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Published byFelicity Allison Modified over 9 years ago
CamTran At A Glance CamTran: Cambria County Transit Authority established in 1976 Service Area: Cambria County & Windber Provider of Fixed Route, Shared Ride (Reserve-a-Ride) and ADA services Ridership: 1.2 Million Riders Annually (105,000/Rural) Inclined Plane: 80,593 Riders Average Passengers per hour - 16 Fixed Route: 14 Urban Routes/9 Rural Routes Bus Fleet: 30 Urban Buses/25 Rural Buses Employees: 122 Total Employees (Urban/Rural/Incline) FY 2011/2012 Budgets - $6.4m (Urban), $2.1m (Rural), $600,000 (Inclined Plane) CamTran spends $1.3m annually with business in Cambria County and almost $3.6m in Pennsylvania 2
CamTran At A Glance Rider Profile: Urban-Majority female, 18-29 years old Rural- 51% female, 45-64 years old. Over 75% have family income less than $25,000. The majority are captive riders, 63% urban & 38% rural do not have a car in their household. 2009 Survey: Services, fleet and management positively viewed. 3
CamTran Status FY 2011-12 Current Financial Position Current Operations Service Statistics/Trends Funding Statistics/Trends Other Information/Assumptions Capital Status Review 4
Current Financial Position: Reserves (as of 6/30/11) 5 Source Balance Urban Rural PTAF $ 4,660 $ 120,153 ASG $ 0 $ 18,757 BSG $ 8,712 $ 50,184 Section 1513 $ 4,931,498 $ 1,262,018 Local (uncommitted) $ 41,024 $ 0 Other
Current Financial Position: Level of Short-Term Debt/Loans—Identify each line of credit (excludes long-term bond financing) 6 Name of Financial Institution Amount of Available Credit Interest Rate Current Credit in Use N/A
Current Financial Position: Accounts Payable – Past due 90 days and over Accounts Receivable – Past due 90 days and over 7 VendorAmount Past DueEstimated Pay Date Peoples Gas$25,079.17Awaiting response from their attorney Program/AgencyAmount Past Due Date Requisitioned Estimated Pay Date Johnstown Area Heritage Assoc. $ 6,000 (owed to the Incline) 9/8/11When funding is received
Current Operations: Staffing Level Contract Provisions Healthcare Pension Fuel Fares Other major factors producing cost increases above inflation Cost Savings Initiatives 8
Staffing Level/Org Chart We have had a lot of staff turnover in the past several years in senior management positions. Currently ½ of our 14 management staff has one year or less of experience in their current position. We have one open management position – HR Coordinator – We plan on hiring someone at the next Board meeting which is this Friday We have no plans for any new position. 9
CamTran Organizational Chart 10
Contract Provisions - CamTran Term of current union contract 7/1/11 to 6/30/14 __________ 11 DriversCurrent2012-13 Starting wageU-$15.01 R-$13.05U-$15.46 R-$13.44 Top wageU-$20.01 R-$17.42U-$20.61 R-$17.94 Average wageU-$17.51 R-$15.23U-$18.04 R-$15.69 Contract wage increase3% Job ClassificationNumber- Full TimeNumber-Part Time Drivers (union)U – 36 R – 14U – 8 R – 5 Mechanics (union)U – 10 R – 4U – 0 R – 0 Dispatchers (non-union)U – 3 R – 2U – 0 R – 0 ClericalNon-union Other PositionsNon-union
Important Contract Provisions Use of part-time employees –used to supplement regular, full-time operators & to reduce OT. Part-time drivers are guaranteed 20 hrs/wk and are limited to 32 hrs/wk 20 hr work week guarantee has stabilized the PT work force Number/percent of “split shift” drivers – Urban -Weekday – 4 drivers – 15%, Urban - Saturday – 6 drivers – 50% Rural – 2 drivers – 33% Overtime – scheduled driver overtime is keep to a minimum @ 114 hours annually for Urban, Total Drivers OT for FY 10/11 was 4,044 hrs due to report offs, misses, medical leave and vacations Outsourcing - N/A 12
