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Published byCarmel Price Modified over 9 years ago
Soreq Low energy particle accelerators activities in Israel Dan Berkovits April 10 th 2014 RECFA meeting @ TAU 1 Soreq
Outline VdG ion accelerators at the Weizmann Institute of Science Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility (SARAF) HUJI involvement in CLIC 2
Soreq The 3 MV Van de Graaff Accelerator at the Weizmann Institute TECHNICAL 3 MV p,d, 3 He and 4 He beams Up to 10 A particle current on target Three beam lines for experiments Easy operation SCIENTIFIC Low-energy nuclear reactions for astrophysics Neutrons via d-induced reactions on LiF Radioactive nuclei production Detector development Implantation for optical wave guides 3
Soreq 14 MV Tandem VdG accelerator @ WIS 1976-2007 G. Goldring, M. Hass and M. Paul, Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 14, No. 3 (2004) 3-13 Acceleration of all ions from protons (28 MeV) to actinides First 15 years: nuclear physics Last 20 years: accelerator mass spectrometry, coulomb explosion imaging of molecules and space devices radiation damage 4
Soreq The DANGOOR Research Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Laboratory @ WIS 0.5 MV Tandem Pelletron for 14 C dating 1 PhD Physics + 4 PhD users + 5 PhD students in Archaeology and Anthropology 5
Soreq SARAF Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility 6
Soreq 7 SARAFSAR AF SARAF – Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility To enlarge the experimental nuclear science infrastructure and promote research in Israel To develop and produce radioisotopes for bio-medical applications To modernize the source of neutrons at Soreq and extend neutron based research and applications
Soreq 8 SARAF Accelerator Complex ParameterValueComment Ion SpeciesProtons/DeuteronsM/q ≤ 2 Energy Range5 – 40 MeVVariable energy Current Range0.04 – 5 mACW (and pulsed) Operation6000 hours/year Reliability90% MaintenanceHands-OnVery low beam loss superconducting RF linear accelerator Phase I - 2009 Phase II
Soreq Target Hall (2019) Phase-I accelerator 2001 2010 Phase-II accelerator diffractometer Radiopharmaceutical linac Thermal n source 40 m radiography R&D 9
Soreq Nuclear Physics status in Israel Until a few years ago, there was a clear decrease of the number of nuclear physics researchers and students in Israel Senior researchers in Israeli academia formulated recommendations for improvement, which include the construction of SARAF as a world-class domestic scientific infrastructure that will attract new researchers and students In recent years we observe a trend reversal, which is attributed also to the expectations for the construction of SARAF 10
Soreq SARAF Scientific Research Potential 1. Search for physics beyond the Standard Model 2. Nuclear Astrophysics 3. Exploration of exotic nuclei 4. High-energy neutron induced cross sections 5. Neutron based material research 6. Neutron based therapy 7. Development of new radiopharmaceuticals 8. Accelerator based neutron imaging 11 I. Mardor, “SARAF - The Scientific Objectives”, SNRC Report #4413, May 2013
Soreq Fast neutrons Spallation vs. stripping spectra 40 MeV d-Li vs. 1400 MeV p-W, 0 deg forward spectra, 8 cm downstream the primary target 12 Area optimal for the (n, ) (n,p) (n,2n) (n,f) T. Hirsh PhD. WIS thesis 2012, T. Stora et al. EPL (2012) and D. Berkovits et al. LINAC12 Spallation Direct+stripping 10 x d+T generator
