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1 Lecture 3 (part 3) Functions – Cardinality Reading: Epp Chp 7.6.

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1 1 Lecture 3 (part 3) Functions – Cardinality Reading: Epp Chp 7.6

2 2 Outline 1.Cardinal Numbers 2.Equality of Cardinal Numbers 3.Definition: Finite sets, Countably Infinite sets, Uncountable sets. 4.Countable/Uncountable sets – theorems 5.Summary

3 3 1. Cardinal Numbers n Definition (Cardinal Number): Let S be any set. –Informally speaking, |S| denotes the number of elements in the set S. –Formally speaking, |S| is the cardinal number of the set.

4 4 1. Cardinal Numbers n Examples: –Cardinal Numbers of finite sets: |{}| = 0 |{a}| = 1 |{{{a}}}}| = 1 |{a,b,c}| = 3 –We will deal with cardinal numbers of infinite sets…

5 5 1. Cardinal Numbers n Note: –When you think of the number of elements in the set, you tend to think of ‘1,2,3,…’, and if you can’t give a number, you just say ‘infinite’. –DO NOT BRING this restricted idea of ‘number’ in here. –A Cardinal Number is a descriptive numerical object, generalized to include ALL SORTS OF SETS – FINITE OR INFINITE. In particular, cardinals describe ‘how many elements’ in INFINITE sets as well. As such it describes how infinite the set is. –So a ‘cardinal number’ is a more generalized definition of a ‘number’ as you have been taught in your previous math education.

6 6 2. Equality of Cardinal Numbers n Since cardinal numbers refer also particularly to infinite sets, we must define what it means for two sets (finite or infinite) to have the same cardinal number (hence same number of elements).

7 7 2. Equality of Cardinal Numbers n Definition (Equality of Cardinal numbers): –Set A has-the-same-cardinality-as and B iff there is a bijective function (1-1 correspondence) from A to B. –We write |A| ; |B|. n NOTE: it makes no difference whether A and B are finite or infinite,… our definition requires you to find a bijective function!

8 8 2. Equality of Cardinal Numbers n Theorem: –(; is reflexive): For all sets A, |A| ; |A| –(; is symmetric): For all sets A, B, if |A| ; |B|, then |B| ; |A| –(; is transitive): For all sets A, B, C, if |A| ; |B| and |B| ; |C|, then |A| ; |C|

9 9 2. Equality of Cardinal Numbers n Proof: –(; is reflexive): For all sets A, |A| ; |A| Is there a bijective function from A to A? Yes, id A, the identity function on A is a bijection from A to A. –(; is symmetric): For all sets A, B, if |A| ; |B|, then |B| ; |A| Assume that there is a bijection f from A to B. Then f -1 is a function from B to A, and is also a bijection (proven in last lecture 9.4.2, 9.4.3). So there is a bijection from B to A, and so |B| ; |A|

10 10 2. Equality of Cardinal Numbers n Proof: –(; is transitive): For all sets A, B, C, if |A| ; |B| and |B| ; |C|, then |A| ; |C| Assume that |A| ; |B| and |B| ; |C|. Therefore there is a bijection f from A to B and there is a bijection g from B to C. Therefore g o f is a bijection from A to C. (Theorem 9.4.1 last lecture). Therefore |A| ; |C|

11 11 2. Equality of Cardinal Numbers n Definition: –Since ; is an equivalence relation, we can make the following definition: –Sets A and B have the same cardinality iff either A has-the-same-cardinality-as B or B has-the-same-cardinality-as A. –We can now write |A| = |B| –There’s a slight subtle difference. The earlier definition ‘A has-the- same-cardinality-as B’ is a relation of the form A R B., of which we, at that point in time, have not proven that R is an equivalence relation.

12 12 3. Definition: Countability n Definition: –A sets S is finite iff it is empty, or if there is a natural number n such that S and {1,2,…,n} have the same cardinality. –A set is infinite iff it is not finite. –A set S is countably infinite iff |S| ; |Z + |. –A set S is countable iff it is finite, or countably infinite. –A set is uncountable iff it is not countable.

