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Published byByron McKinney Modified over 9 years ago
Navy ISR Family of Systems: An Integrated Future
Purpose Provide an introduction to N2/N6O - Educate AO’s on the primary areas of tasking from CP - Provide advice on responding to N2/N6CP tasking ISR Capabilities Division 7 March 2012 1
CNO Tenets: Warfighting First, Operate Forward, Be Ready!
CNO Guidance Priorities: Remain ready to meet today's challenges, today Build a relevant and capable future force structure Take care of our Sailors, Civilians and their Families; recruit and nurture a motivated, relevant and diverse future force Unmanned systems continue to advance through demonstrations and early introduction of capabilities for operational use by warfighters. Deployed unmanned vehicles in the fight include Navy Broad Area Maritime Surveillance Demonstration, Fire Scout, Scan Eagle and the USMC Shadow and Cargo Resupply helicopter. Navy is adding increased sensor and payload capabilities for existing platforms and development efforts designed to support multiple warfare commanders continue with the Large Displacement Unmanned Underwater Vehicle, distributed netted sensors, and the Unmanned Carrier Launched Surveillance and Strike aircraft. The streamlined ISR capacity, capabilities that will be fielded in coming years will integrate with manned systems and produce increased reach, persistence, and battlespace effectiveness. CNO Tenets: Warfighting First, Operate Forward, Be Ready!
Guiding Principles for US Navy ISR
Increasingly sea based & unmanned Every platform is a sensor Every sensor is networked Data is discoverable & accessible by all Modular, scalable plug & play sensor payloads Common Unmanned Systems (UxS) Control Stations Common interfaces, data formats & standards Remoted automated sensors Navy has a set of principles that will guide our investments. These principles apply to all ISR platforms---unmanned systems in all domains. We’re introducing capabilities that will forever change our manned, unmanned capability mix. We think every air-capable ship (ship with deck and hangar) ought to have some UAS capability in the future to extend the ship’s horizon, maximize situational awareness, increase I&W, and improve weapons effectiveness. Ships are great assets to provide coverage in remote areas that are inaccessible to any other “eyes or ears”. Undersea, we look to remove the dependance of UUVs on host platforms – providing complimentary capability and capacity without tethering or restricting major combatants to their off-board sensors. This is the focus of our long endurance efforts. We view every platform as a sensor and the goal is to have every sensor networked, so valuable info is not stovepiped, hidden, or lost. Commanders at all levels (Navy, Joint, Coalition) need to be able to rapidly find and exploit sensor data to get inside opponents’ decision loops. We intend to mix and match payloads on our ISR “trucks” and be able to trade payloads between different ISR assets depending on the mission. To save costs and simplify training & ops, we are also developing common control capabilities, so individual stations can C2 multiple types of UAS (even Joint & NATO assets in the future). This effort relies heavily on commons standards among various programs. Farther on the horizon, we anticipate fielding smart sensors that require less “man in the loop” sensor control during missions (take advantage of advances in artificial intelligence) The Way Ahead: Increased Operational Access, Persistence, Flexibility, and Information Sharing 3
Navy ISR – Leveraging Unmanned Capabilities
Endurance Persistent ISR unfettered by crew & platform limitations Far Forward Expanded Area of operations into those inaccessible or hazardous to manned platforms Complementary Augments manned platforms to fill capacity gaps and reduce costs Within our manned-unmanned mix, the unmanned piece brings three key Characteristics: Endurance is critical. We do want systems that are not restricted by the need for frequent energy replenishment. But endurance also means that the platform and sensor performance is not fatigued in the third or eighth or fourteenth hour of the mission Unmanned system will allow us to operate far forward in areas that might be inaccessible or hazardous due to threat envelopes, natural limitations such as water depth, or man-made risks such as radiological or chemical agents. In today’s fiscal environment, we can provide a relatively less expensive but focused capability against specific targets while freeing the high-end capability of our multi-sensor manned platforms to take on the more complex challenges. ,,,
