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1 ENESCOM Project Partner 4 Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Civil Engineering Department of Economics and Management Lead Contractor of.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ENESCOM Project Partner 4 Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Civil Engineering Department of Economics and Management Lead Contractor of."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ENESCOM Project Partner 4 Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Civil Engineering Department of Economics and Management Lead Contractor of Work Package 2 Monteveglio - June 18 th and 19 th 2010 Mrs. Jana Frková, Eduard Hromada, Manfred Hellmich F

2 2 Content Introduction and background Understanding of our role Tasks in the WP 2 Our approach Drafts for implementation of the tasks Examples and illustrations ENESCOM ENESCOM

3 3 Our background The University founded 1707 with its 8 Faculties focused on education, research and technical support. Partners from the public and private sector. Introduction of the Faculty 5 500 students, 400 teaching and research staff, 27 Departments with research, information and management centres, Department of Economics and Management with its own research centre focused to Sustainable development of regions and involved into international projects co-financed through COST A17 Jean Monnet, ERASMUS, TEMPUS … Faculty of Civil Engineering

4 4 Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering

5 5 Our understanding of the role Methodical backup of the project partners, that means proposing guidelines, templates and technical support. Organizer of the Technical Meeting in Prague. Processing 2 common reports and a list of best practices based on D&I delivered by all partners. Supplier of data and information about the Czech target regions and municipalities. Communicator with Czech candidates of Covenant of Mayors. Disseminator of project outputs in the Czech Republic. Our role and approach Our role and approach M  II 1

6 6 Our tasks in the WP 2 Propose guidelines and templates for: data and information collection, data and information summarizing and evaluation, elaboration of analyses. Perform duties required of the Czech project partner. Our role and approach

7 7 Our approach Set up a system and put it into practice together with the project partners. Use approved methods available and intel- ligible to all. Ensure easy communication. Save time, work and effort for the project partners. Our role and approach

8 8 Our approach Consider carefully the relevance of the tasks specified in WP 2 items 2.2 and 2.3 for the main objectives of the project. Concentrate the effort to key beneficiaries – municipalities /candidates to Covenant of Mayors. Minimize collection of data and information and analyses of general meaning. Our role and approach Our role and approach

9 9 The set of tasks of CB 4 Our role and approach Our role and approach Legend: D&I acquisition and evaluation Analyses Reports Meeting in Prague Meetings with Pioneers of CoM WP2, tasks 2.2 WP2, tasks 2.3

10 10 Our drafts for implementation of the tasks Data and information (D&I) collection Data = a collection of facts from which conclusions will be drawn (statistical data). Information = data presented within a context that gives meaning and relevance and which leads to increase in understanding. Collection of D&I Collection of D&I

11 11 Principles for D&I collection Collect proved and verified statements (official statistics, research outputs, analyses, …). When no verified statements available then ensure qualified assessments from professionals. Always mention the source. Concentrate to target regions and municipalities – candidates for Covenant of Mayors (see suggestion). Store D&I into Microsoft Office Excel Tables. Apply templates of Tables to ensure comparability. Collection of D&I Collection of D&I

12 12 The following D&I will be collected: 1.Main building typologies in the target municipalities ( apartment buildings, family houses, industrial, office and farm buildings, public buildings ). 2.Alimentation of buildings with gas in the target muni- cipalities 3.Type of Heating of Buildings in the target municipalities (solid, gas, liquid, district heating) 4.Alimentation of public and business road transports in the target municipalities (freight and personal transport). WP 2, task 2.2 Collection of D&I Collection of D&I

13 13 5. Energy consumption of economic branches (industry, agriculture, service facilities, transport and housing) in the target regions – NUTS II. 6. CO 2 emissions (industry, agriculture a service faci- lities, transport and housing) in the target regions – NUTS II (recom.: acquire other gaseous pollutants as well). 7. Installations already realized or in progress (thermic, photovoltaic, wind, water) in the target regions - NUTS II - typical examples. Collection of D&I Collection of D&I WP 2, task 2.2

14 14 8.Interventions of energy requalification on public and private buildings in the target regions - NUTS II - typical examples. 9.Current situation of renewable energy sources in the target regions NUTS II (current utilisation and potential for advance of share of RES). Collection of D&I Collection of D&I WP 2, task 2.2

15 15 7. 10.Inventory of national (NUTS I) and regional (NUTS II) regulations and plans (concepts, progr. directions …) and its efficiency for the target municipalities. 11.Inventory of existing barriers to energy sustainability and reduction of CO 2 emissions in the target munici- palities (caused by, main impact to different groups? …). 12.Inventory of existing supportive national and regional (NUTS II) tools to energy sustainability and reduction of CO 2 emissions and its effect to in the target municipa- lities (type, description, providers, beneficiaries …). 13.Selection of good practices concerning utilisation of renewable energy sources, energy sawing and CO 2 reduction in the target regions (NUTS II). Collection of D&I Collection of D&I WP 2, task 2.3

16 16 Summarizing and evaluation of D&I collected in the previous stage Principles Summary of important findings. Brief evaluation by using approved methods available and intelligible to all (such as ranking according to priorities, data comparison, critical collation) Keep off general political or journalistic proclamations, give clear statements and arguments Recording/logging of the message to the appropriate Table containing collected D&I. Collection of D&I Collection of D&I

17 17 Example of Template

18 18 Processing analyses Analysing is the process of breaking a complex topic into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it and completed by a clear conclusion. A recommended content is attached. Analyses Analyses

19 19 Principles Draw up the analyses according to the suggested / agreed contents and form. Carry it out as brief as possible with clear statements and arguments (tables, graphs, schemas). Mention the Tables from which are the D&I taken Use Microsoft Office Word Discussing the template A Analyses Analyses

20 20 1.Energy Consumptions of the Target Region. 2.CO 2 Emissions in the Target Region 3.Potential of the Target Region Concerning Renewable Energy Sources 4.Pertinence of National and Regional Plans and Regulations See file: Analyses - task 2.2 & 2.3.doc A Analyses Analyses WP 2, task 2.2 WP 2, task 2.3

21 21 Template Template

22 22 Required outputs: Common report on energy consumption and CO 2 emissions and needs/potentials in the 20 target regions – NUTS, documents from partners. Common report with the census of present local plans and regulations,projects and actions in the 20 target regions – NUTS, documents from partners. Collection of best practices of energy consumption and CO 2 emissions for the transfer among target regions - NUTS, documents from partners. Reports Reports II

23 23 Comparative Analytical Report – content Table of contents Objectives of the report EU policy context Information sources - D&I and Analyses from 14 Partners Methodological note Partners findings Summary and concluding remarks Annex tables Data sources Reports Reports II

24 24 Required outputs: Transnational technical meeting in Prague in January 2011. 14 local meetings with Pioneers of the Covenant of Mayors in each partners country Reports Reports II

25 25 Methodology specification: Definition of regions – NUTS 2 The same understanding of the terms „data aquisition, summarizing, eva- luation, analysing and reporting“. Communication among the CBs. Delivery of the documents for the Common Reports (in desirable quality, volume and time). ENESCOM ENESCOM

26 Thank you for your attention and your comments and recommendations 26 ENESCOM ENESCOM ENESCOM

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