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OUTLOOK – TIME SAVING TIPS. KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Ctrl+R: reply to email Alt+R: reply to all in email or switch to the work week calendar view Alt+W: forward.

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Presentation on theme: "OUTLOOK – TIME SAVING TIPS. KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Ctrl+R: reply to email Alt+R: reply to all in email or switch to the work week calendar view Alt+W: forward."— Presentation transcript:


2 KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS Ctrl+R: reply to email Alt+R: reply to all in email or switch to the work week calendar view Alt+W: forward email or switch to the weekly calendar view Ctrl+M: F9 to Send/Receive all Alt+S: Send email Ctrl+G: open the "Go to date" dialog to jump to any date in the calendar You can also switch between mail, calendar, contacts, and other items in the navigation pane by hitting Ctrl + [the place number of the item], e.g.:

3 CREATE A NEW ITEM FROM YOUR CLIPBOARD.  Copy any text to your clipboard  In Outlook press Ctrl-V. Outlook creates a new message (or note or whatever item, depending on the folder you're viewing) with the text already pasted. So instead of creating a new item in Outlook, and then copying and pasting text in, you do both in one step.

4 QUICK STEPS Quick StepAction Move to:Moves the selected message to a mail folder that you specify and marks the message as read. To ManagerForwards the message to your manager. If your organization uses Microsoft Exchange Server, your manager's name is detected in the Global Address List and inserted in the "To" box, or you can specify the recipient. Team E-mailForwards the message to others in your team. If your organization uses Microsoft Exchange Server, your team members names are detected in the Global Address List and inserted in the "To" box. DoneMoves the message to a specified mail folder, marks the message complete, and then marks it as read. Reply & DeleteOpens a reply to the selected message, and then deletes the original message. Create NewCreate your own Quick Step to execute any sequence of commands, name it, and then apply an icon to help you identify it.

5 CREATE A QUICK STEP In Mail, on the Home tab, in the Quick Steps group, in the Quick Steps gallery, click the Create New Quick Step. Click an action type from the list or click Custom. In the Name box, type a name for the new Quick Step. Click the icon button next to the Name box, click an icon, and then click OK. Under Actions, choose an action that you want the Quick Step to do. Click Add Action for any additional actions. To create a keyboard shortcut, in the Shortcut key box, click the keyboard shortcut that you want to assign. NOTE New Quick Steps appear at the top of the gallery on the Home tab in the Quick Steps group. Although changed Quick Steps keep the same location in the gallery, you can rearrange them in Manage Quick Steps.


7 QUICK PARTS - UNDER "INSERT/TEXT" Insert preformatted text, auto-text, document properties, and fields anywhere in the document. To reuse content in your document, select it and save it to the Quick Part Gallery. Create an email, appointment, meeting, contact, or task. Click Insert > in the Text group > click Quick Parts.




11 VOTE Accept or reject Or customize Tracking Reponses

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