Family of Systems Approach
Airborne Information Dominance Corps Advanced Technology/Robust CONOPS Scalable Undersea Legacy Missions Remain Extending Endurance and Reach Surface Integrated into Future Fleet The introduction of unmanned systems is progressing across the three different realms – over, under, and on the sea. In the air, the Information Dominance Corps is now managing all of our naval Unmanned Air systems larger than Class I, which are the smallest of the systems. I’ll discuss specifics of our Family of Systems in a moment, but the terms shown here characterize what we are looking for from them. Under the sea, N2/N6 has taken the Navy from it’s “Strategic Pause” of the mid 2000’s into an era in which smaller legacy vehicles, such as small mine-hunting and special purpose UUVs will remain with their current resource sponsors. Our focus is now on large long-endurance vehicles that will capable of operating independently or in concert with manned platforms. We are leveraging ongoing work at the Office of Naval Research that will lead to a Large Displacement multi-mission UUV squadron in the fleet within the next decade. On the surface, the Navy and Defense agencies continue to examine a number of options in the USV realm, and those efforts will be matured as their CONOPS evolve. … Greater Flexibility Enhances Capability and Capacity
Airborne ISR Way Ahead ISR Increasingly Unmanned & Automated BAMS-D
UNCLASSIFIED Airborne ISR Way Ahead Today 2013 2016 2019 2022 BAMS-D Broad Area Maritime Surveillance Unmanned Air System (BAMS) EP-3 & Special Projects Aircraft (SPA) P-3 P-8 E-2C E-2D Navy Unmanned Combat Air System-Carrier Demonstration (NUCAS-D) Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) F/A-18E/F/G Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) BAMS: 5 Global Orbits (total procurement = 68 air vehicles), 4 vehicles/orbit to maintain 24/7 coverage up to 2000 nm from forward base. A total of 20 operational air vehicles over a 20 year period. IOC is in FY16. UCAS-D: First Flight planned 2013 UCLASS: 6-8 air vehicles per CVN, 4-8 integrated with 1st strike group in 2020 time frame. Analysis of Alternatives is ongoing Fire Scout: Designed for support to LCS with 1 H-60 and 1-2 Fire Scout each (total procurement = 168 air vehicles for 55 LCS). Currently, 3 air vehicles in Afghanistan supporting Army. Fire Scout SOF proof of concept on USS HALYBURTON FFG in Spring 2011 (missions off Africa). Navy planning to support Fire Scout dets on 2 FFG per year to support SOF orbits. Scan Eagle: Currently, 6 operational systems with 12 air vehicles each. Systems deploy on DDG and LSD, and ashore in support of SOF. H-60 Vertical Takeoff and Landing Unmanned Air Vehicle (VTUAV) Fire Scout Medium-Range Maritime Unmanned Air System (MRMUAS) Shadow Scan Eagle Small Tactical Unmanned Air System (STUAS) ISR Increasingly Unmanned & Automated UNCLASSIFIED 6 6 6
Naval UAV Inventory Plan PB13
UNCLASSIFIED Naval UAV Inventory Plan PB13 >6% reduction in air vehicles in FY20 when compared to PB12 In the next decade, Navy will experience a six-fold increase in air systems in the Fleet to meet a full range of warfighting requirements. Once commanders get a taste of ISR capabilities, they never look back except to wonder how they ever operated effectively without them (e.g., DDG & Scan Eagle) As you might imagine, the increased number of sensors, and the variety of sensor types we will employ from FMV to radar to SIGINT, will produce a high volume of collection that must be processed, exploited, and disseminated. Multiple Navy studies are underway examining different solutions for our TCPED needs. Those studies will guide our architecture in terms of what manpower needs to embedded in forward units, how much can depend on reach-back, and how the information will be efficiently exchanged, evaluated, and stored. -1 Scan Eagle System = 12 Air Vehicles 1 STUAS/Shadow System = 5 Air Vehicles Family of Systems Required to Provide Exquisite Situational Awareness UNCLASSIFIED 7
Naval UAS Capabilities
