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Basic Economic Concepts

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1 Basic Economic Concepts
1 Basic Economic Concepts Scarcity, Opportunity Cost & PPC

2 Key Assumptions in Economics
People are rationally self-interested They seek to maximize their utility (happy points) People generally make decisions at the margin They weigh the marginal benefit against the marginal cost of a decision Ceteris Paribus assumption Economists hold all other factors constant, except for what’s being considered

3 Basic Economic Vocabulary
Economics The study of choices people make to satisfy their needs and wants Microeconomics The study of how individuals and firms deal with scarcity Macroeconomics The study of how society as a whole deals with scarcity

4 Basic Economic Vocabulary
Goods Physical objects that can be purchased Services Actions or activities performed for a fee Consumers People who purchase goods and services Producers People who produce g/s People who supply goods and services

5 Needs Wants Necessities for survival
Goods and services consumed beyond what is necessary for survival 9/2/13

6 Resources / The Factors of Production
Economists classify resources into 4 categories Land Natural resources The payment for Land is RENT Labor Human resources The payment for Labor is WAGES

7 3. Capital (a product of Investment)
Tools, machines, factories The payment for Capital is INTEREST 4. Entrepreneurship Risk-taker producing a profitable combination of land, labor and capital in new ways in order to make profit. The payment for Entrepreneurship is PROFIT 9/2/13

8 SCARCITY Economics is the study of limited resources and unlimited needs and wants Scarcity leads to making choices Trade-offs are faced when it comes to using available resources. Opportunity Cost is what is sacrificed when one choice is made over the “next best alternative” Every decision has an opportunity cost

9 SCARCITY Marginal decision making = the result of an additional change
Marginal benefits vs. marginal costs is the basis for making the decision Examples: 1 more hour of sleep vs. eating breakfast Part time job vs. goofing off College vs. full time job

10 Opportunity Cost Once a resource or factor of production has been put to productive use an opportunity cost is incurred. Opportunity cost is the next best alternative use for a resource. Ex. If the 3 cups of flour are used to bake bread, then the opportunity cost is the cake that could also have been baked with the 3 cups of flour. No matter what we do with our time or resources, we always incur opportunity cost. TINSTAAFL.

11 There is no such thing as a free lunch.
TINSTAAFL There is no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has a cost.

12 Agenda 9/4 PPC notes/ practice Circular Flow quiz? HW instructions

13 PPC The PPC = The Production Possibilities Curve
The PPC = a graph showing all of the possible combinations of output for an economy fully employing all of its resources in producing 2 goods. Illustrates scarcity, choices & opportunities costs Points on the curve show production amounts possible for 2 goods Capital goods Point A Consumer Goods

14 Production Possibilities Schedule
Good A B C D Coconuts 9 15 30 Fish 40 28 20 (draw on board) 9/2/13

15 Point A Y = Point Not Possible X = Point possible, but inefficient
Capital Goods Point A Y = Point Not Possible Consumer Goods X = Point possible, but inefficient

16 Review: SCARCITY Economics is the study of limited resources and unlimited needs and wants Scarcity leads to making choices Opportunity Cost is what is sacrificed when one choice is made over the “next best alternative” Every decision has an opportunity cost

17 Review: SCARCITY Marginal decision making = the result of an additional change Marginal benefits vs. marginal costs is the basis for making the decision Examples: 1 more hour of sleep vs. eating breakfast Part time job vs. goofing off College vs. full time job

Ownership of all resources is in the hands of individuals Decision making is by individuals in the market Voluntary exchange of goods and services Self interest influences all decisions – to the benefit of society Competition is the regulating mechanism

Markets and Prices coordinate the millions of decisions System is facilitated by: Specialization Use of money Technology Active, but limited government involvement

Basic Questions every society must ask: What goods & services to produce? How to produce? How much to produce? For whom to produce? How will changes be implemented?

21 Agenda 9/5 Turn in HW Circular Flow Quiz  Fast Food reading
Test review/practice 9/2/13

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