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Coronado Elementary School.  Monarchy – Government run by a single authority or person. Anarchy – Society without law or government Hierarchy – System.

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Presentation on theme: "Coronado Elementary School.  Monarchy – Government run by a single authority or person. Anarchy – Society without law or government Hierarchy – System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coronado Elementary School

2  Monarchy – Government run by a single authority or person. Anarchy – Society without law or government Hierarchy – System of person or things ranked one above another.

3 Coward – always lacking courage. Laggard – always responding or moving slowly Dullard – an dumb, insensitive person, dimwit

4 Herbicide –a substance used to kill plants especially weeds. Homicide – killing of one person to another. fratricide – a person who kills his / her brother Suicide – to kill one’s self.

5 Musician – A person skilled in music esp. a performer Politician – A person who holds a political office; statesman Beautician – A person trained to style hair; hairdresser Physician – A doctor of medicine

6  Arthritis – chronic inflammation of the joints  Tonsillitis – swelling of the tonsils  Appendicitis – swelling of the appendix

7  Aquarium – glass tank or bowl where water creatures like fish and plants live  Aquatic – living or growing in water.  Aqueduct – structure that carries water a distance usually through set of canals.

8 audience – group of spectators at a public event who listen and/or view the event. audition – a reading of a simplified rendering of theatrical work. Audiometer – instrument that measures a person’s hearing

9  Rebel – to resist authority, control or tradition.  Bellicose – eager to fight; hostile  Belligerent  Warlike; pertaining to war

10  Captivity – state of being held, imprisoned or confined.  Capture – to take by force; to seize Captivate – to attract & hold someone’s attention or interest. Captor = a person who has captured a person or thing

11  Incision – cutting into especially during surgery.  Incisors – teeth used for cutting. concise – to get to the point; brief. Cut out what is unnecessary.

12  Biography – written account about a person’s life. Biology – the study or science of life  Biochemistry  Science dealing w/ the chemistry of living matter.  Biogenesis – producing living organisms from other living organisms.

13 autobiography – a person who writes about his / her life story. autograph – a person who writes his / her own name. Automobile –car (literally – self mobile) automatic –having capability of starting, moving or operating on its own.

14  Porter –person hired to carry burdens or baggage.  transport – to carry or move from one place to another  Import – to bring in from one country (goods, people, etc.) to another.  deport – to send or carry off; to banish

15 Scribble –to cover w/ meaningless writing or marks. inscribe – to mark w/ words, characters, etc., especially in a durable way; to engrave describe – to tell or depict in written or spoken words. transcribe – to make an exact copy of a document, text.

16  Geology-science that deals w/ physical history of the earth.  Anthropology – science of humans and their works.  Entomology – the science of studying insects. Mythology – the science of myths – stories that deal w/ set of beliefs and traditions.

17 Dictation – writing words that spoken by another person. dictionary – book containing selection of words giving meanings, pronunciation, etc. Contradict – to speak or to assert the opposite of another predict – to declare or tell in advance.

18 Credit – source of pride; trustworthiness incredible- hard to believe; so extraordinary as to seem impossible credible- believable Incredulous –skeptical; showing disbelief.

19 Century – one hundred years Bicentennial – pertaining to or in honor of a 200 th anniversary Centimeter – one hundredth of a meter Centipede – anthropod with 100 legs

20 Neophyte – a beginner or a novice Neon – odorless gas; bright; luminous; (called – neon b/c new gas) neonatal- pertaining to newborn children

21  Adhesive – substance that sticks or clings to  Addition – act of adding two or more numbers into a sum; uniting  Addict – to cause to become dependent on a substance Advocate – to speak or write in favor of

22  Recede – to go away; to retreat  Proceed – to move or go onward; to continue  Secede- to withdraw formally from an organization  Concede – to acknowledge as true or just

23 Dismiss- to disperse or send away remiss – careless; slow in performing one’s business Missile- object or weapon for throwing, hurling or shooting like a stone, bullet, etc. missionary – person sent by church into an area to carry one evangelical work

24  Centripetal –directed toward the center  Centrifugal- moving from the center to the outside decentralize – to disperse from an area of concentration eccentric – odd; not having the same center

25 Bibliography – list of sources including books consulted in the preparation of a work / paper. bibliophile - person who loves or collects books. bibliophobia – person who hates or fears books

26  Anthropology –science that deals with the social customs and beliefs of mankind. Anthropoid – resembling humans  misanthrope – a hater of humankind

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