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The Day after Tomorrow….. The Effects of Global Warming … … in different parts of the world.

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2 The Day after Tomorrow….. The Effects of Global Warming … … in different parts of the world.

3 Bangladesh Flooding More monsoon rain More Himalayan snow melt More river flooding.

4 Location of Bangladesh

5 Arctic Ice Melts Air temperatures warm (Global Warming) Because of the greenhouse effect … and the Arctic Ice Cap melts

6 The Arctic Ice melts And cools the warm North Atlantic Drift so it stops So the U.K. is no longer mild in winter…. … We get ice and icebergs!

7 Canadian Forests Like cold climates but lie south of the Arctic Trees here would suffer in warmer climates and drier conditions i.e. they would die out

8 Forest in British Columbia, Canada Increased risk of forest fire in drier weather


10 The Maldives and other low lying islands may be submerged To us in the U.K. Global warming might be an inconvenience but To the people of the Maldives it is a matter of life and death!

11 The Maldives lie in the Indian Ocean

12 The Sahel semi-desert drought zone May get even drier And become a desert as the Sahara spreads southwards. They people may be forced to move To become refugees Living in camps, begging for food, in the capital city

13 The Sahel Region of west Africa There is a greater and greater shortage of water


15 Beaches might disappear in the Mediterranean Sea area

16 As beaches get drowned Tourists stay away And hotels lose trade Tourism fails to bring in money.

17 The Mediterranean Sea coasts specialise in summer holidays … For sun starved visitors from northern Europe

18 As the Tropical seas get warmer So the risk of hurricanes increases Every late summer period.

19 The damage can be devastating Loss of life in poor countries Expensive damage to property in richer countries

20 People in richer countries have insurance But the extra damage Causes insurance companies to go bankrupt Or causes the companies to charge more so people cant afford insurance Insurance industry worried about global warming September 2, 1996

21 Florida, USA rich Caribbean islands Like Jamaica poor

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