UNCLASSIFIED Naval UAS Capabilities 60,000 Sensors EO/IR FMV AIS RADAR APG SIGINT Comms Relay Weapons BAMS 50,000 40,000 Altitude / feet Sensors EO/IR FMV AIS RADAR APG SIGINT Comms Relay Weapons Sensors EO/IR FMV AIS RADAR APG SIGINT Weapons Sensors EO/IR FMV AIS RADAR APG SIGINT Comms Relay Weapons UCLASS 30,000 Sensors EO/IR FMV AIS RADAR APG SIGINT Comms relay Weapons 20,000 MRMUAS VTUAV STUAS with in-flight refueling 10,000 This chart shows at a glance the major UAS capabilities that Navy and USMC will be fielding in the next decade. All of these are sea-based assets except for Shadow and BAMS. UAS that are designed to employ weapons include UCLASS and MRMUAS, both of which have Beyond Line of Sight control and relays. A small number of Fire Scout VTUAV and Shadow will be weaponized. Every platform has EO/IR capability, a select few have radar sensors and comms relay attributes, and all may ultimately be equipped with some level of signals intercept capability. A special note on UCLASS, which will deploy from CVNs. UCLASS’s endurance will help fulfill the CSG commander’s off cycle ISR and strike coverage, which allows the manned air wing to run a normal 14-hr/day flight day, while relying on UCLASS at night to investigate contacts, keep the “picture” intact, and immediately respond to any contingencies or calls for fire. Sensors EO/IR FMV AIS RADAR APG SIGINT Comms Relay Weapons Shadow with rewing 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Effective Time On Station with max payload / hours Baseline threshold capability No programmed capability Limited numbers of platforms may have select capabilities APG – Airborne Precision Geolocation AIS – Automated Identification System UNCLASSIFIED 8 8
Navy UAS Operations in the Fleet
UNCLASSIFIED Navy UAS Operations in the Fleet Fire Scout USS Halyburton over 420 Flight Hours SOF and other combat support missions Afghanistan RC (North) over 1230 Flight Hours Counter piracy missions TCDL COMM Relay Remote Viewing Terminal exercised Conduct of dual H-60/VTUAV Ops Lessons learned to mature TTP Development Two FFGs for AFRICOM/SOCOM support FY12 Scan Eagle / ISR Services >170,000 flight hours supporting deployed forces. Identification of surface vessels ISO maritime domain awareness Surveillance of known smuggling and piracy areas Persistent coverage for counter-insurgency operations Route Survey Support Strike Support Surveillance and protection of high value infrastructure (OPLATs) Battle Damage Assessment The Navy is committed to testing and fielding capabilities as soon as possible to answer urgent calls for ISR support in the field. Exposure to operational environments early on provides a wealth of lessons that we can use to improve programmed capabilities. BAMS-D was designed to deploy for six months to NAVCENT in It’s still there, providing a ¼ of the Maritime Component Commander’s ISR needs when it flies. Strike Groups don’t transit the Strait of Hormuz unless it’s airborne. Navy Fire Scout have seen action supporting SOF missions, Operation Unified Protector in Libya, and in Afghanistan supporting Army units in a northern valley where access by fixed wing assets is not possible. Navy is readying Fire Scout to deploy on more surface combatants prior to LCS introduction to the fleet. Scan Eagle, the precursor to Navy STUAS, has been a reliable ISR capability for years and continues to provide excellent support for our DDGs and select LSDs afloat, as well as shore expeditionary and Special Forces units. All told, Navy has logged 50,000 combat flight hours with its family of UAS so far 9 UNCLASSIFIED
Navy UAS Operations in the Fleet
UNCLASSIFIED Navy UAS Operations in the Fleet BAMS-D Demonstration program with real world utility Provides the Fleet a persistent, high-altitude, multi-INT, maritime ISR capability Currently on its 32th month of a 6 month deployment > 6000 flight hours in CENTCOM AOR Providing direct, actionable intelligence Tactics, Techniques, Procedures Development UCAS-D Mature technologies for an unmanned air system to operate in a carrier environment Demonstrates technologies supporting a potential follow-on acquisition program for CVN-based UAS Surrogate testing with King Air and F/A-18 in CVN environment July 2011 First carrier landing with surrogate F/A-18 July 2011 First wheels-up flight Oct 2011 The Navy is committed to testing and fielding capabilities as soon as possible to answer urgent calls for ISR support in the field. Exposure to operational environments early on provides a wealth of lessons that we can use to improve programmed capabilities. BAMS-D was designed to deploy for six months to NAVCENT in It’s still there, providing a ¼ of the Maritime Component Commander’s ISR needs when it flies. Strike Groups don’t transit the Strait of Hormuz unless it’s airborne. Navy Fire Scout have seen action supporting SOF missions, Operation Unified Protector in Libya, and in Afghanistan supporting Army units in a northern valley where access by fixed wing assets is not possible. Navy is readying Fire Scout to deploy on more surface combatants prior to LCS introduction to the fleet. Scan Eagle, the precursor to Navy STUAS, has been a reliable ISR capability for years and continues to provide excellent support for our DDGs and select LSDs afloat, as well as shore expeditionary and Special Forces units. All told, Navy has logged 50,000 combat flight hours with its family of UAS so far 10 UNCLASSIFIED
