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Everybody works together and is on the same page. Practice, practice, practice…”perfect practice makes perfect”. Very talented people in all the right.

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3 Everybody works together and is on the same page. Practice, practice, practice…”perfect practice makes perfect”. Very talented people in all the right places. Even when there is a mistake made, there is no panic…and it is corrected immediately…and you learn from it, so it does not happen again.


5 In order to get off this rock and get back what do you have to have? A GREAT NAVY!!!! AND THAT’S WHAT WE HAVE!!!

6 Practice, practice, practice…perfect practice makes perfect. {training} Everybody works together and is on the same page. {tactics} Talented people in all the right places {organization}. Even when there is a mistake made, there is no panic…and it is corrected immediately…and you learn from it, so it does not happen again. {a sense a tradition and a knowledge of history}

7 I want to invade England!!!! But first I need to take out the British navy… To be the man you have to beat the man!!!! WOOOOO!

8 October 21, 1805 Admiral Nelson hero for the British We did it!!!!


10 -Because England is an island, Napoleon needs to break through their navy -Because England is an island, they need to be a great navy to get off it and get back home. -Because England is an island it was saved.


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