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Environmental Engineering Research Resources - Using Library for CEE 8094 Lisha Li Georgia Tech Library September 2009 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Engineering Research Resources - Using Library for CEE 8094 Lisha Li Georgia Tech Library September 2009 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Engineering Research Resources - Using Library for CEE 8094 Lisha Li Georgia Tech Library September 2009 1

2 Objectives of the Session : Get to know the valuable resources inside/outside Georgia Tech Library Effectively access the resources and search for relevant literature Get exposure to useful internet resources and related search engines Be familiar with tools and services that are useful for your research 2

3 Environment Engineering - Definition Sections: Air-quality control; Water supply; Wastewater disposal; Stormwater management; Solid-waste management; Hazardous-waste management. The division of engineering concerned with the environment and management of natural resources. The environmental engineer places special attention on the biological, chemical, and physical reactions in the air, land, and water environments and on improved technology for integrated management systems, including reuse, recycling, and recovery measures. (McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology )McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology Environmental engineering 3

4 Environmental Engineering Broad scope and multidisciplinary: ◦ Civil engineering ◦ Mechanical engineering ◦ Chemical engineering ◦ Chemistry ◦ Biology ◦ Ecology ◦ Geology ◦ Hydraulics ◦ Hydrology ◦ Economics ◦ Mathematics 4

5 Types of Resources - What to look for? Books (print/electronic) Journals/articles Conference proceedings/papers Government documents Technical reports Theses/dissertations Standards and codes Internet resources Data sets (statistical, geospatial…) 5

6 Resources at Georgia Tech Library - Where to start? GIL Catalog ◦ Books (print/electronic) ◦ Journals (NOT articles) ◦ Government documents ◦ Technical reports (some) ◦ Theses/Dissertations (GT) ◦ Maps/Multimedia materials Library Web Site: 6

7 Reference Items 7

8 Browse LC Subject Heading Library 5 Ease 8

9 Browse LC Subject Heading (2) 9

10 Resources Outside GT (Examples: Environmental Engineering - LC Subject Heading) GIL: 1,267 GIL Universal: 1,775 WorldCat: 14,061 10

11 Electronic Books Knovel ENGnetBASE NetLibrary SpringerLink Referex Engineering 11

12 eBooks: ENGnetBASE Title browse 12

13 eBooks: Knovel Library Graphs, Equations, Tables Search Interface 13

14 eBooks: Knovel Library 14

15 Referex Engineering Expert Search Interface 15

16 eBooks: NetLibrary Over 27,000 reference books, scholarly monographs, publications of many University Presses, and consumer books. 16

17 Compendex The most comprehensive bibliographic engineering database, covering 190 engineering & applied science disciplines References & abstracts to 5,000+ international journals, trade magazines, conference proceedings & technical reports 9 million records – 1969 to present 500,000 records added annually Weekly updates Engineering Index Backfile: 1884-1968 (+ 1.7 million records) 17

18 Compendex (2) Refine results 18

19 Compendex (3) Using Compendex Thesaurus 19

20 Compendex (4) ((451) WN CL)((451) WN CL) > 58,395 records (1884-2009) Classification search 20

21 Compendex (5) Compendex record display 21

22 Web of Science Indexes over 10,000 journals including open access journals across 200 disciplines Includes ◦ Science Citation Index Expanded (1900 -) ◦ Social Sciences Citation Index (1956-) 22

23 Web of Science (2) 23

24 Web of Science (3) Analyze by author’s institution 24

25 Web of Science (4) The h-index is based on a list of publications ranked in descending order by the Times Cited. The value of h = the number of papers (N) in the list that have N or more citations. Article impact Create citation report 25

26 Journal Citation Reports Journal impact Environmental engineering journals ranked by impact factor 26

27 BIOSIS Previews Covers life sciences and biomedical research literature. Indexes over 5,000 journals, conference papers, and books. About 500,000 records added annually Coverage from 1969 on. 27

28 BIOSIS Previews (2) Use Advanced Search 28

29 BIOSIS Previews (3) BIOSIS record display 29

30 MEDLINE via WOK The most comprehensive source of life sciences and biomedical bibliographic information Includes about 11 million records. Covers literature from 1950. 30


32 SciFinder Scholar Includes: ◦ CAPlus/CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS ( 1907-) ◦ CAS REGISTRY (chemical names and structures, 1957- ) ◦ CHEMLIST (regulatory information, 1979-) ◦ MEDLINE (1951- ). Register to create your own account 32

33 LexisNexis Current info. 33

34 LexisNexis (2) Federal and State codes 34

35 Copyright and Fair Use 35

36 Open Access Journals Open Access Journals: model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. Users have the rights to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles.” Currently 78 international journals in the subject area: Environmental Sciences 36 There are now 4349 journals in the directory. Currently 1649 journals are searchable at article level. As of today 312,967 articles are included in the DOAJ service. (09/09/09)1649 There are now 4349 journals in the directory. Currently 1649 journals are searchable at article level. As of today 312,967 articles are included in the DOAJ service. (09/09/09)1649

37 Government Documents Georgia Tech Library has been a federal depository for United States federal publications and maps since 1964 Currently selects approximately 82% of publications distributed by the Government Printing Office (GPO) Uses the Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) classification system which is based on the organization of the federal governmentSuperintendent of Documents (SuDocs) classification system Holds over 900,000 items. Government Information Subject Guide: /search/govinfo/ 37

38 Government Documents in GT: Examples GT: 82% of Gov. Doc. Depository 38

39 Use GPO Catalog GPO Monthly Catalog: Directory of current and past publications from the U.S. Government Printing Office (1976 - ) 39

