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Natural Resources & Wild Life Natural Resources.

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2 Natural Resources & Wild Life

3 Natural Resources

4 Africa has a large quantity of Natural Resources Diamonds Cobalt Copper Cocoa Beans Tropical Fruits Gold Iron Oil

5 60% of the World's Diamond is produced here Diamonds

6 40% of all the Gold ever mined comes from South Africa Gold The World's deepest Gold mine that is 4 km below the surface is Tau Tona Mine

7 Zambia is the second largest cobalt producing nation Cobalt In Africa cobalt comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo

8 South Africa is the China’s third biggest iron ore supplier Iron

9 Copper Palabora Copper Mine It is one of the largest and the deepest open cast mines in the world

10 70% of the world’s Cocoa comes from West Africa Cocoa Beans

11 Nigeria Algeri a Angola Libya Oil The largest oil producers in Africa are :

12 Nigeria Africa’s biggest oil producer

13 Algeria comes second in Africa

14 Angola Third top producer in Africa

15 Libya Produces about 1.7 million barrels every day

16 Other Natural Resources of AFRICA Uranium Bauxite

17 Tropical Fruits Africa’s Real Diamonds Tropical Fruits Africa’s Real Diamonds

18 Ghana and Ivory Coast are largest exporters of pineapples Pineapple

19 Citrus Fruits South Africa make up to $600 million every year from fresh citrus fruits

20 Wild Life of Africa


22 Africa’s Most Dangerous Animals Elephant Lion Black Mamba Nile Crocodile Cape Buffalo Hippopotamus White Shark Leopard

23 Cape Buffalo are known to kill lions

24 African Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth

25 Lions are the second largest cat in the world

26 Leopard can run at speeds of over 35 mph, and are extremely agile jumpers.

27 Hippopotamus second heaviest land mammal in the world

28 Black Mamba is deadliest, fastest land snake in the world

29 Nile Crocodile is second largest extant reptile in the world

30 White Shark world's largest predatory shark/fish growing up to 6.1 meters

31 Famous FORESTS of Africa

32 Hawaan Forest NEWLANDS Forest

33 DHLINZA Forest WEZA Forest

34 Natural Resources and Wildlife of AFRICA plays a major role in developing the economic condition and in maintaining the sustainability in the environment of the country.

35 Thank You

36 Created By Kareena Chhabra XI B Jahanvi Taneja XI A Sadhu Vaswani International School For Girls

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