Soreq e+e+ e nucleus SARAF Phase II - “Day 1” (1/1) 40 MeV 5 mA CW protons and deuterons Two-stage irradiation target for light exotic nuclei (e.g., 6 He, 8 Li, 17-23 Ne) M. Hass et al., J. Phys. G. 35 (2008), T. Hirsh et al., J. Phys. NPA 337 (2012) Traps (e.g., EIBT, MOT) for study of exotic nuclei and beyond SM physics S. Vaintraub et al. J. of Physics 267 (2011), O. Aviv et al. J. of Physics 337 (2012) Liquid lithium target for fast and epi-thermal neutrons Nuclear astrophysics, BNCT, neutron induced cross sections G. Feinberg et. al., Nucl. Phys. A 337 (2012), Phys. Rev. C 85 (2012) S. Halfon et al. App. Rad. Isot. 69 (2011), RSI 84 (2013), RSI submitted (2014) 13 e Much room for improvement on Ne, towards per-mill precision MACS with 10 11 n/sec – 100 times FZ Karlsruhe G. Ron HUJI M. Paul HUJI
Soreq SARAF Phase II - “Day 1” (1/2) 40 MeV 5 mA CW protons and deuterons Neutron based radiography, tomography and diffractometry I. Sabo-Napadensky et al. JINST (2012) Radiopharmaceutical research and development I. Silverman et al. AccApp (2013), R. Sasson et. al. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. (2010) Neutron induced radiation damage on small samples and low statistic 14 Thermal neutron source 9 Be(d,xn) d beam Replacement of the Soreq 5MW research reactor H. Hirshfeld et al. Soreq NRC #3793 (2005), NIM A (2006)
Soreq Nuclear physics groups @ Phase-I # of students InstituteP.I.subject 3 Hebrew UniversityM. Paul Inter stellar nucleosynthesis SNRCA. Shor 4 Weizmann InstituteM. Hass decay study of exotic nuclei in traps for beyond SM physics Hebrew UniversityG. Ron SNRCT. Hirsh 3 U. Conn and YaleM. Gai Neutrons destruction of 7 Be to Solve the Primordial 7 Li Problem PSID. Schumann ISOLDE-CERNT. Stora SNRCL. Weissman Hebrew UniversityM. Paul Weizmann InstituteM. Hass 1 Hebrew UniversityM. Paul Accelerator based BNCT Hadasa HUJIM. Srebnik D. Steinberg 1 IRMM-JRCA. Plompen F.-J. Hambsch Generation IV reactors neutron cross section SNRCA. Shor SNRCA. Kreisel L. Weissman Deuterons cross section measurements NPI-RezJ. Mrazek 15
Soreq SARAF Phase II - Subsequent Upgrades 20 MeV/u sub-mA CW -NMR and more (e.g., COLTRIM, Reaction Microscope) Thin 238 U target + gas extraction + ECR + MR-TOF (IGISOL) Liquid D 2 O target for quasi- mono-energetic fast neutrons Cold and ultra-cold neutrons ~3 MV post accelerator + gas (He) target A compact 4 detector for distinct-spectra of and anti Acceleration of heavier ions, to higher MeV/u ~10 9 fission fragments / sec >300 events / sec
Soreq SARAF Phase-I 176 MHz linac 17 4-rod, 250 kW, 4 m, 1.5 MeV/u P. Fischer et al., EPAC06 2500 mm Beam 6 HWR =0.09, 0.85 MV, 60 Hz/mbar 3 Solenoids 6T, separated vacuum protons 4 MeV, deuterons 5 MeV M. Pekeler, LINAC 2006 EIS LEBT RFQ PSM 7 m Designed and built by RI/Accel
Soreq 18 A. Nagler, Linac2006 K. Dunkel, PAC 2007 C. Piel, PAC 2007 C. Piel, EPAC 2008 A. Nagler, Linac 2008 J. Rodnizki, EPAC 2008 J. Rodnizki, HB 2008 I. Mardor, PAC 2009 A. Perry, SRF 2009 I. Mardor, SRF 2009 L. Weissman, DIPAC 2009 L. Weissman, Linac 2010 J. Rodnizki, Linac 2010 D. Berkovits, Linac 2012 L. Weissman, RuPAC 2012 SARAF phase-I linac – upstream view
Soreq SARAF Phase-I linac status SARAF Phase-I is the first to demonstrate: 2 mA CW variable energy protons beam Acceleration of ions through HWR SC cavities 1.5 mA CW proton irradiation of a liquid lithium jet target for neutron production 19 Difficulties and challenges at high energy are caused by instabilities and space charge effects at the low energy front end A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (Laozi 604 bc - 531 bc)