Mid-Term COTS Mission UUV
Unmanned / Underwater System Roadmap Today 2014 2018 SURTASS ZEUS SMCM LBS AUV LBS Glider UUV LBS Glider Follow-on PLUS INP PLUS Fleet Asset LDUUV INP LDUUV LOC LDUUV Fleet Assets We are working a Family of mobile, fixed, and distributed netted systems to leverage the unique characteristics of the undersea environment and provide information dominance to our forces. Legacy systems in the mine warfare and environmental realms will continue to support their respective communities, as we utilize a number of existing demonstrations to mature CONOPS for our large displacement systems. The vehicles provided by the ONR Innovative Naval Prototype process will be used to train our cadre of operators and mature the CONOPS for our Program of Record system. I will talk about the technology needs that I foresee for these system in the coming slides. Enabling Concepts Development / CONOPS Development / Fleet Awareness & Feedback Mid-Term COTS Mission UUV PAMS Demo SWSS DNS Sensors ISR Increasingly Unmanned & Automated
LDUUV Vision By 2020 LDUUV will: By 2025 LDUUV will:
Initial Operating Capability (IOC) as an operational squadron Provide above water Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Leverage five years of operational lessons from developmental LDUUVs By 2025 LDUUV will: Achieve Full Rate Production I know that many of you have heard about the LDUUV and were looking for it in the recent budget. We are proceeding in a manner that is a bit different and leverages internal Navy investment in key technology areas before we embark on a full-up acquisition program. We, Navy and industry, have been down the road on major UUV programs over the last two decades and we want to learn from the lessons of those efforts. So, the approach we are taking will mature the CONOPS with Navy-developed vehicles, leveraging commercial vehicles where necessary, to demonstrate utility and gain support for the long-term vision. I am convinced that once these systems show their worth in the fleet, it will be a repeat of our Broad Area Maritime Surveillance Demonstrator – but we need to get to that point. Employ modular payloads for multiple missions in multiple areas Deliver capability for multi-launch platforms
Partnership with industry more important than ever
UNCLASSIFIED UxS Challenges Endurance Reliability Autonomy Platform Sensors PED Common Control Systems Common Systems Interoperability Reduced Install/Certification Timelines Navy faces many challenges with its growing unmanned family of systems. Achieving desired endurance always comes with tradeoffs. In our airborne systems size, observability, and payload become drivers. Under water, the mission profile, payload type, host platform safety certification issues, and launch and recovery issues are some of the bounds on reaching our endurance targets. High reliability is an absolute must. Operating machines for long periods of time in maritime environments is not easy. The design trades of reliability features (such as redundancy) versus cost are ones that we need to understand. We jointly need to deliver systems that commanders can trust to perform as advertised, particularly when delivering weapons or operating in sensitive areas. Greater autonomy is a function of technology—it will happen over time. We need to keep a weather eye on the legal ramifications of what we are fielding (ROE, accountability, etc). Key word is “common,” whether building control systems or data exchange networks and interfaces. We need to have an expansive view of this effort—it involves manned and unmanned systems, Navy and other service systems, US and allies/coalition systems. Navy TCPED architecture will be unique in some ways (hybrid), but we also hope to capitalize on infrastructure and capabilities already fielded by other services. TCPED must be smart, effective and affordable. Finally, we see a challenge in integrating all ISR capabilities (airborne, surface, subsurface; tactical, theater, and national) into a seamless network that is transparent to the Operational Commander. Key is to give the decisionmaker warfighting advantages, agnostic of platform type. Partnership with industry more important than ever UNCLASSIFIED 13