13 13 3. Countability finiteinfinite countableCountably infinite uncountable

14 14 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.1: Z is countable n Proof: (By definition of ‘countable’), we need to show: |Z| ; |Z + | Which means (by definition of ‘;’), we need to show that there exists a bijection from Z to Z + (or vice versa, since we know that if f is a bijection, then the inverse is also a bijection). Define f : Z +  Z such that n/2 if n is an even integer f(n) = -(n-1)/2 if n is an odd integer 1 2 4 6 7 5 3 0 1 2 3 -3 -2

15 15 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.1: Z is countable Is f injective? (Prove using the definition) –Assume f(a)=f(b) = k  Z Case 1: k  1 –Then f(a)=a/2 and f(b)=b/2. –Since f(a)=f(b), so a/2=b/2. Meaning that a=b. Case 2: k  1 –Then f(a)=-(a-1)/2 and f(b)=-(b-1)/2. –Since f(a)=f(b), so -(a-1)/2=-(b-1)/2. Meaning that a=b. –In either case, a=b Define f : Z +  Z such that n/2 if n is an even integer f(n) = -(n-1)/2 if n is an odd integer

16 16 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.1: Z is countable Is f surjective? (Prove using the definition) –Pick any k  Z. Is there a f(?)=k Case 1: k  1 –Then f(2k)=k Case 2: k  1 –Then f(-2k+1)=k –In either case, we can find an element in the domain that maps to the codomain. Define f : Z +  Z such that n/2 if n is an even integer f(n) = -(n-1)/2 if n is an odd integer

17 17 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.1: Z is countable We have proven that f is a bijection. n Let’s pause for a moment to consider this propositoin that we have just proven. Z is infinite. Z + is infinite. n Which is more infinite? Most would answer intuitively that Z contains more elements than Z +. n But your intuition must be in subjection to logic. And logic tells you that they both contain the same amount of elements: |Z| ; |Z + | (We can also write: |Z| = |Z + | )

18 18 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.2: The set of all even integers (denoted as 2Z) is countable. n Proof: (By definition of ‘countable’), we need to show: |2Z| ; |Z + | Which means (by definition of ‘;’), we need to show that there exists a bijection from 2Z to Z + (or vice versa). Define f : Z  2Z such that f(n) = 2n 0 2 4 6 -6 -4 -2 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 Now, f is a bijection from Z to 2Z. Which means that |2Z| ; |Z| But we have also shown that |Z| ; |Z + |. So |2Z| ; |Z + | (Since ; is transitive)

19 19 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.3: Q + is countable! n “Wait a minute!!!” (some of you might say…) “You mean that Q + contains the same amount of elements as Z + ???” n “The set of rationals and the set of integers contain the same number of elements?” n “It seems obvious that rationals out-number the integers right?” n WRONG!!!

20 20 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.3: Q + is countable! n Proof: (By definition of ‘countable’), we need to show: |Q + | ; |Z + | We will give a bijection from Z + to Q +. f(1) = 1/1 f(2) = 1/2 f(3) = 2/1 f(4) = 3/1 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 1/2 2/2 3/2 4/2 5/2 6/2 1/3 2/3 3/3 4/3 5/3 6/3 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 5/4 6/4 1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 6/5 1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6

21 21 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.3: Q + is countable! n Proof: (By definition of ‘countable’), we need to show: |Q + | ; |Z + | We will give a bijection from Z + to Q +. 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 1/2 2/2 3/2 4/2 5/2 6/2 1/3 2/3 3/3 4/3 5/3 6/3 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 5/4 6/4 1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 6/5 1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6 f(1) = 1/1 f(2) = 1/2 f(3) = 2/1 f(4) = 3/1 f(5) = 1/3 f(6) = 1/4 f(7) = 2/3 f(8) = 3/2 f(9) = 4/1 f(10) = 5/1

22 22 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.3: Q + is countable! n Proof: (By definition of ‘countable’), we need to show: |Q + | ; |Z + | We will give a bijection from Z + to Q +. 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 1/2 2/2 3/2 4/2 5/2 6/2 1/3 2/3 3/3 4/3 5/3 6/3 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 5/4 6/4 1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 6/5 1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6 f(1) = 1/1 f(2) = 1/2 f(3) = 2/1 f(4) = 3/1 f(5) = 1/3 f(6) = 1/4 f(7) = 2/3 f(8) = 3/2 f(9) = 4/1 f(10) = 5/1 f(11) = 1/5