Job ClassificationNumber- Full TimeNumber-Part Time Operators (union)13 Conductors (union)21 Clerks (union)21 OperatorsCurrent2012-13 Starting wage$9.82Contract to be negotiated Top wage$9.82 Average wage$9.82 Contract wage increase3% Contract Provisions- Incline Term of current union contract 8/1/07 to 6/30/12 13
Healthcare per union contract –union pays 18% of health care in 11/12, 19% in 12/13 and 20% in 13/14 Will be reviewing options in Spring of 2012 14 UnionNon-Union Basic Coverage Current$ 1,175,552 (union & non-union) FY 2012-13Will go out for quotes Employee Contributions (annual) CurrentInd.- $1,091 P & C - $2,642 H & W - $2,948 Family - $3,387 Ind.- $ 807 P & C - $1,969 H & W - $2,186 Family - $2,487 FY 2012-13Unknown Co-Payment Current$20.00 FY 2012-13Unknown
Pension 15 UnionNon-Union Employee Contributions Current$1448 each Annually $1448 each Annually FY 2012-13 same Minimum Age to Qualify for Retirement CurrentEarly / Normal 55 / 65 Early / Normal 55 / 65 FY 2012-13Same Minimum Number of Years to Qualify for Retirement Current55 FY 2012-1355 Minimum Number of Years to be Vested Current55 FY 2012-1355
Pension: No changes in CamTran’s Pension Plan are planned at this time. We have an actuarial valuation done every 2 years as required by Act 205. Our unfunded liability fluctuates and is re-determined every two years. In 2007, our pension was funded at 103% before the market downturn. Our pension is currently funded at 92%. This is up from 85% in 2009. Our pension benefits are not tied to salaries. 16
Fuel: Current Cost per Gallon CamTran has a 6-month fuel contract which will end 2/10/12 Pay a $.0391 mark-up on diesel Pay a $.0477 mark-up on gasoline Paid $3.06/gallon for diesel on 12/29/11 Paid $2.81/gallon for gasoline on 12/20/11 Next fuel contract Mark-up on diesel will be $.0042/gal Mark-up on gasoline will be $0299/gal Projected Cost per Gallon and Basis for Projection Budgeted cost of fuel for FY 11/12 is $3.80/gal. Basis for projection is current fuel price plus an average annual fluctuation percentage of the past 3 years. We are current running approximately 19 % under budget for fuel 17
Fixed Route Fares: Provide average fare: Current Amount $0.77 Future Amount $0.77 18 Fare Type Date of Last Increase Current Amount Date of Planned Increase Amount After Planned Increase Base Fare 1/1/2007$1.50TBD based on federal and state funding levels Transfers 1/1/2007$0.30-regular $0.15-HC Zone Fares 1/1/2007Rural only See later slide Other multi-ride tickets/passes 1/1/2007See later slide
Urban Fare Policy CamTran requires all passenger to pay full fare of $1.50 and.30 transfers unless they meet the criteria below: Children age 6 and under pay.35 to ride; transfers are free Seniors age 65 or older ride free with proper identification Passengers may purchase 31 day, 3 day & 1 day passes that can be used anytime during the day Half-fare program for persons with disability Student fares ages 7-12, ID required for 13 & older;.85 Transfer used for passengers requiring a second bus to complete their one-way trip;.30 19
Urban multi-ride Tickets and Passes 20 31 Day PassCost3 Day PassCost1 Day PassCost Adult$60.00Adult$9.60Adult$4.15 Reduced$30.00Reduced$4.80Reduced$2.10 Student$30.00Student$2.10 Child$18.25Summer Youth Pass $1.00 12 Ride PassCost Adult$16.60 Reduced$8.95 Child ( age 6 & under)$3.65
Rural multi-ride Tickets and Passes 21 Zone Base Fare 10 Ride Ticket 10 Ride Ticket Reduced Fare 20 Ride Ticket20 Ride Ticket Reduced Fare $1.50$14.75$7.50$29.50$14.75 $1.65$16.25$8.25$32.50$16.25 $1.70$16.75$8.50$33.50$16.75 $1.75$17.25$8.75$34.50$17.25 $1.80$18.25$9.25$36.50$18.25 $1.90$18.75$9.50$37.50$18.75 $2.25$22.25$11.25$44.50$22.25 VIP Monthly PassVIP Reduced Monthly Pass $82.00$41.00
