, Type & Student Status

20 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 19 Running Batch Compliance Run Population Selection in GJAPCTL Enter Variables ‘GLBDATA’

21 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 20 Running Batch Compliance Run Batch Compliance for Population in GJAPCTL ‘SMRBCMP’ Enter Population Identifier

22 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 21 Running Batch Compliance Using this method we successfully complied 2,357 students in under two hours.

23 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 22 Running Individual Compliance SMARQCM Ability to Override Default Settings (SMADFLT) Enter Student ID

24 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 23 Running Individual Compliance SMARQCM (Cont) Enter Record Details or Duplicate from Student Record, Degree Record or a previous Compliance Request

25 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 24 Viewing Compliance Results View by Group in SMACACT Student Details Compliance Details

26 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 25 Viewing Compliance Results View Individual in SMICRLT RequirementsMet/Not Met Courses etc Used/Unused

27 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 26 Viewing Compliance Results SMICRLT (Cont) Requirements Met/Not MetCourses Etc Used/Unused Area Details Met Ind

28 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 27 Viewing Compliance Results SMICRLT (Cont) CAPP Area Rules (SMAAREA) CAPP Rule Met?

29 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 28 Viewing Compliance Results SMICRLT (Cont) Course Used Ind

30 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 29 Viewing Compliance Results SMICRLT (Cont) Module DetailsSource eg Registration/Academic HistoryCredits/Grades Term

31 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 30 Linking Compliance and GPA SMBAOGN Table Compliance Request No PIDMAreaCompliance Met Indicator Local Degree GPA is not calculated for any student where SMBAOGN_MET_IND = ‘N’ for their maximum SMBAOGN_REQUEST_NO

32 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 31 Manual Processing

33 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 32 Manual Processing  Manual Processing was required for a number of reasons:  Inability to systematically process exemptions/transfers/substitutions  Students who had begun one/both of their compliance stages under a traditional system and finished in a modular environment  Difficulties complying modules shared across a student’s majors against the appropriate area  Quantity of manual cases (c. 359) made use of student adjustment functionality procedurally unfeasible

34 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 33 Manual Processing What student cohorts required manual tracking?  Students with substitute modules (97 - 3.6%)  Students with exemptions/transfer credits (129 – 4.8%)  Students who had both traditional and modularised records (c. 120 – 4.4%)  Students who completed modules shared across their Areas (13 – 0.5%) Out of a total population of 2,712 Students, 2,353 (86.8%) needed no manual intervention

35 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 34 Manual Processing How did we do it? 1.Identify manual cohorts 2.Identify students on those cohorts 3.Students assessed for eligibility to complete by Programme Offices using suite of Business Objects reports 4.Students deemed provisionally eligible (pending Semester II results) flagged using SPACMNT 5.Once results are finalised, list of ‘COM’ students who have completed their modules forwarded to Assessment Office 6.Assessment Office calculate Degree GPA without reference to Compliance tables

36 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 35 Manual Processing Current Registration Modular Academic History Traditional Academic History

37 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 36 Manual Processing SWHDGPA – Local Degree GPA Generation Form Ability to manually override reference to Compliance Tables

38 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 37 Automated Compliance ‘Regular’ Students Compliance Generates ‘Y’ Record Compliance Verifies Requirements Met Local Form Generates Degree GPA

39 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 38 Manual Processing Manual Students Requirements Previously Verified by Programme Offices Business Objects Report used to verify Academic History Assessment Office Generates Individual Degree GPA

40 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 39 Conclusion Objectives:  Reliability 100% Accurate  High level of automation 86.6% of students assessed automatically with limited data build and technical enhancements required  Fit to purpose Assessed most complex aspect of eligibility – verification of meeting structural requirements – for 2,357 students in less than two hours  Link directly to Degree GPA tables Effectively linked directly to local Degree GPA generation process

41 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 40 The Future…  Compliance run for all Students  Online Student Self-Service  ‘Where am I now?’  ‘If I change now, where can I go?’  Dynamic Facility for Staff Supporting Student  Streamlined Manual Process:  Recording Substitutes  No Conversion (Traditional/Modular) Process

42 January 2009 UCD Registry - Administrative Services Clárlann UCD - Seirbhísí Riaracháin 41 And Finally… Any Questions?

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