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Welcome to JT News reporting for you. Good afternoon I am TM and here next to me is JI. We are reporting from Cefyn Croes. It is the most powerful onshore.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to JT News reporting for you. Good afternoon I am TM and here next to me is JI. We are reporting from Cefyn Croes. It is the most powerful onshore."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to JT News reporting for you. Good afternoon I am TM and here next to me is JI. We are reporting from Cefyn Croes. It is the most powerful onshore wind farm in Wales.

3 Cefn Croes has an astonishing 39 wind turbines. Each with a 1.5 megawatt capacity. 30,000 tonnes of concrete was used for its construction. Approximately £16,000,000-estimate annual income for Falk Renewables from Cefn Croes. It took 5 years from planning to its grand opening. 2000 2005

4 Cefn Croes has a 58 megawatt total capacity. 17 megawatt - average output (very optimistic – assumes generous 30% load factor. 53,000 megawatt – peak UK demand. Before Cefn Croes the UKs CO 2 emissions were an annual 560,000,000 tonnes of CO 2 300 – abnormal articulated lorry loads delivering turbine components ( conservative estimate).

5 165,000 tonnes – operator-claimed annual CO 2 emission savings thanks to Cefn Croes. Did you know that a typical jumbo jet lets out 520,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide. The overall height of most of the turbines are 327 feet.

6 £10,000 - annual handout to Environmental Management Committee for "ecological enhancement" of the site. 4 - number of permanent full-time jobs created or "safeguarded" by Cefn Croes (operator estimate). 9 miles (14km) - length of grid-connect power line, carried on 100 pylons (mostly two-pole).

7 10,000 - tonnes of carbon dioxide emitted during manufacture of the concrete. 4 - minimum number of violations of planning conditions during construction. You would need to build 1,000 wind farms the size of Cefn Croes to make the peak UK demand. That is if we have a gale force wind everyday.

8 We would need to install 3413 wind farms, just to meet the UKs peak demand amount of electricity. That is if our recent amount of CO 2 doesnt rise. If it does rise, then we will continuously have to build more and more wind farms. Wind farms cost a huge amount of mon ey to make.

9 Many people campaigned against the making of Cefn Croes. Some said that it would spoil the lovely countryside view. Others say that wind farms make too much noise.

10 During the making of Cefn Croes they used 300 abnormal lorries. Just think about all the CO 2 and greenhouse gases being let off from all those lorries. Only four permanent jobs are needed at Cefn Croes

11 Many people think that Cefn Croes is a bad thing and always will be. Others love the idea of having wind farms. Farmers strongly agree with wind farms because they get a huge income boost from having wind turbines on their land. Whether wind farms are good or bad, Ill leave that to you. Thank you for watching our presentation.

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