Shared Ride Fares: Date of Last Fare Increase - 1/1/2007 Current Average fare - $ 5.27 Sponsorship arrangements – AAA covers the senior co-pay for all seniors except in the Johnstown area Planned Changes Date of planned increase – before the end of the FY Estimated average fare - $18.00 Sponsorship arrangements - AAA will be covering the co-pay for all of the seniors in the county including in the Johnstown area Describe Fare Policy Our current fare structure is based on zones. This will be reviewed with consultants. 22
Rural Shared Ride Zones 23 56 43 1 2 Johnstown
Other Major Factors Producing Cost Increases Beyond Inflation: 24 FactorsCurrent Amount Projected Future Amount Explanation Aging Fleet$339,000(U & R) Additional $20,000 in FY 12/13 And increasing each year In FY 12/13 21% of our Urban fleet will be past their useful life
Cost Savings Initiatives: 25 InitiativeCurrent Cost Planned Action and Implementation Date Projected Savings Salary reduction when replacing staff Implemented in the past year$56,000 annually Re organization of staff-2008 Per Strategic Plan/ Organizational Review in 2008 $191,000 annually Travel LimitationsAlready implemented$7,000 annually P/R changesWent to bi-weekly payroll in October 2011 $2,600 annually Reduction of vacationNew employees are capped at 4 week max vacation $1,600 per driver annually IT outsourcingElimination of Director of MIS position $45,000 annually Annual NTD report- in-house Was done by consultant for past 3 years $3,000 annually Paper reductionDouble-siding, electronic copies$550 annually
Urban Fixed Route Funding 26 FY 2010-11FY 2011-12FY 2012-13FY 2013-14FY 2014-15 Total Operating Expenses $5,851,061$6,396,325$6,567,563$6,764,590$6,967,528 Total Operating Revenue $714,139$698,395$712,363$726,610$741,142 Total Operating Deficit -$5,136,922-$5,697,930-$5,855,200-$6,037,980-$6,226,386 Subsidies: Federal$1,263,521 State$3,380,857$3,920,344$4,051,910$4,207,702$4,367,770 Local$492,544$514,065 $539,769 $566,757$595,095 Total Funding$5,136,922$5,697,930$5,855,200$6,037,980$6,226,386
Fixed Route Service Statistics/Trends: (Urban ) Describe Any Proposed Changes 27 Fixed RouteFY 2010-11FY 2011-12FY 2012-13FY 2013-14FY 2014-15 Rev. Veh. Miles 725,259.00757,311.00772,457.00787,906803,664 Rev. Veh. Hours 66,454.0068,840.0070,217.0071,62173,054 Pass. Trips1,090,7101,104,4991,126,5891,149,1211,172, ACT 44 PERF. MEASURES Pass. Trips/Hour 16 Op. Cost/Hour 88.0592.9293.5394.4595.38 Op. Rev./Hour 10.7510.15 Op. Cost/Trip5.365.795.835.895.94
Rural Fixed Route Funding 28 FY 2010-11FY 2011-12FY 2012-13FY 2013-14FY 2014-15 Total Operating Expenses $1,217,333$1,352,999$1,387,656$1,429,286$1,472,165 Total Operating Revenue $106,269$107,579$109,731$111,925$114,164 Total Operating Deficit -$1,111,064-$1,244,820-$1,277,926-$1,317,361-$1,358,001 Subsidies: Federal$0$279,696$0$396,024$476,334 State$1,056,031$907,432$1,217,349$857,731$814,881 Local$55,033$57,692 $60,577 $63,606$66,786 Total Funding$1,111,064$1,244,820$1,277,926$1,317,361$1,358,001
Fixed Route Service Statistics/Trends: (Rural ) Describe Any Proposed Changes 29 Fixed RouteFY 2010-11FY 2011-12FY 2012-13FY 2013-14FY 2014-15 Rev. Veh. Miles 322,516.00321,384.00327,812.00334,368.00341,055.00 Rev. Veh. Hours 15,498.2515,736.0016,051.7516,371.7516,699.00 Pass. Trips71,85671,85973,29674,76276,257 ACT 44 PERF. MEASURES Pass. Trips/Hour 55555 Op. Cost/Hour 78.5585.9486.4587.3088.16 Op. Rev./Hour 6.866.84 Op. Cost/Trip16.9418.8218.9319.1219.31
IP Fixed Route Funding 30 FY 2010-11FY 2011-12FY 2012-13FY 2013-14FY 2014-15 Total Operating Expenses $451,979$589,794$607,686$625,917$644,694 Total Operating Revenue $229,245$295,202$301,106$307,128$313,271 Total Operating Deficit -$222,734-$294,592-$306,580-$318,789-$331,423 Subsidies: Federal$0 State$222,419$291,652$303,581$315,730$328,303 Local$315$2,940 $2,999 $3,059$3,120 Total Funding$222,734$294,592$306,580$318,789$331,423
