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שלום SHALOM Hello Goodbye peace. Objectives for this lesson Introducing ourselves Familiarize you with the Hebrew alpha –bet, different sounds and pronunciations.

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Presentation on theme: "שלום SHALOM Hello Goodbye peace. Objectives for this lesson Introducing ourselves Familiarize you with the Hebrew alpha –bet, different sounds and pronunciations."— Presentation transcript:

1 שלום SHALOM Hello Goodbye peace

2 Objectives for this lesson Introducing ourselves Familiarize you with the Hebrew alpha –bet, different sounds and pronunciations. Identifying some letters Saying some basic words and phrases

3 Shmi Dana שמי דנה My name is Dana Ani Dana אני דנה I’m Dana Korim lee Dana קוראים לי דנה I am called Dana Ma shimcha/shmech? ? מה שמך What is your name? Eich korim lecha/lach? ? איך קוראים לך What are you called?

4 I want to learn Hebrew because… m / f Ani rotse/rotsa li’lmod Ivrit ki… אני רוצה ללמוד עברית כי......

5 ma shlomcha/ shlomech? ? מה שלומך How are you? Tov toda, ve’atah/ ve’at? ? טוב תודה, ואתה / ואת fine thank you,and you? Beseder (ok) בסדר Metsuyan (fantastic) מצוין Kacka-kacha (so so) ככה ככה Sababa (GREAT) סבבה

6 שיר האלף - בית כולם לשיר בבקשה Please sing along

7 Hebrew Alef-Bet Direction of writing: right to left in horizontal lines Number of letters : 22 plus final letters Some letters (kaf, mem, nun, fe and tzadi) have a final form (sofit), which is used when they appear at the end of a word Long vowels can be indicated by the letters alef, vav, and yud. Short vowels (nikud) are not usually marked except in the bible, poetry and books for children and foreign learners

8 Sample texts in Hebrew Without vowels With vowels Cursive script

9 I’m cnfsd alrdy;pls cn I lrn Frnch instd? Rdng Rdng wtht vwls s nt tht hrd

10 Transliteration / Heblish ze rak ha’shi-ur ha’rishon sheli, ve’kvar ani medaberet(f) Ivrit metsuyan. Ivrit safa kala ma atem choshvim ? ch / kh/ h/ x - כ, ח

11 Alef bet practice flash-cards/ flash-cards/

12 Game time……

13 Quiz Famous people speak Hebrew

14 How Do you say……..? eich omrim? ? איך אומרים

15 Personal pronouns I ani(m/f) אני You atah(m) אתה You at(f) את He hu הוא She hi היא We anakhnu(m/f) אנחנו You atem( אתם You aten( אתן They hem( הם They hen( הן

16 0k&feature=related Shalom sesame

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