UAS Common Control System
Build These Once ! The COMMON UI & Presentation Layer (Common UI) Legacy App 1 Legacy App 2 Legacy App 3 Presentation Layer Governance and Business Rules Configuration Management Technical Interface Rules Airworthiness Process Information Assurance Safety O/S layer Service Bus Data Archiving Map Mission Planning UHF/VHF Management External Messaging Weather Service A Service B Service C SATCOM Weapon Rel Unique 3 Unique 1 Unique 4 Unique 2 STUAS C2 VTUAV C2 BAMS C2 Common AV C2 EO/IR C2 SAR Z X Y The UNIQUE COMPONENTS The COMMON COMPONENTS I want to take moment to elaborate a bit on two of the items I just hit at the high level. Some of you have seen Admiral Bill Shannon use this slide in describing where we are going with a Common Control System, and it is a great depiction. What is shown is a Scalable System with a goal of hosting on existing infrastructure where possible. The intent is a system in which the Framework consisting of configuration managed Business Rules and technical interfaces connects to applications such as Mission Planning, Maps and Data Archiving, communication protocols, and sensor interfaces with a common presentation layer. When you bring a new vehicle, your vehicle and sensor unique applications are plugged into a system that the operators already understand for planning and operations – minimizing the time and cost for software certification, operator training, and user incorporation in the tactical tool kit. Service Bus The FRAMEWORK 14
Commonality / Interoperability
Achieving a CCS solution will enhance interoperability opportunities but interoperability inherently encompasses a much broader spectrum of issues across combatant forces, networks, customers, etc. CCS Interoperability C2 / FMV / EO/IR / Radar / SIGINT / COMMINT . . . MRMUAS VTUAV STUAS BAMS UCLASS Governance Information Assurance and Security Management Hardware Performance Specification Infrastructure (O/S layer, Middleware) HMI Interface Public Interfaces Primary Mission Control Vehicle Specific Module X Vehicle Specific Module Mission and Task Planning Legacy Route Planning Dynamic Battlespace Sensor Product Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination Legacy Message Set FRED External Messaging and Communication System Support Consistent Presentation Layer UAS Manned The common control system will allow us to enhance interoperability across different UxS types as well as across different sensors and weapons carried by the vehicles. Just as the Common Control System will allow us to build once in the framework and leverage unique applications to minimize cost, exploiting commonality and interoperability across sensors and platforms will preclude the need to build mission-unique (read “stove-piped and expensive) systems as new mission areas evolve.
Summary Navy is on glide-slope to provide:
UNCLASSIFIED Summary Navy is on glide-slope to provide: Persistence via unmanned systems Capacity with more platforms and sensors Capability with automated sensors Flexibility with modular, scalable “plug & play” sensors Timeliness through effective TCPED process Connectivity through secure information sharing Navy is driving toward capabilities it has long suffered without: unmanned systems that provide unmatched persistence and visualization of the battlespace that will empower commanders at all levels. We intend to drive toward commonality wherever possible, because without it we cannot achieve the kind of interoperability upon which future operational success will depend. We must be ready to fight as a true team. We also need to architect a TCPED system that is affordable, but still meets our needs in terms of timeliness, accuracy, and availability of data, information, and intelligence. We recognize the unmanned revolution is underway, but Navy’s intent is to grow our capabilities in an evloutionary integrated fashion with manned platforms. Striking the right balance and mix is key to ensuring we provide maximum warfighting advantage to commanders at all levels. “Navy’s intent is to produce a family of capable, effective, and interoperable unmanned systems that integrate with manned platforms and ships to provide situational awareness and warfighting advantage to commanders at all levels” UNCLASSIFIED 16
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