23 23 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.3: Q + is countable! n Now, if we carry on, then –Every element in Z + will map to some rational –An element in Z + will be mapped to only one rational. Therefore, f is a function. 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 1/2 2/2 3/2 4/2 5/2 6/2 1/3 2/3 3/3 4/3 5/3 6/3 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 5/4 6/4 1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 6/5 1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6 f(1) = 1/1 f(2) = 1/2 f(3) = 2/1 f(4) = 3/1 f(5) = 1/3 f(6) = 1/4 f(7) = 2/3 f(8) = 3/2 f(9) = 4/1 f(10) = 5/1 f(11) = 1/5

24 24 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.3: Q + is countable! n Also note that –Every element in Q + appears in this 2D grid and will be associated with some Z + as we go down the grid in a zig-zag manner ( f is surjective). –An element in Q + will only be associated with only one element in Z + ( f injective). Therefore, f is a bijection from Z + to Q +. 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 1/2 2/2 3/2 4/2 5/2 6/2 1/3 2/3 3/3 4/3 5/3 6/3 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 5/4 6/4 1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 6/5 1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6 f(1) = 1/1 f(2) = 1/2 f(3) = 2/1 f(4) = 3/1 f(5) = 1/3 f(6) = 1/4 f(7) = 2/3 f(8) = 3/2 f(9) = 4/1 f(10) = 5/1 f(11) = 1/5

25 25 4 Countable/Uncountable sets n Q: What do we know so far? A: |2Z| ; |Z| ; |Z + | ; |Q + | n So far, all the infinite sets seem to be countable ( ‘equally infinite’ with each other). n Q: Is there some infinite set which is ‘more infinite’ (contains more elements) than another infinite set??? n A: Yes!

26 26 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.4: The set {x  R | 0  x  1} is uncountable. ‘Countable’ means ‘THERE EXISTS a bijection to Z +.’ ‘Not countable’ will then mean: ‘ NOT (THERE EXISTS a bijection to Z + ). ’ n Proof is essentially by contradiction, and it uses a technique called diagonalization. n By contradiction: –Assume there exists a bijection from Z + to {x  R | 0  x  1}. –…–… –Something contradictory arises.

27 27 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.4: The set {x  R | 0  x  1} is uncountable. n A: “Since you are insistent that there is a bijection… ok…, give me an example of a bijection… I’ll show you that it is contradictory.” B: “Ok… here is my bijection from Z + to {x  R | 0  x  1}.” 0. a 41 a 42 a 43 a 44 a 45 … a 4n …4 0. a 31 a 32 a 33 a 34 a 35 … a 3n …3 0. a 21 a 22 a 23 a 24 a 25 … a 2n …2 0. a 11 a 12 a 13 a 14 a 15 … a 1n …1 0. a 51 a 52 a 53 a 54 a 55 … a 5n …5 0. a 61 a 62 a 63 a 64 a 65 … a 6n …6 0. a 71 a 72 a 73 a 74 a 75 … a 7n …7 f

28 28 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.4: The set {x  R | 0  x  1} is uncountable. n A: “Now I’ll show you what’s so contradictory…” n We construct a new number d = 0.d 1 d 2 d 3 …d n … such that 0. a 41 a 42 a 43 a 44 a 45 … a 4n … 0. a 31 a 32 a 33 a 34 a 35 … a 3n … 0. a 21 a 22 a 23 a 24 a 25 … a 2n … 0. a 11 a 12 a 13 a 14 a 15 … a 1n … 0. a 71 a 72 a 73 a 74 a 75 … a 7n … 0. a 61 a 62 a 63 a 64 a 65 … a 6n … 0. a 51 a 52 a 53 a 54 a 55 … a 5n … 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 f d n = 1 if a nn  1 2 if a nn = 1 Observe that for each integer n, d differs in the nth decimal position from the nth real number in the list. So d is NOT in the list! But d is supposed to be in the list! (  )