40 Use GPO Catalog (U.S. Government Publications) 40

41 Technical Reports Technical report - a document written by a researcher detailing the results of a project and submitted to the sponsor of that project. Many of Georgia Tech's reports are government sponsored and are on microfiche. DOE, EPA, NASA and DoD are top sponsors. A number of U.S. Government sponsors now make technical reports full text available on the internet, e.g. DOE, NASA, EPA. Technical reports may be published before the corresponding journal literature Content may be more detailed than the corresponding journal literature, although there may be less background information since the sponsor already knows it Technical reports are usually not peer reviewed unless the report is separately published as journal literature Classified and export controlled reports have restricted access. Obscure acronyms and codes are frequently used. 41

42 Technical Reports Index: NTIS (National Technical Information Service) Citations and abstracts from unclassified government- sponsored research reports from the DoD, DOE, NASA, EPA and other federal agencies, and international government departments and other international organizations including those from Canada, Japan, the former Soviet Union, Western and Eastern European countries. Some additional older research reports may be indexed in the STAR index, available at call number TL 500.S35 on the 2nd floor of the East building of the library. 1964 - 42

43 Search technical reports: Using NTIS database Look for MF using Report Number 43

44 Technical Reports: Full Text: Microfiche on Library 2 East Selected electronic and print technical reports are listed in the GT Catalog (GIL)GT Catalog (GIL) GT Library holds over 2.7 million microfiche technical reports, mostly 1960 to 2007 and some older ones from 1900 available (not in GIL). Use NTIS database to search for technical reports. Most unclassified technical reports with accession/order numbers beginning with the designations given below: ◦ PB (NTIS); AD (DOD); DE (DOE); N (NASA) We order technical report title by title after 2007. Use ILLiad to request it. 44

45 Technical Reports: Full Text at Georgia Tech Library’s Repository 45

46 Technical Reports: Other Full Text Online Resources DOE Information Bridge (1994- ) Provides results of DOE R&D in energy technologies, physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental cleanup, and more. DOE Information Bridge National Environmental Publications Internet Site (NEPIS) (1997- ) Over 31,000 archival and current documents, including: National Environmental Publications Internet Site (NEPIS) ◦ 400 Series (Air and Radiation, OAR) ◦ 500 Series (Solid Waste and Emergency Response, OSWER) ◦ 600 Series (Research and Development, ORB) ◦ 700 Series (Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances, OPPTS) and ◦ 800 Series (Water, OW) and more. NTRS NACA and NASA Technical Reports Server (1915- ) 90,000 full text reports. NTRS NACA and NASA Technical Reports Server DTIC: STINET (Scientific and Technical Information Network): Provides access to citations of unclassified, unlimited documents, as well as the electronic full-text of selected documents. Covers over 2 million public release records. DTIC: STINET(Scientific and Technical Information Network) 46

47 Technical Reports Access: NSCEP/NEPIS - EPA's Gateway to Free Digital & Paper Publications National Environmental Publications Internet Site (NEPIS) 47

48 Technical Reports Access: DOE Information Bridge 48

49 Technical Reports Access: NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 49

50 Theses/Dissertations by GT Authors 50

51 Theses/Dissertations by Other Authors Dissertation Abstracts (1861 to present): ◦ Contains abstracts of doctoral dissertations and some masters theses from all accredited U.S. Colleges and Universities. ◦ Some dissertations and theses offer a preview option of the first 24 pages. ◦ Order full text using ILLiad 51

52 Search ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Use ILLiad 52

53 Industry Standards (ASTM) 1 Seat available 53

54 Industry Standards (2) 54

55 Use ILLiad for Interlibrary Loan For articles, papers, book chapters For books, proceedings, dissertations 55

56 Internet Resources & Search Engines Government web sites: ◦ EPA ◦ DOE ◦ USGS ◦ NOAA ◦ USDA ◦ DOT ◦ CDC ◦ ATSDAR ◦ NIEHS ◦ GaEPD… Search Engines: ◦ ◦ Intute ◦ ◦ Society Web Sites: ◦ A&WMA; ◦ ASM; ◦ EEGS; ◦ SETAC; ◦ WEF; ◦ WQA… 56

57 57

58 (2) 58

59 EPA The Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET) 59

60 EPA (2) 60

61 EPA (3) 61

62 AIRNOW 62

63 AIRNOW (2) 63

64 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 64

65 USGS Water Data 65

66 USGS: Real-Time Data: Water Quality 66

67 TranStats: Bureau of Transportation Statistics 67

68 TranStats: Bureau of Transportation Statistics 68

69 GPO Access Search for Federal codes 69

70 GPO Access (2) 70

71 Search for spatial data 71

72 72

73 ECOTOX (Single chemical toxicity data for aquatic life, terrestrial plants and wildlife.) 73

74 Web Soil Survey 74

75 Water Data from The World’s Water 75

76 SCIRUS (350 million scientific items indexed) Search engine for scientific info. on the web 76

77 SCITOPIA (over over 3.5 million documents) Search engine for sci-tech info. 77

78 Intute Intute is a free web service for the discovery of academic Internet based information. 78

79 The European Pollutant Emission Register 79

80 EndNote – Citation Manager EndNote is a bibliographic management tool (available for download from the OIT Software Distribution list, paid for by the Georgia Tech Technology Fee)OIT Software Distribution Allows you to organize your references and automatically create bibliographies. Other similar products free online: ◦ Zotero ◦ Citation Machine 80

81 GT Web Localizer 81

82 Library Resources & Tools The library resources page for CEE 8094: Citation styles guide: Down load EndNote: GT Web Localizer: 82


84 THANK YOU! 84

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