Fixed Route Service Statistics/Trends: (IP ) Describe Any Proposed Changes 31 Fixed RouteFY 2010-11FY 2011-12FY 2012-13FY 2013-14FY 2014-15 Rev. Veh. Miles 3,138.003,200.003,264.003,329.003,396.00 Rev. Veh. Hours 1,237.001,262.001,287.001,313.001,339.25 Pass. Trips80,59382,20583,84985,52687,237 ACT 44 PERF. MEASURES Pass. Trips/Hour 65 Op. Cost/Hour 365.38467.35472.08476.71481.39 Op. Rev./Hour 185.32233.92 Op. Cost/Trip5.617.177.257.327.39
Shared Ride Funding 32 FY 2010-11FY 2011- 12 FY 2012-13FY 2013- 14 FY 2014- 15 Operating Expense$676,907$768,786$789,015$812,685$837,066 Passenger Revenue$13,881$14,450$14,739$15,034$15,334 Lottery$140,750$157,500$160,650$163,863$167,140 MATP Other Revenue$41,079$44,679$45,573$46,484$47,415 Balance($481,197)($552,157)($568,053)($587,304)($607,177)
Shared Ride Statistics/Trends 33 Shared-RideFY 2010-11FY 2011-12FY 2012-13FY 2013-14FY 2014-15 Total Veh. Miles127,613130,383132,991 Cost per Mile$5.30$5.90$5.93$6.11$6.29 Total Veh. Hours6,0826,1986,322 Cost per Hour$111.31$124.04$124.81$128.55$132.41 Total Pass. Trips33,24634,20534,88935,58736,299 Cost per Trip$20.36$22.48$22.61$22.84$23.06 Rev. per Trip$5.89$6.33 Trips per Hour56666
Other Information/Assumptions: Fixed-Route Revised Urban schedules August 29, 2011 More efficient scheduling of service Eliminated unproductive routes Added services to shopping areas Service was increase approximately 3% Did not need to increase number of drivers Scheduled overtime did increase slightly Will be revising our Rural FR schedules in 2012 As long as State and Federal Funding levels are not reduced, CamTran has sufficient operating funds to last through 2015 and beyond Monthly analysis of road calls to improve service 34
Shared Ride Assumptions Currently working with PennDOT to coordinate CamTran + and Area Agency on Aging Shared Ride services Coordinating better with the AAA to ensure that there is no duplicate effort Fare increases will be determined as part of study (PennDOT recently approved a $3.00 emergency fare increase for AAA) This will bring our fares more in-line with the rest of the state The County pays for the Co-pays for seniors 65 + in the Rural area. Previous Commissioners stated that they would include the Urban riders. Putting new higher fares in place would create a savings for the county AAA of approximately $250,000 (PennDOT coordination/fare study will take approx. 6 months to a year to complete) 35
Capital Status Review New Urban Operations/Maintenance Facility PennDOT funded Phase I and partial Phase II Environmental Assessment. Study put on hold while landowner and CamTran negotiated donation of land. Land owner donated 5.593 acres of land to CamTran on Nov. 21. Johnstown Redevelopment Authority obtained DEP grant to fund the completion of phase II environmental. The total was $150,000.00. CamTran successful in obtaining $16 million of federal state of good repair funds. Local share to match $10 million already received, verbal commitment on remaining $6 m local match. State match pending. Expect to break ground in June and building to be completed within 12 months. 36
Capital Status Review - continued Fixed Route 7 new Gillig buses were delivered in September Currently have 3 heavy-duty buses which have met useful life requirement and no funding to replace and four more meeting useful life in 2012 Shared Ride 2 small buses to be replaced this FY 8 small buses meeting their useful life requirement in 2013 9 more buses in 2014 2 buses in 2015 37
Capital Status Review - continued Other projects on hold GFI farebox replacement Rural Transfer Center Replace HVAC system at Rural Facility Inclined Plane Improvements Crosswalk rehab Quickly becoming a safety hazard Track tie replacement Painting of Incline Plane building 38
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