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Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Critical Communication What is needed most? Spectrum TETRA + Critical Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Critical Communication What is needed most? Spectrum TETRA + Critical Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Critical Communication What is needed most? Spectrum TETRA + Critical Communication Association 1

2 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Mission Critical Communication ‘Mission critical operations’ for PPDR organisations address situations where human life and goods (rescue operations, law enforcement) and other values for society are at risk, especially when time is a vital factor. – This means we define ‘mission critical information’ as the vital information for PPDR to succeed with the operation. – ‘Mission critical communication solutions’ therefore means that PPDR needs secure, reliable and available communication and as a consequence cannot afford the risk of having failures in their individual and group communication (e.g. voice and data or video transmissions).

3 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Mission critical communication solutions Secure, Reliable and Available. Individual communication- voice and data or video Group communication - voice and data or video

4 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Secure Confidentiality Authenticity Integrity Availability Accountability (Non repudiation)

5 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Reliable No single point of failure Graceful degradation Available Can be trusted Deterministic vs Opportunistic

6 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Available – reliable - trusted Go-Go – Government has full control – The safe historical way of operating Co-Co – Full outsourcing – Requires very specific SLA’s and legal constraints Go-Co – Outsourcing of Build and Operate. – Requires very specific SLA’s and legal constraints

7 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Outsourcing ?

8 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Obstacles when outsourcing Coverage – coverage – coverage. Specific functions – Group – uplink centric Service Availability – MTBF – MTTR – uptime - Legal - Resilience Design – Power – backhaul – security - trust Need to be in Control

9 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Legal conditions used today Ownership of the operator company has to be approved and no change in ownership is allowed until re-approved. The owner(s) shall guarantee the contract. Any transfer of shares, merger, demerger, change of capital etc. will need to be approved. Any service defect in this kind of service provision – particular in extreme situations - may cost lives or put national security at risk. Definition of “Force majeure” is usually restricted and certain events are excluded altogether.

10 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Legal conditions used today (2) Operator staff including sub-contractors must be security approved and have special employment contract reflecting the extraordinary service conditions i. e. no right to strike. Extraordinary penalty regime for non- performance – also applicable in extreme situations.

11 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Any volunteers ?

12 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Decission tree Mission Critical Operations possibleNO Mission Critical Operations possible Any Volunteers? YES NO CO-CO Government Owned Government Operated Government Owned Company Operated Company Owned Company Operated Dedicated spectrum GO-CO GO-GO

13 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Conclusion Dedicated spectrum is required – ‘Mission critical operations’ for PPDR organisations address situations where human life and goods (rescue operations, law enforcement) and other values for society are at risk, especially when time is a vital factor. Harmonised spectrum will provide a multi-vendor market with industry investments, innovation and competition. Harmonised dedicated spectrum is the goal.

14 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association Who will decide ? Politicians – Minister of Finance – Minister of Interior Regulators Chief’s Peers

15 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association What will convince them ? Economics – Efficiency – Cost effective Disasters Societies vulnerability Security

16 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association How do we do it ? Create set of solid arguments Create group of ”convinced influencers” Create ”PPDR Coalition” – TCCA, PSC-E, British APCO, FEU, ?? Be ready for the next disaster  User pressure IT Security & Vulnerability

17 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association TCCA Board decision Initiative under umbrella of CCBG ’Spectrum coordinator’ Lobby for sufficient harmonised spectrum for PPDR at WRC (previous TCCA position as published)

18 Presentation on behalf of the TETRA + Critical Communications Association What can you do User – Raise the issue with your top management – Have your top management talk to their management and to regulators and politicians. PPDR Operator – Raise your voice with your regulator – Explan that mission critical operations require dedicated spectrum.

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