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Jack LaytonJack Layton Logging InLogging Off Opening Emails Forwarding Emails Deleting Emails Microsoft Outlook Website.

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Presentation on theme: "Jack LaytonJack Layton Logging InLogging Off Opening Emails Forwarding Emails Deleting Emails Microsoft Outlook Website."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jack LaytonJack Layton Logging InLogging Off Opening Emails Forwarding Emails Deleting Emails Microsoft Outlook Website

2 Jack Layton Logging In Sign in using your username, “BTECEmail##” (Replacing ## to your unique number) and your password, “btecemail”. Enter the following into your address bar: Home

3 Jack Layton Opening Emails Right Click on your new E-Mail and select “Open”. This will open your E-Mail just to the right of your inbox. Home

4 Jack Layton Forwarding Email Right click on your Email in which you wish to forward to another contact, and select “Forward”. A new window will open. Next to “To…” you can either click on “To…” and select a contact or write the contacts name in the bar. Edit the Email if you wish, then click. Home

5 Jack Layton Deleting Emails Simply right click on your Email you wish to delete and click “Delete”. Be warned, this will show up in. To completely delete your Emails, click on “Deleted Items” and then once again, delete your Email. Home

6 Jack Layton Logging Off Always remember to log off when finished with your Emails, as if your are on a shared computer, people could read your Emails and/or send Emails to your contacts. You can achieve this by clicking the button in the top right corner of your Emails. Home

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