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Milky Way 9 Planets By Patrick Joyner Mercury Mercury was named for the swift roman messenger god who wore winged sandals. During the day, temperatures.

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2 Milky Way 9 Planets By Patrick Joyner

3 Mercury Mercury was named for the swift roman messenger god who wore winged sandals. During the day, temperatures can reach over 800° F. A year on Mercury is only 88 Earth-years long. One day is 59 Earth-days long.

4 Venus Venus is the hottest planet. Venus was named for the roman goddess of love and beauty. A year on Venus is 225 Earth-days long.

5 Earth Earth is 93 million miles from the Sun. From space Earth look like a ball covered with white clouds. Before Earth was a plant it was a meteor.

6 Mars Mars is half the size of Earth. One day on Mars is 24 ½ Earth-hours long. Mars is 141 million miles from the Sun.

7 Jupiter Jupiter is twice as large as all the other 8 planets put together. Jupiter is 483 million miles from the Sun. A year on Jupiter is 12 Earth-years long.

8 Saturn Saturn is 887 million miles from the Sun. A year on Saturn is about 30 Earth- years long. Saturn is nearly 10 times wide as Earth.

9 Uranus Uranus rotates in the opposite direction of the other 4 outer planets. A year on Uranus is 84 Earth-years long. Uranus is billion, 783 million miles from the Sun.

10 Neptune Neptune is 2 billion, 794 million from the Sun. A year on Neptune is 165 Earth-years long. Neptune has four rings.

11 Pluto Pluto is an icy ball smaller then Earth’s moon. Pluto has one moon name Charon. A year on Pluto is 247 Earth-years long

12 Hope you enjoyed the show! Hope you enjoyed the show!

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