29 29 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.4: The set {x  R | 0  x  1} is uncountable. n A: “However you order the reals between 0 and 1, I can always construct a real, which is not in your list. i.e. you will always miss out some real number in your function” 0. a 41 a 42 a 43 a 44 a 45 … a 4n … 0. a 31 a 32 a 33 a 34 a 35 … a 3n … 0. a 21 a 22 a 23 a 24 a 25 … a 2n … 0. a 11 a 12 a 13 a 14 a 15 … a 1n … 0. a 71 a 72 a 73 a 74 a 75 … a 7n … 0. a 61 a 62 a 63 a 64 a 65 … a 6n … 0. a 51 a 52 a 53 a 54 a 55 … a 5n … 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 f So any function from you propose from Z + to {x  R | 0  x  1} can never be a bijection! So {x  R | 0  x  1} is uncountable.

30 30 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.5: The set {x  R | 0  x  1} has the same cardinality as R. n Informal proof: 1/43/4 1/2 domain : {x  R | 0  x  1} 012345-5-4-3-2 R codomain f f

31 31 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.6: Any subset of any countable set is countable. Translate the statement: If B  A and A is countable, then B is also countable. NOTE: DO NOT think of finite sets. A and B can be infinite sets. n Proof: –Assume: B  A and A is countable –Either B is finite or B is infinite Case 1: If is B finite, then B is countable (by definition of ‘countable’). Case 2: If is B infinite, … B is countable –In either case, B is countable. There is a bijection from Z + to B.

32 32 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.6: Any subset of any countable set is countable. Z+Z+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 B  a2a2 = b 1 a5a5 = b 2 1 Z+Z+ A 2 3 4 5 6 a1a1 a2a2 a3a3 a4a4 a5a5 a6a6 f g

33 33 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.6: Any subset of any countable set is countable. n Proof (Continued): –Since A is countable, we have a bijection f : Z +  A (Let’s say that f(1) = a 1 ; f(2) = a 2 ; f(3) = a 3 … ) –Define a function g : Z +  B inductively as follows: Search through each element of A sequentially (Since A is countable) until an element of B is found. This must happen since (1) B  A and (2) B is infinite, so B  ) Call This element g(1). For each integer k  2, suppose g(k-1) has been defined, meaning that we have g(1) = b 1 ; g(2) = b 2 ; g(3) = b 3 … g(k-1) = b k-1 = a i. Starting with a i+1 search sequentially from a i+1, a i+2, a i+3,… until another element of is found B. Call this element g(k). This must happen since B is infinite and {g(1),g(2),g(3), …, g(k-1)} is finite.

34 34 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.6: Any subset of any countable set is countable. Z+Z+ Z+Z+ A B  1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 a1a1 a2a2 a3a3 a4a4 a5a5 a6a6 a2a2 a5a5 = b 1 = b 2 f g g is 1-1 since we only took out distinct elements. g is onto, since (1) Each search for g(k) continues from where the previous one left off, so every element of A is reached, and since (2) all elements in B are somewhere in A, so all elements of B will be eventually found. So is g a bijection.

35 35 4 Countable/Uncountable sets Theorem 4.7: R is uncountable. (Weaker version of theorem 4.5) Proof: Thm 4.6: If B  A and A is countable, then B is also countable. Contrapositive: if B is uncountable then … if B  A then A is uncountable. Choose B = {x  R | 0  x  1} and A = R. We know that B is uncountable (thm 4.4). We also know that B  A. Therefore A (which is R ) is uncountable.

36 36 5. Summary n What do we know so far? 1.|2Z| ; |Z| ; |Z + | ; |Q + | 2.|{x  R | 0  x  1}| ; |R| n Definition (Cantor): –|Z + | =  0 –|R| = c The symbol ‘  ’  is pronounced ‘aleph’ (the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet). We have shown that  0  c. (FACT) It can be proven that  0 is the first (i.e. the ‘least’/‘smallest’) infinite cardinal. (Definition) We let  1 be the least cardinal which is greater than  0 (the next biggest one after  0 ) (Unknown): Is  1 = c ??? (Cantor’s Continuum Hypothesis).

37 37 n End of Lecture

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