A. Facco Baseline scheme with extended capabilities 2 injection lines for H,D, He and A/q=2 ions SARAF scheme up to 60 MeV/qSARAF scheme up to 60 MeV/q IPNO scheme from 60 to 140 MeV/q CEA scheme from 140 to 1000 MeV/q cw beam splitting at 1 GeV Total length of the linac: ~240 m H- H+,D+, 3 He ++ RFQ 176 MHz HWR 176 MHz 3-SPOKE 352 MHz Elliptical 704 MHz 4 MW H- 100 kW H+, 3 He 2+ 1.5 MeV/u 60 MeV/q 140 MeV/q 1 GeV/q B stripper foil stripper >200 MeV/q D, A/q=2 =0.47 =0.3 =0.09 =0.15 =0.65 =0.78 10 36316397 20 Proceedings of LINAC08, Victoria, BC, Canada
Soreq SARAF accelerator technology knowledge involvement in European large facilities EURISOL DS – FP7 SPIRAL2PP – FP7 -beam and more 21
Soreq SARAF Summary SARAF requires a new type of an accelerator SARAF Phase-I is in routine operation with mA CW proton beams Targets for high-intensity low-energy beams are under development and operation Experiments at nuclear astrophysics and nuclear medicine are ongoing Local SARAF Phase-I team: 7 PhD researchers at accelerator and targets development, 6 PhD students in nuclear physics and technologies and similar numbers at the users side in the universities, NDT community and radiopharmaceuticals laboratory 22
Physical mechanism for high-gradient breakdown Yinon Ashkenazy, Michael Assaf, Inna Popov, Sharon Adar Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Walter Wuench group, CLIC, CERN
Modeling origins of high gradient breakdown HG breakdown has a deterministic role in LINAC design. Recently it was suggested that mechanical stress leads to the creation of “surface emitters” but the mechanism leading to their formation is remains unknown thus, the search for improved LINAC cavity material is empirical. We employ stochastic model to analyze the physical origins of breakdown. Using this method we are able to reproduce experimentally observed accelerating field dependence Accelerating gradient (in nomralized units) BD probability analytical and simulations results Experimental exp = 1.6 Simulated pre breakdown signal variation
Modeling origins of high gradient breakdown Experimental results from dedicated measurements in CLIC (DC and RF systems) are analyzed and compared to the model. A new system is being designed that has the potential to generate identify unique pre-breakdown signal. Microscopy shows indications of pre-breakdown surface “buildup” and formation of “surface emitters” Large scale image of pre-breakdown region Zoom in: surface emitter formation Sample produced in cern using the CLIC DC test system by I. Profatilova
Soreq END 26
Soreq Production of radiopharmaceutical isotopes Today, most radiopharmaceutical isotopes are produced by protons Deuterons Production of neutron-rich isotopes via the (d,p) reaction (equivalent to the (n, ) reaction) Typically, the (d,2n) cross section is significantly larger than the (p,n) reaction, for A>~100 27 Hermanne Nucl. Data (2007) I. Silverman et al. NIM B (2007) 27
Soreq Radioisotopes [1] Medical Use 64 Cu 89 Zr 111 In 124 IDiagnostics 68 Ge ( 68 Ga) [2] 99 Mo ( 99 Tc) Diagnostics Generator 225 Ac (alpha) 177 Lu (beta) [3] Therapy SARAF Phase-II currently preferred options 28 [1] A. Dahan et al., Center of Targeted Radiopharmaceuticals – proposal, November 2011, submitted to TELEM [2] Irradiation target: I. Silverman et al. AccApp 2011, Medicine: R. Sasson, E. Lavie.; et. al. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 2010, 753 [3] A.Hermanne, S.Takacs, M. Goldberg, E.Lavie, Yu.N.Shubin and S.Kovalev, NIM B 2006
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