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Lecture 2: Computer-Supported Collaborative Design Tools & Technologies Dr. Xiangyu WANG August 4 th, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 2: Computer-Supported Collaborative Design Tools & Technologies Dr. Xiangyu WANG August 4 th, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 2: Computer-Supported Collaborative Design Tools & Technologies Dr. Xiangyu WANG August 4 th, 2008

2 Outline  Tools  Classification

3 Facts about tools  What happens in face-to-face communication/collaboration?  Non-verbal cues: spatial orientation, body posture, hand gesture, glancing, gaze and eye contact, facial expression, awareness of others, non-verbal turn-taking cues.

4 An example of what has been enhanced TelephoneVideoconferencingWeb conferencing

5 Concepts  Synchronous: It provides the necessary mechanisms for people working together as if they were working face-to-face, All the persons sharing the workspace can view and update the same work space concurrently, Examples: face to face, videoconferencing, audio conferencing, ICQ, MSN Messenger  Asynchronous: It means that interactions among people are not in real- time, Normally, only one person at a time can access the workspace, viewing and modifying its contents, Example: Email, blogs, wiki, intranets

6  From:

7 Tools  An example of social network/map tool: frappr-

8 Tool lists that will be discussed  Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs)  Google Docs  Twitter  Microsoft Surface

9 Tools  Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) are computer-enabled, distributed virtual spaces or places in which people can meet and interact with others, with agents and with virtual objects.

10 Tools  Google Docs: an online document editing and sharing tool:

11 Tools  Twitter: communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?

12 Tools  Microsoft Surface:

13 Classification of technologies  Based on the notions of time and space

14 Class exercise: put the following tools into the time/place matrix  Wiki  Email  Web conferencing  Online forum  Mailing list  Instant messaging  Physical bulletin board in the hallway  Chat room  Shared Whiteboard  Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs)  Microsoft Surface  Social map/tool (Frappr)  Google Docs  Facebook  Twitter

15 Same time Different times Same place Different places Microsoft SurfacePhysical bulletin board Web conferencing Instant messaging Chat room Shared Whiteboard CVE Google Docs Twitter Facebook Frappr Email Wiki Mailing list Twitter Facebook Google Docs Online forum

16 Affordances of communication media (Kraut et al. 2002 )  Different media/technologies provide different affordance or resources that shape communication.

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