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WeekTopicResourcesLiteracy and Numeracy 1 Revision of Year 1 PQs (¿Qué tal? name, live, age) Revise transport Say how you get to school Numbers to 30 Flashcards.

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Presentation on theme: "WeekTopicResourcesLiteracy and Numeracy 1 Revision of Year 1 PQs (¿Qué tal? name, live, age) Revise transport Say how you get to school Numbers to 30 Flashcards."— Presentation transcript:

1 WeekTopicResourcesLiteracy and Numeracy 1 Revision of Year 1 PQs (¿Qué tal? name, live, age) Revise transport Say how you get to school Numbers to 30 Flashcards Flippy Flappy Number Bean Bags Bolsa Sorpresa Numbers to 30 2 Revision of Year 1 PQs (¿Qué tal? name, live, age) Revise transport Say how you get to school Numbers to 40 Flashcards Flippy Flappy Number Bean Bags Bolsa Sorpresa Numbers to 40 3 Revise PQs including how you get to school. Numbers to 40 Learn nouns for habitats Activities fromToloveo.ppt (On shared drive) Finger puppets Counting up to 40 Recognising numbers to 40 Recognising words from the story Year 2 AUTUMN TERM 1 ST HALF St Austin's Primary School 2015-16

2 WeekTopicResourcesLiteracy and Numeracy 4 Revise PQs including how you get to school. Numbers to 40 Revise habitats Learn/Revise animals Activities from Toloveo.ppt (On shared drive) Finger puppets Flashcards Counting up to 40 Recognising numbers to 40 Recognising words from the story 5 Revise PQs including how you get to school. Numbers to 40 Revise animals / habitats Say where animals live Activities fromToloveo.ppt (On shared drive) Finger puppets Flashcards Recognise the written word from the Power Point Recognise and name numbers to 40 Year 2 AUTUMN TERM 1 ST HALF St Austin's Primary School 2015-16

3 WeekTopicResourcesLiteracy and Numeracy 6 Revise PQs including how you get to school. Numbers to 50 Revise habitats Say where animals live Read ‘Los Tres Cerditos’ Activities fromToloveo.ppt (On shared drive) Finger puppets Flashcards Animal masks Recognise the written word from the Power Point Count backwards from 20 Recognise and name numbers to 50 7 Revise PQs including how you get to school. Numbers to 50 Revise animals/habitats Say where animals live Act out the story Activities fromToloveo.ppt (On shared drive) Finger puppets Flashcards Animal masks Recognise the written word from the Power Point Count backwards from 20 Recognise and name numbers to 50 Year 2 AUTUMN TERM 1 ST HALF St Austin's Primary School 2015-16

4 Year 2 By the end of this half term: ALL pupils will: be able to name five animals from the Toloveo story. Will be able to use negative statements and count up to 20. MOST pupils will: be able to name all the animals from the Toloveo story. Will be able to answer four questions and count up to 50. Will be able to recognise the written word for some of the animals from the story and say where animals live. SOME pupils will: be able to name all the animals from the Toloveo story and will be able to answer four questions and use negative statements. They will be able to count forwards to 50 and backwards from 20. They will be able to identify words from the story and use the phrases to act out the story. AUTUMN TERM 1 ST HALF St Austin's Primary School 2015-16

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